2.1. Intellectual Capital and Business Sustainability
Sustainable development is one of the most important global challenges that we face today. It also constitutes one of the three priorities of the European Union’s (EU’s) Europe 2020 strategy and the worldwide Agenda 2030 (The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs), which has been agreed upon by 193 United Nations (UN) member states and is set to be implemented by 2030. One of the seventeen goals of sustainable development, which has been adopted in the 2030 Agenda, is sustainable production and consumption. The obligation of balancing the three spheres of development—social, economic and environmental—in accordance with the rule of generational equality, i.e., without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations, is therefore also the responsibility of enterprises (manufacturers and service providers) and consumers. The realization of all seventeen goals of the 2030 Agenda is aimed at directing the world towards the path of sustainable development, contributing to protecting our planet and long-term improvement in the quality of life of all of its inhabitants.
When realizing the strategy of sustainable development and moving towards their business goals, enterprises must be aware of the complexity of the conditions, in which they operate and the influence, which they have on society and the environment. The concept of sustainable development requires enterprises to search for and implement methods and tools of management, which allow for the inclusion and integration of not only economic, but also social and environmental development goals. Pursuing a balance between three spheres of activity: economic, environmental and social, requires organizations to adapt to the requirements and conditions resulting from their surroundings and expectations of stakeholders. Additionally, it creates opportunities for reinforcing their market position and bargaining power in relation to their business partners and the ability to develop, due to improvements and innovations of a product-, process- and operation-oriented character [
3] among other things. Moreover, enterprises implementing the concept of sustainable development have the chance of improving their image, improving financial results and increasing their competitive advantage [
The concept of sustainable development of enterprises (business sustainability) can be understood as a practical implementation of goals and rules of the concept of sustainable development on a microeconomic level. An enterprise adhering to the philosophy of sustainable development willfully implements social and environmental goals in its economic activity and in its interactions with stakeholders [
7]. A sustainable enterprise can, therefore, be understood as an economic unit, which manages all aspects of its activity—financial, social and environmental in a way, which enables it to process it and is profitable in the long-term. The economic perspective of the sustainable development of an enterprise denotes the ability to create value and improve financial results. The social perspective of a sustainable enterprise denotes achieving business goals in a manner compatible with ethical standards, which go beyond the minimal requirements defined by law, and while creating value for stakeholders. The environmental perspective refers to an active implementation of ecological aspects in the business strategy of an enterprise. All three spheres of the activity of an enterprise—financial, social and environmental—are of a complex character, comingle and influence each other [
The implementation of the concept of sustainable development in enterprises, beyond the necessity to comply with laws and regulations, is a result, on the one hand, of increasing awareness of managers, and on the other hand, increasing awareness of consumers. An enterprise is being increasingly more perceived as a socio-economic system, the goals of which should integrate three components, namely: economic gain, the people associated with the company and care for the green dimension of the conducted activities. Positive changes in the functioning of enterprises are also stimulated by consumers themselves, who are characterized by increasing awareness of the environment and openly communicate their expectations to enterprises, when it comes do their products and services. The spread of pro-society and pro-ecology attitudes is therefore important for both sides of the equation—producers and consumers. Entrepreneurs should ensure that their employees are aware of the fact that their work—as well as their products and services—have an impact on the natural environment and local community. In companies, in which employees do not understand the nature of pro-ecological and pro-societal activities, such actions can lead to a lack of acceptance and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is vital to develop their awareness and knowledge in this area through meetings, training or conducting other activities aimed at spreading these attitudes. Of equal significance is dialogue and maintaining proper relations between the enterprise and stakeholders [
In the literature on the subject, the majority of attention is devoted to the concept of business sustainability in the context of large enterprises, which individually have a significant influence on the environment and the local community. In the case of small and medium enterprises, the individual environmental footprint and influence of the society is relatively insignificant, whereas the impact of the sector collectively is significant. In practice, even the smallest company produces waste, uses cleaning agents, electricity, water and natural gas. The researchers of the topic have noted three key barriers to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in small and medium enterprises [
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ignoring the importance of the individual impact of the enterprise on the environment;
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a lack of expert knowledge or insufficient knowledge of the topics related to solving environmental problems;
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costs and low profitability of investments aimed at limiting activities harmful to the environment.
