According to a recent study, PACAP and PAC1 could be detected as early as E16 in the rat retina and they continued to be expressed throughout postnatal development.
15 Among the PAC1 receptor isoforms, the presence of Hop1 transcript has been reported in adult rat retina only,
30 and no quantitative data are available from newborn or developing tissue. In the present study, we not only demonstrated the presence of PAC1 receptors in different developmental stages of the postnatal rat retina but we showed that for quantification of PAC1 receptor expression, the existence of PAC1 receptor isoforms must be taken into account. Primers amplifying all isoforms of PAC1 receptor are not adequate to detect expression changes since the fall in message level of one may be compensated by the rise in another. We found that in the newborn rat retina (e.g., P0 and P1), four PAC1 receptor isoforms, namely, Null, Hip, Hop1, and Hiphop1, were expressed. The dominant isoform at this age was the Hip receptor; however, the message level of this isoform appeared to drop at P5 and its expression was downregulated in the mature retina (e.g., P15 and P20). A similar decline was seen for the Null isoform. The seven cell types which later comprise the adult retina can be characterized by an individual proliferation peak from P0 through P6.
23,28,37 Concurrently, the newborn, postmitotic cells migrate radially, as well as tangentially, to find their destined location.
38,39 In order to establish the proper cell number, many of the postmitotic cells undergo apoptosis, which sweeps through the developing retina in two waves.
24,40,41 The enhanced expression of Hip and Null receptor at this period indicates that these splice variants might be involved in regulating the early developmental processes mentioned above. It is noteworthy that the Null receptor engages dual signaling cascades, activating both AC- and PLC-coupled pathways and intracellular Ca
2+ elevation, whereas Hip is coupled only to the AC pathway.
42 Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that these two receptor types might mediate different responses in the developing rat retina. It is important to point out that in spite of their lower expression, a functional role for the other PAC1 isoforms (e.g., Hop1 and Hiphop1) expressed at these time points cannot be excluded. Furthermore, our results showed a splice isoform switching, estimated to occur between P5 and P10, close to the time of eye opening that is scheduled between P10 and P15. In this period, the Hop1 isoform, which is known to have a higher potency for generating cAMP or increase intracellular Ca
2+ level than Null or Hip receptors, became the dominant isoform.
42,43 It seems that the period of neurite outgrowth and synapse formation of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) from P3 to P10
44 coincide with an increasing Hop1 expression. Furthermore, the formation of functional neuronal circuitries occurs between P10 and P15.
25,27,44,45 Our finding that a prevalent expression of Hop1 receptors was maintained from P10 through P20 suggests a late-phase role for this particular isoform in the postnatal retina development. Similar to Hop1, a marked but transient upregulation of the Hiphop1 variant was also found to coincide with eye opening. We note that the expression of this particular isoform varied greatly among the samples harvested at the same time points. Moreover, in spite of a prominent peak that appeared at P10, a variable upregulation was measured in all selected stages. Considering that the literature providing data about the Hiphop1 isoform is relatively sparse, the functional role of this particular PAC1 isoform remains to be defined. However, based on our findings, we speculate that Hiphop1 expression might be coupled to special physiological conditions (i.e., nutritional status or hypoxia) or that it might be determined by the genetic background of the individual animals. In addition, Hiphop1 expression seems to be affected by the PACAP level itself, since intravitreal injection of a potent PAC1 antagonist, PACAP6-38, increases the expression of Hiphop1 receptor (unpublished data).