Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection on Edge Devices
:1. Introduction
- Detailed analysis of five ML algorithms (logistic regression, support vector machine, decision tree, random forest, and artificial neural network) for determination of anomaly detection performance on traffic traces between different IoT nodes communicating over DS2OS common middle-ware.
- Proposal of two general and intuitive approaches for keeping comparable classification results and reducing the size of an imbalanced training dataset by randomly under-sampling the majority class (‘NL’), and by under-sampling each class with clustering and selecting the most representative observation samples.
- Evaluation of ML algorithms training times on Raspberry Pi 4 comparing small randomly specified imbalanced datasets and new reduced balanced datasets, as well as examining the results of memory usage for suitable implementation on resource-constrained edge devices.
2. Related Work
2.1. Edge Computing
2.2. Machine Learning
2.2.1. ML Algorithms
- Logistic regression (LR) is a linear model for classification [26]. In the scikit-learn implementation used, regularization is applied by default in Python as a function call LogisticRegression(class_weight = ’balanced’, max_iter = 10,000, n_jobs = −1). The solver for the optimization problem is lbfgs [27]. By default, it uses the cross-entropy loss in a multiclass case. The parameter class_weight was set to balanced mode, which uses values of output to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data. The parameter max sets the maximum number of iterations for the solvers to converge and was raised from the default value of 100 to 10,000 to prevent solvers from not converging. The parameter n_jobs sets the number of CPU cores that can be used in case of a multiclass problem with a one-vs.-rest (OvR) scheme and was set to −1 for all runs (−1 means using all available processors), although it had no effect in this case as cross-entropy loss was used for the multiclass problem.
- Support vector machine (SVM) is a supervised learning model used for classification and regression [28]. Scikit-learn’s C-Support Vector Classification implementation is based on libsvm defined as function call SVC(class_weight = ‘balanced’). By default, it uses a Radial-Basis-Function kernel and l2 regularization with the strength of 1.0 [29]. The multiclass support is handled according to a one-vs.-one scheme. The parameter class_weight was set to balanced mode, which uses values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data.
- Decision tree (DT) is a non-parametric supervised learning method for classification [30]. In the scikit-learn implementation used, it is defined as DecisionTreeClassifier() [31], with default criterion for measuring the quality of a split using Gini impurity. This is a measure of how often a randomly chosen element from the set would be incorrectly labeled. No parameters were set outside of their default values.
- Random forest (RF) is one of the ensemble methods which combines the predictions of several base estimators to improve the robustness of the estimator [32]. Each tree in the ensemble is built from a sample drawn with a replacement from the training set. By default, in the function call RandomForestClassifier(n_estmators = 100, n_jobs = −1), there are 100 trees in the scikit-learn implementation of the algorithm, with Gini impurity as a default measure of split’s quality. The whole dataset is used to build each tree. The parameter n_jobs was set to −1 to use all available CPU cores for parallelizing fit and predicted methods over the trees.
- Artificial neural network (ANN) is a circuit of connected neurons that each deliver outputs based on their inputs and used predefined activation functions [33]. A Keras library with Tensorflow backend was used for the ANN training model with 11 input nodes on the input layer, 32 nodes on a hidden layer with relu (rectified linear) activation function, and 8 output nodes with softmax activation function to normalize the outputs. The selected optimization function was the Adam optimizer. The loss function was sparse categorical cross entropy and the number of epochs was set to ten.
2.2.2. Evaluation Metrics
- Accuracy determines how many predictions the classifier got right from all the predictions (Equation (1)). It is defined as a sum of number of true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN) divided with the sum of number of true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN):While the higher the number the better in case of an approximately equal number of samples in all classes, accuracy alone often leads to an error in the classification of the minor class in imbalanced datasets;
- Precision is the fraction of relevant instances among the retrieved instances (Equation (2)). It is defined as a number of true positive (TP) results divided by the number of true positive (TP) results and false positive (FP) results;
- Recall is the fraction of the total amount of relevant instances that were actually retrieved (Equation (3)). It is defined as a number of true positive (TP) results divided by true positive (TP) results and false negative (FN) results;
- F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall (Equation (4)). The highest possible value of F1 is 1, indicating perfect precision and recall, and the lowest possible value is 0, if either the precision or the recall is zero;
- Confusion Matrix is a specific table layout meant to visualize the performance of an algorithm, typically one from a group of supervised learning algorithms. In Python implementation, each row of the matrix represents the instances in an actual class while each column represents the instances in a predicted class (Figure 1). It is easy to see all falsely classified samples. The more samples found on the diagonal of the matrix, the better the model is.
