"The Swede Life" is the thirty-fourth episode of The Suite Life on Deck. It premiered on December 4, 2009 and is the thirteenth episode of the second season.
Zack, Cody, London, and Bailey visit Martensgrav, a Swedish town founded by the twins' ancestors (portrayed by Dylan and Cole Sprouse), only to discover the townsfolk consider the great Martin family as villains. Meanwhile, Marcus and Mr. Moseby want to visit a museum for the Swedish pop group ABBA, but get stuck at a Swedish furniture store, Umaka (a spoof of Ikea) in search of a missing screw for Moseby's Swedish nightstand.
Main cast
- Cole Sprouse as Cody Martin
- Dylan Sprouse as Zack Martin
- Brenda Song as London Tipton
- Doc Shaw as Marcus Little
- Debby Ryan as Bailey Pickett
- Phill Lewis as Marion Moseby
Guest stars
- Ed Begley, Jr. as Mayor Ragnar
- Katie Gill as Dorta
- Mary Kate McGeehan as Helga
External links