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Effect of Insoles With a Toe-Grip Bar on Toe-Grip Strength and Body Sway in Middle-Aged and Elderly Women

Nakano, Hideki PhD, PT; Murata, Shin PhD, PT; Abiko, Teppei PhD, PT; Sakamoto, Masashi BS, PT; Matsuo, Dai BA; Kawaguchi, Michio BA; Sugo, Youji BA; Matsui, Hiroaki BA

Author Information
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation 35(2):p 125-128, April/June 2019. | DOI: 10.1097/TGR.0000000000000221


The effects of insoles with a toe-grip bar on toe-grip strength (TGS) and body sway in middle-aged and elderly women were investigated. Twelve middle-aged and elderly women wore shoes with insoles with a toe-grip bar. TGS and the total length of the center of pressure sway in the 1- and 2-leg stances (OLS-TL and TLS-TL) were measured before (Pre1) and after (Pre2) the baseline phase and after the intervention phase (Post). TGS, OLS-TL and TLS-TL significantly improved in the Post condition compared with the Pre1 and Pre2 conditions. The results of this study suggest that insoles with a toe-grip bar can improve TGS and body sway in middle-aged and elderly women.

© 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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