3. Results
- Imbalanced training datasets (Di)—randomly selected samples from the training set;
- Balanced datasets (DRi)—all anomalous classes and randomly selected samples from class ‘NL’;
- Balanced datasets (DCi)—selected clusters of representative samples from all classes.
3.1. Dataset
- Removal of corrupted data, unreadable field values;
- Change of NaN values from column ‘NodeType’ to Malicious;
- Replacement of all non-numeric values in column ‘value’ with numeric representations, all missing values in the same column filled with 0;
- Removal of ‘timestamp’ column from the dataset, as it is irrelevant;
- Use of label encoding on all columns except on column ‘values’.
3.1.1. Imbalanced Subsets
3.1.2. Random Selection of Class ‘NL’
3.1.3. Subsets of Clusters Data
Algorithm 1: Dataset reduction using clustering. |
Input:Dold, t, n |
Output:Dnew |
Function DatasetReduction(Dold, t, n): Dnew ← [ ] |
for c in findClasses(Dold) do |
Xc ← extractClassPoints(Dold,c) |
db ← |
for l in db.clusters() do |
m ← size(l)/size(Xc) |
if m > t do |
Xp ← db.extractClusterPoints(p) |
q ← createCentroid(Xp) |
dist ← distances(q, Xp) Dnew ← addClosestNPoints(Dnew, dist, Xp, n) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
3.2. Evaluation of Imbalanced Training Datasets
3.2.1. Classification Results
3.2.2. Confusion Matrix (D20)
3.3. Evaluation of Balanced Training Datasets with Reduced Class ‘NL’
3.3.1. Classification Results
3.3.2. Confusion Matrix (DR5)
3.4. Evaluation of Balanced Datasets Determined with Clustering
3.4.1. Classification Results
3.4.2. Confusion Matrix (DC5)
3.5. Comparison of ML Algorithms
3.6. Edge Computing Results on Raspberry Pi 4
3.6.1. Training Time
3.6.2. Memory Usage
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Anomalous Data | Normal Data | Total |
Original dataset (DS2OS) | 10,017 | 278,264 | 357,941 |
Training dataset (80%) | 8088 | 278,264 | 286,352 |
Test dataset (20%) | 1929 | 69,660 | 71,589 |
D1 (1%) | 102 | 2761 | 2863 |
D2 (2%) | 179 | 5548 | 5727 |
D5 (5%) | 410 | 13,908 | 14,318 |
D10 (10%) | 842 | 27,793 | 28,635 |
D15 (15%) | 1220 | 41,732 | 42,952 |
D20 (20%) | 1612 | 55,658 | 57,270 |
D40 (40%) | 3224 | 111,316 | 114,540 |
D60 (60%) | 4831 | 166,980 | 171,811 |
D80 (80%) | 6456 | 222,625 | 229,081 |
D100 (Training dataset) | 8088 | 278,264 | 286,352 |
Dataset | Anomalous Data | Normal Data | Total |
DR01 (0.1%) | 8088 | 278 | 8366 |
DR02 (0.2%) | 8088 | 557 | 8645 |
DR05 (0.5%) | 8088 | 1391 | 9479 |
DR1 (1%) | 8088 | 2783 | 10,871 |
DR2 (2%) | 8088 | 5565 | 13,653 |
DR5 (5%) | 8088 | 13,913 | 22,001 |
DR10 (10%) | 8088 | 27,826 | 35,914 |
DR15 (15%) | 8088 | 41,740 | 49,828 |
DR20 (20%) | 8088 | 55,653 | 63,741 |
Dataset | Anomalous Data | Normal Data | Total |
DC01 | 1770 | 256 | 2026 |
DC02 | 3061 | 535 | 3596 |
DC05 | 4834 | 1395 | 6229 |
DC1 | 6266 | 2815 | 9081 |
DC2 | 8088 | 5656 | 13,744 |
DC5 | 8088 | 14,177 | 22,265 |
DC10 | 8088 | 28,379 | 36,467 |
DC15 | 8088 | 42,580 | 50,668 |
DC20 | 8088 | 56,784 | 64,872 |
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Huč, A.; Šalej, J.; Trebar, M. Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection on Edge Devices. Sensors 2021, 21, 4946.
Huč A, Šalej J, Trebar M. Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection on Edge Devices. Sensors. 2021; 21(14):4946.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHuč, Aleks, Jakob Šalej, and Mira Trebar. 2021. "Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection on Edge Devices" Sensors 21, no. 14: 4946.
APA StyleHuč, A., Šalej, J., & Trebar, M. (2021). Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection on Edge Devices. Sensors, 21(14), 4946.