"The Rise of Doc Ock" is a four-part episode of the first season of Disney XD's Spider-Man, compromising of the fifteenth to eighteenth episode. The first two parts aired on January 21, 2018, and the third and forth aired on January 28, 2018. It was written by Kevin Burke & Chris "Doc" Wyatt, Mike Fasolo, Kevin Shinick and Sterling Gates and directed by Sol Choi and Dan Duncan.
When Otto Octavius is caught in an explosion that fuses his robot arms to his body, Spider-Man sees the opportunity to recruit “The Octopus” into becoming a hero. (Part 1)
Spidey invites The Octopus to patrol the streets alongside Miles and himself until it becomes clear that Otto isn’t exactly a team player. (Part 2)
Peter spends a day at Oz Academy in the hopes of finding a clue that will convince Harry that his Dad is out to destroy Spider-Man. (Part 3)
Spider-Man must team up with Gwen Stacy and a reluctant Harry Osborn to investigate the truth behind the missing Raymond Warren aka the Jackal. (Part 4)
See Also