In contrast to the managers of large enterprises, managers of small and medium enterprises do not want to take on responsibility for the impact of their activity on the environment and society. They perceive this impact as less significant, for instance when it comes to the utilization of resources, when compared to the ecological footprint of large enterprises. They also do not build strong strategic relations with the local community. The detailed and unambiguous determination of other barriers, i.e., a lack of knowledge, costs and low profitability of pro-environmental investments is burdensome due to a different operating environment of SMEs. These enterprises are different when it comes to their size and sector of activity, as well as organizational culture and management systems. Differences can also be observed with regards to the particular problems that enterprises have to deal with (for instance, significantly higher costs of implementing green investments in the production and manufacturing sectors) [
Research Agency “ARC Market and Opinion” and Responsible Business Forum in Poland were asking Poles about global challenges towards sustainable development. Respondents considered that the most urgent tasks for business are: transition to renewable energy sources (27%), reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (16%) and taken pro-ecological actions (12%). The latest edition of the Responsible Business Forum publication, entitled “Responsible Business in Poland 2018. Good practices”, confirmed that more and more companies in Poland implement and carry out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. The Report includes 1549 practices (826 new and 723 long-term ones) reported by 229 companies (60 of them are small or medium-sized enterprises). The authors of the report note to it is quite optimistic to see that SMEs are increasingly more active and willing to share their sustainable practices with the market and the society. The largest number of good practices concerns social engagement, development of the local community and relationship with stakeholders. More and more employers are taking practices concerning the workplace, especially with young people to enable them to strike a work-life balance, support activities undertook to combat stress, take care of well-being and mental health of employees [
It can be stated with great certainty that small and medium enterprises are the driving force of the Polish economy. Their number and potential can be one of the sources of economic development [
17]. The number of such enterprises in Poland, including micro-companies is continuously increasing. In 2017, there were 2.08 million SMEs in Poland. Between 2008–2017, expect for years 2009 and 2011 when the economy notably slowed down, more companies were created than dissolved, In the structure of the enterprises in the year 2017, the share of the services sector was (52.3%), construction (13.6%), industry (10.1%) and trade (24.0%). According to statistical data, in the year 2017, just over two out of three companies survived the first year of their activity in Poland. Between 2008 and 2017 the number of SMEs in the European Union 28 member states (EU–28) increased by 13.8%. The number of newborn SMEs markedly exceeds the actual increase in the SMEs population. It is because of the high mortality rate of SMEs, especially among young enterprises [
Since 2008 there has been an observable increase in the share of SMEs in Poland in creating the GDP. The largest share—of almost 50% in creating the gross domestic product (GDP)—is attributed to small and medium enterprises [
The data for 2017 indicates that 3.96 million people (or 57.5%) were employed in SMEs. In terms of sectors, the largest ones were services (37%), industry (30.6%), sales (23.2%) and construction (9.1%). Over the period 2008 to 2017 employment in SMEs in the EU-28 increased by 2.5% [
According to the latest statistical data, in the last decade, there has been an observable reduction in the innovation activity of enterprises in Poland. The industry sector and services constitute the largest share of innovative companies [
The SMEs in Poland spent a relatively small part of their budget on research and development (R&D) activity. In the period 2008–2017, R&D expenditures have been increasing in ratio to the GDP [
In 2017 there has been an improvement in the fundamental economic indicators measuring the financial condition of enterprises. Compared with 2016, SMEs in Poland reached higher income (increase by 8.2%), higher production (increase by 11.2%) and higher added-value (increase by 10.8%). The highest growth has been observed among small enterprises. There has also been an increase in average productivity. For comparison over the period 2008 to 2017, gross value added generated by EU-28 SMEs increased cumulatively by 14.3% [
The SMEs in Poland are more sensitive to economic fluctuations than the large ones. During the economic growth, small and medium-sized firms grow faster than the economy as a whole. During the recession, especially decreasing domestic demand, the SMEs are most affected and fared worse than the whole economy. The SME sector, not only in Poland but in general, is seen to be the backbone of the entire economy. Therefore, supporting the SME sector and their efforts towards business sustainability is crucial for the economy as a whole [
15]. Besides, small and medium-sized companies seem to have a leading role in achieving some of Sustainable Development Goals (for example, goal 8—promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all).
The SME sector in Poland, defined as companies with 10–249 employees, is smaller than in other EU’s members’ states. The total number of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland is high (the sixth place in the EU), but the amount per head of population is the lowest in the European Union countries (only 1.9 firms per 1000 citizens, while in the Czech Republic is a 3.5 and, in Germany 4.6). Some definitions of SMEs also includes micro-firms, which are often self-employed people. This group of entities varies significantly from small and medium-sized companies with regard to the scale and nature of their activities. It is mainly in the case of their owners. They often have neither the ambition nor the ability to increase the scale of their operations. Thus, the owners of micro-firms focus on local-scale action. These firms grow relatively more slowly than other ones. Besides, self-employed people often have a high-level aversion of risk, management knowledge lacks, and skills gaps. They are often set up business only for tax optimization. This phenomenon is a substantial barrier to do business in Poland [
16]. Based on previous research from SMEs in Poland, conducted by Sokołowska [
18] it can be stated that managers of micro-enterprises do not base their activities on formalized strategies. They focus on current operations, and their decisions are based more on intuition rather than the strategic vision of the enterprise. The following arguments led us to the decision that micro-enterprises should be excluded from our study. Nowadays small and medium-sized enterprises are facing the challenges require of the knowledge-based economy. One of the most valuable resources, which ensures sustainable development of the company and allows a competitive advantage to be achieved, is intellectual capital. The concept of intellectual capital has appeared in scientific discourse in the second half of the 1960s. Since then there has been an observable increase in interest in this area of research, both amongst theoreticians and management practitioners.
