The individual fall risk of a patient is often multifactorial. Polymedication contributes to an additional risk of fall-risk-increasing adverse reactions (FRIARs). Previous studies have not sufficiently investigated the complexity facing prescribers when balancing the therapeutic benefits of individual drugs against their potential fall risk.
An expert panel identified drugs with FRIARs based on the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC). These FRIARs and other parameters (such as the total number of drugs, dosage, dose adjustments, and drug changes) were then analyzed for their impact on falls in a case-control study using logistic regression.
During a 1-year period, 112 (1%) of 11,481 hospital patients experienced at least one fall event. Complete data was available for evaluation from 87 of them (case group). We matched these patients to another 87 patients who had no fall events (control group). FRIAR drugs were more frequently prescribed in the case group (4.26 (Q25–Q75, 3.75–4.78) per patient; p = 0.033) than in the control group (3.48 (2.97–3.99)). Drugs with FRIARs (β = 0.137; p = 0.035) and the total number of FRIARs (β = 0.033; p = 0.031) increased the fall risk. The total number of drugs, dosage, dose adjustments, and drug changes showed no influence.
FRIARs were associated with a higher number of falls. To consider FRIARs offers a chance to address the complexity of the individual medication. This data can support future computerized physician order entries with clinical decision support.
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We thank all physicians and nurses in the participating departments for their helpful support in this study and Professor Benjamin R. Auer, Ph.D., for statistical guidance and Katharine Worthington, Jena M. Gaines, and Professor Astrid Bertsche, M.D., for language editing.
This study was financed by the institutions as mentioned above and was performed without third party funding.
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Susanne Schiek contributed to the study conception, analyzed and interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript.
Katja Hildebrandt contributed to the study conception, collected and analyzed the data, and revised the manuscript.
Olaf Zube initiated the study, contributed to the study conception, and revised the manuscript.
Thilo Bertsche contributed to the study conception, interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript.
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Schiek, S., Hildebrandt, K., Zube, O. et al. Fall-risk-increasing adverse reactions—is there value in easily accessible drug information? A case-control study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 75, 849–857 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00228-019-02628-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00228-019-02628-x