
The Friendship Team

"The Friendship Team" is the fifty-fifth episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It originally aired on Playhouse Disney on April 4, 2009, and is the twenty-eighth episode in the second season.


Detective Minnie and Secret Spy Daisy search for missing party hats for the clubhouse's Friendship Day celebration.



  • Mouseke-Talkies
  • Pretty ribbons
  • Sparkly candles
  • A set of shape wrenches (Mystery Mouseketool)


  • Minnie and Daisy's alter egos, Detective Minnie from "Minnie's Mystery" and Secret Spy Daisy from the episode of the same name, are joined together in this episode. It's the second time Minnie and Daisy's alter egos are shown.
  • Minnie and Daisy now announce the title of this episode after the opening sequence.
  • This is the last episode to use the "Oh Toodles" voice clip from "Secret Spy Daisy".
  • Mickey has two alternate lines before two Mousketool segments.
    • "You know what to do.", said before getting the Mouske-Talkies.
    • "And who do we call for a mousketool?", said before getting the Mystery Mousketool (Shape wrenches).
  • Mickey's party hat resembles the Sorcerer's Hat from Fantasia.
  • This episode aired on the same day Special Agent Oso premiered.
  • This episode was produced in 2008, according to the credits.

End credits

  • Recapping how many party hats the Friendship Team found and the shape they were made in.
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