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Gene expression profiles of laser-captured adjacent neuronal subtypes

A Correction to this article was published on 01 March 1999

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Figure 1: Laser capture microdissection from Nissl-stained sections (10 μm in thickness) of adult rat large and small DRG neurons.
Figure 2: cDNA microarray expression patterns of small (S) and large (L) neurons.
Figure 3: Representative fields of radioisotopic in situ hybridization of rat DRG with selected cDNAs.


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We thank K. Witmeyer, K. Flores, J. Chambers, A. Leung and V. Le for their technical assistance.

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Luo, L., Salunga, R., Guo, H. et al. Gene expression profiles of laser-captured adjacent neuronal subtypes . Nat Med 5, 117–122 (1999).

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