Prade[Combining Grave Accent]re, Jean-Philippe*, †; Klein, Julie†, ‡; Gre[Combining Grave Accent]s, Sandra*, †; Guigne[Combining Acute Accent], Charlotte*, †; Neau, Eric†, ‡; Valet, Philippe*, †; Calise, Denis§; Chun, Jerold‖; Bascands, Jean-Loup†, ‡; Saulnier-Blache, Jean-Se[Combining Acute Accent]bastien*, †; Schanstra, Joost P.†, ‡
*Inserm, U858/I2MR, Department of Metabolism and Obesity, Team 3, and ‡Department of Renal and Cardiac Remodeling, Team 5; †Universite[Combining Acute Accent] Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Institut de Me[Combining Acute Accent]decine Mole[Combining Acute Accent]culaire de Rangueil; §Zootechny Department IFR31, Institut Louis Bugnard, Toulouse, France; ‖Department of Molecular Biology Helen L. Dorris Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatric Disorder Institute The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California
Correspondence: Dr. Joost Schanstra, Inserm, U858/I2MR, Department of Renal and Cardiac Remodeling, Team #5, 1 Avenue Jean Poulhe[Combining Grave Accent]s, BP 84225, 31432 Toulouse, Cedex 4, France. Phone: +33-5-6132-3748; Fax: +33-5-6217-2554; E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted July 6, 2007
Received February 13, 2007