"We Belong Together" is a song from the 2010 Disney/Pixar animated film Toy Story 3 written and performed by Randy Newman, listed as Track 1 on the Toy Story 3 soundtrack. A portion of the song is heard during the end credits of the film. The song won an Academy Award for Best Original Song, being Randy Newman's second song to win one, with the first being "If I Didn't Have You" from Pixar's 2001 film Monsters, Inc., and also won the "Best Original Song written directly for a film" award at the World Soundtrack Awards. Making this the first and only song from a Toy Story movie to win an Oscar for Best Original Song while Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were also nominated for the "Best Original Song" award with "You've Got a Friend in Me" and "When She Loved Me", but lost to "Colors of the Wind" and "You'll Be in My Heart" from Pocahontas and Tarzan respectively.
Don't you turn your back on me
Don't you walk away
Don't you tell me that I don't care,
'Cause I do!
Don't you tell me I'm not the one
Don't you tell me I ain't no fun
Just tell me you love me like I love you
You know you do
When we're together
Gray skies clear up
And I cheer up to where I'm less depressed
And it's sincerely from the bottom of my heart
I just can't take it when we're apart
We belong together
We belong together
Yes, we do
You'll be mine forever
We belong together
We belong together
(You) know it's true
(It's) gonna stay this way forever
Me and you
If I could really talk to you
If I could find a way
I'm not shy
There's a whole lot I wanna to say
(Oh of course there is!)
Talk about friendship and loyalty,
Talk about how much you mean to me
And I'd promise to always be by your side
Whenever you need me
The day I met you
Was the luckiest day of my life
And I'll bet you feel the same
(At least I hope you do)
So don't forget
If the future should take you away
That you'll always be part of me
We belong together
We belong together
Wait and see
It's gonna be this way forever
We belong together
We belong together
We'll go on this way forever
You and me
You and me
- This song makes Toy Story 3, so far, the only Toy Story movie to win the Academy Award for Best Original Song and the first Pixar movie to win more than one Oscar.