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  • Original Communication
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Evaluation of the effects of a new fermented milk product (Gaio) on primary hypercholesterolemia


Objective: To verify the effects on the lipid profile of a product of fermented milk (Gaio®) in patients with mild to moderate primary hypercholesterolemia.

Design: The study was prospective, randomized, double-blinded and placebo controlled, with a crossover design. Subjects: Thirty-two patients (21 women and 11 men) with ages ranging between 36 and 65 years old were included in the study. All of them were on a controlled diet for at least 8 weeks.

Intervention: Patients began, after clinical and laboratory analysis, in a randomized and double-blind manner to take 200 g daily of Gaio® or its placebo. After 8 weeks blood was collected again for lipid profile evaluation and the crossover was made. After an additional 8 weeks blood was collected for another lipid profile determination.

Results: All patients included completed the study. Comparisons were made between means of lipid profile constituents after the placebo and active product periods. These showed significant mean reduction of 5.3% (P=0.004) for total cholesterol, 6.15% (P=0.012) for LDL-cholesterol and no significant variation for HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. The majority of patients presented no variation or had a decrease in their total cholesterol level. However, during the active product period, three patients showed an increase in cholesterol level by more than 5%.

Conclusion: The fermented milk (Gaio®) produced a small but statistically significant decrease in total and LDL-cholesterol mean. However, not all subjects seem to respond to the product, and a few subjects showed a cholesterol increment. Further investigations are necessary to clarify this aspect.

Sponsorship: Vigor Company, Brazil sponsored the study.

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Bertolami, M., Faludi, A. & Batlouni, M. Evaluation of the effects of a new fermented milk product (Gaio) on primary hypercholesterolemia. Eur J Clin Nutr 53, 97–101 (1999).

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