Ergodic Capacity of NOMA-Based Multi-Antenna LMS Systems with Imperfect Limitations
:1. Introduction
- Firstly, we illustrate a prevailing model for NOMA-based LMS systems under imperfect limitations. Imperfect SIC is analyzed due to the constraints of the receivers capability. Moreover, CEEs are considered owing to the imperfect CSI of the considered system. Along with the CEEs, another imperfect system limitations is considered due to frequency sharing, namely, CCI.
- Secondly, the analytical expression for EC of considered NOMA-based LMS systems is derived to evaluate the impacts of imperfect limitations on the performance of considered system. Moreover, the effects of CEEs, imperfect SIC, and CCI are revealed by theoretical results.
- Finally, the simulation results are further obtained to verify the efficiency and correctness of the theoretical results for the considered networks.
2. System Model
2.1. Channel Model
2.2. Signal Model
2.3. Problem Formulation
3. Performance Analysis
3.1. Preliminary Results
3.2. Ergodic Capacity Analysis
4. Numerical Results
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
3GPP | Third Generation Partnership Project; |
AFR | Array fed reflector; |
AS | Average shadowing; |
ASER | Average symbol error rate; |
AWGN | Addictive white Gaussian noise; |
CCI | Co-channel interference; |
CDF | Cumulative distortion function; |
CEEs | Channel estimation errors; |
CSI | Channel state information; |
DRA | Direct radiating array; |
EC | Ergodic capacity; |
EE | Energy efficiency; |
FHS | Frequent heavy shadowing; |
GEO | Geosynchronous earth orbit; |
ILS | Infrequent light shadowing; |
IoV | Internet of vehicles; |
IoT | Internet of things; |
IST-CD | Integrated satellite-terrestrial content delivery; |
ISTN | Integrated satellite-terrestrial network; |
ISTRN | Integrated satellite-terrestrial relay network; |
LMS | Land mobile satellite; |
LOS | Line-of-sight; |
MC | Monte Carlo; |
MMSE | Minimum mean square error; |
MRC | Maximal Ratio Combining; |
NOMA | Non-orthogonal multiple access; |
OMA | Orthogonal multiple access; |
OP | Outage probability; |
Probability distribution function; | |
QoS | Quality of service; |
SatCom | Satellite communication; |
SCT | Superposition coding technique; |
SIC | Successive interference cancellation; |
SINR | Signal to interference plus noise ratio; |
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio; |
SR | Shadowed-Rician; |
STNs | Satellite-terrestrial networks. |
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Parameter | Value |
Satellite Orbit | GEO |
Carrier Frequency | 18 GHz |
Carrier Bandwidth | B = 50 MHz |
3 dB angle | |
Maximal Beam Gain | = 48 dB |
Receive Antenna Gain | = 4 dB |
Noise Temperature | T = 300 K |
Rain Attenuation |
Shadowing | |||
Frequent heavy shadowing (FHS) | 1 | 0.063 | 0.0007 |
Average shadowing (AS) | 5 | 0.251 | 0.279 |
Infrequent light shadowing (ILS) | 10 | 0.158 | 1.29 |
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Shuai, H.; Liu, R.; Zhu, S.; Li, C.; Fang, Y. Ergodic Capacity of NOMA-Based Multi-Antenna LMS Systems with Imperfect Limitations. Sensors 2022, 22, 330.
Shuai H, Liu R, Zhu S, Li C, Fang Y. Ergodic Capacity of NOMA-Based Multi-Antenna LMS Systems with Imperfect Limitations. Sensors. 2022; 22(1):330.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShuai, Haifeng, Rui Liu, Shibing Zhu, Changqing Li, and Yi Fang. 2022. "Ergodic Capacity of NOMA-Based Multi-Antenna LMS Systems with Imperfect Limitations" Sensors 22, no. 1: 330.
APA StyleShuai, H., Liu, R., Zhu, S., Li, C., & Fang, Y. (2022). Ergodic Capacity of NOMA-Based Multi-Antenna LMS Systems with Imperfect Limitations. Sensors, 22(1), 330.