Zap, also known as Experiment 603, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He is designed to be a living laser bolt. He was captured by Gantu, but was rescued in "Snafu".
Physical appearance
Zap is a neon yellow living laser whose body is only of a face and a lightning bolt-shaped tail. He has lightning-shaped antennae, dark blue eyes with lightning-shaped pupils, a round brown nose, a wide mouth with sharp teeth and a green tongue, and two brown stripes on his back. He also has an electric aura surrounding him.
Powers and abilities
Zap can hover in place, and move side to side without moving forward, similar to a helicopter. Also, like an ordinary laser bolt, he can fly and bounce off surfaces, and is capable of destroying _targets at incredibly high speed.
Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Experiment 603 was the 603rd genetic experiment created by Jumba with Hämsterviel's funding. He was designed to act as a living laser bolt. 603 and the other first 624 experiments were deactivated and smuggled to Earth by Jumba during his mission to capture Experiment 626.
All of the experiment pods were released and scattered across the island of Kauai.
At an unknown point after this, Experiment 603 was activated.
In "627", 603 attacked a farmhouse, but was defeated when Stitch trapped him in a containment orb. However, Gantu and 627 arrived shortly after, and both easily managed to take 603 from an inattentive Stitch. 603, named Zap, was later seen multiple times flying around Gantu's ship.
Zap reappeared in "Snafu", and was freed along with Gantu's other captive experiments by Lilo, Stitch, and several other experiments in a rescue mission.
Leroy & Stitch
The first 624 experiments, including Zap, were rounded up by Leroy and taken to a stadium to be destroyed. However, Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, Pleakley, Reuben, and Gantu arrived before the experiments could be destroyed.
Zap participated in the following battle between the experiments and the Leroy clones.
The Leroys soon gained the upper hand in the battle, but were defeated when Lilo, Stitch, Reuben, and several other experiments performed the song "Aloha ʻOe", which caused the Leroy army to shut down due to the original Leroy's fail-safe.
Zap made a cameo appearance in the Stitch! anime as one of the experiments in Hämsterviel's prison cell.
- Zap was activated off-screen.
- Zap is one of three known limbless experiments, the other two being Slimy and Cloudy.
- Zap and Sparky are the only known experiments with primary functions directly involving electricity, and both of their names relate to electricity as well.
- Zap, Remmy, Cloudy, Welko, and Shrink are the only known experiments that are always seen levitating.
- Phantasmo and Witch primarily levitate, but often possess objects or living beings to move by other means. Tickle-Tummy is also able to levitate, but has been seen bouncing as well.
- In "Snafu", when Lilo is updating her logbook of experiments that have found their "one true place", one of the photos yet to be placed in the book is Zap. However, Zap is still a prisoner of Gantu, and at the end of the episode, we see him escape with the others. Thus, it makes no sense for Lilo to count him in the list of successfully rehabilitated experiments.
- Zap is one of the few experiments to not have his one true place revealed.
- He is also one of the few experiments to not appear in the group photo at the end of Leroy & Stitch.
Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Leroy & Stitch