"The Wheel Near My Bed (Keeps on Turnin')" is the twenty-eighth episode of the third season of the Disney Channel series Hannah Montana and the eighty-third episode of the series overall. It aired on January 10, 2010. It was written by Jay J. Demopoulos & Steven James Meyer and directed by Bob Koherr. The title is a nod to the song "Wheel in the Sky" by Journey, with the lyrics "Ooh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'."
Lilly is invited to stay at the Stewarts' house when her mom gets a job in Atlanta. Miley is at first happy that Lilly will be staying, as she sings "Roomies" to a conga dance with her, but gets annoyed quite quickly. This is due to many things. One is that Lilly is a restless sleeper, and another is that she talks on the phone with Oliver during the night when Miley is trying to sleep. The last thing is that her hamster runs on a squeaky wheel, slurps up water, urinates, then repeats this process during the course of the night. The next morning, Miley tells her dad that she does not like the sleeping arrangements while Lilly is supposedly at the beach, but Lilly hears this, as she came back to get her sunscreen. Sadly, Lilly moves to her dad's apartment, which is small and has only one room. Miley visits her, and tells her that she only said that because she was cranky, and the girls make up.