In the literature on this topic, intellectual capital is defined as [
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the intellectual material: knowledge, information, intellectual property, and experience that has been formalized, captured, and used to create wealth by producing higher-valued assets;
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unfinanced capital, which reflects the hidden gap between the company’s market value and the company’s book value, i.e., the sum of hidden assets, which have not been accounted for in the company’s balance sheets;
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the collective amount of knowledge, skills, competences and experience of individual employees and their team members, required for the development of an organization and achieving competitive advantage—includes both the knowledge of employees and what is remains after they leave;
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invention and the ability to create innovative solutions, which will determine the success or failure of the organization;
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the most important source for sustainable competitive advantages;
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the firm-specific resources that are difficult—if not impossible—to imitate;
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the sum of all intangible assets of expertise, experience and competences inside and outside the organization.
Different categorizations of intellectual capital can be found in the literature on this topic. Most support is given to a division of intellectual capital into three subsets: human capital, structural capital and relational capital [
35]. This categorization was also adopted in this article.
Human capital is a combination of the knowledge and skills of employees. It takes into account the total value of investments in the employee’s training and competence. It is the tacit knowledge embedded in the minds of the employees, which they will take with them when they leave. Thus, it can only be rented, not owned, by the company. It consists of knowledge, competence, skills, talents, intellectual agility, creativity and innovativeness of individuals and collective [
Structural capital can be regarded as the organizational routines of the business. It covers all the non-human storehouses of knowledge stored in procedures, policies, cultures, structures, systems, databases and programs, which support productivity and enable the organization to create the value. This knowledge belongs to and remains in the company, even when employees have left. Structural capital is an intangible asset that can be traded, reproduced and shared within the firms. Certain structural capital elements can be legally protected and become intellectual property rights, legally owned by the firm under the separate title [
Relational capital covers all the external connections of the company with various stakeholders. It is broadly defined as the knowledge embedded in relationships with customers, suppliers, investors and others. It comprises that part of human and structural capital involved with the company’s relations with stakeholders and the perceptions that they hold about the company. Relational capital is also defined as all knowledge flows generated from outside to inside and vice-versa. In other words, relational capital is the potential of an enterprise associated with non-material market assets (e.g., reputation and the image of a company, the loyalty of clients, the satisfaction of clients, license agreements, concessions and marketing strategies) [
2.2. Literature Review
In the literature on the topic, several scientific publications can be found, which focus on the scope of identification, measurement and intellectual capital management. In global literature, several publications are devoted to studying the impact of intellectual capital on market value, performance and competitive advantages of firms. However, still, not many publications connect intellectual capital with business sustainability. The following paper focuses on these relationships. The authors of publications [
50] engage in research in the scope of intellectual capital, green intellectual capital and green innovation as well as their influence on the competitive advantage of firms and business sustainability.
Chen et al. [
39] investigated the influence of green innovation on the competitive advantages of companies. The most important findings from conducted research are positive correlations between green products and green process innovation (e.g., energy-saving technologies, pollution-prevention technologies, waste recycling, green product design and environmental management) and competitive advantages of firms. In the study written by Chen [
40], a new construct—green intellectual capital has been proposed and defined. It consists of green human capital, green structural capital and green relational capital. Chen proved that all elements of green intellectual capital, especially green relational capital, have a positive effect on the competitive advantages of firms. The research was conducted in the information and electronics sectors and based on small, medium and large-sized enterprises in Taiwan. The role of green intellectual capital and its influence on the competitive advantages of small and medium firms were significantly less than those of large ones. Moreover, Chen’s research confirms that it is worth for companies to invest many resources and efforts in green intellectual capital. It brings the following benefits for companies. They can adjust their activity to the restrictive requirements and norms of environmental protection and they can meet the needs and increasing expectations of clients towards products and services supplied to them. Omar et al. [
4] explored the relationships between green intellectual capital and business sustainability. The authors based on the assumption proposed by Chen [
40], who stated that the positive influence of intellectual capital on competitive advantages of firms required aspects of green. In the study, survey research was used. The study’s respondents were managers of small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production sector in Malesia. A questionnaire with 22 issues related to green intellectual capital and 22 issues related to business sustainability was used to conduct the research. In the questionnaire distributed to respondents via the Internet, a seven–point Likert scale was used. Based on this study, a model was proposed, which showed how green intellectual capital effects on business sustainability. This model operated on three independent variables (H1-green human capital, H2-green structural capital and H3–green relational capital), with business sustainability defined as a dependent variable. The research focused on the impact of green intellectual capital on business sustainability has also been presented in the study [
41], written by Yusoff et al. The research was carried out in the case of small and medium enterprises active in Malesia. The main findings are significant positive correlations between green structural capital, green relational capital and business sustainability. There is no evidence that green human capital positively affects business sustainability. The authors of the study also stated that green intellectual capital contributes to small and medium enterprises shifting their production to cleaner solutions. A study based on a sample of small and medium enterprises in Malesia was also conducted by Akhtar et al. [
42]. In the study, survey research was used. The respondents were key companies’ informants (e.g., managers, owners). The main findings of the study conclude that intellectual capital is one of the most important factors to achieve business sustainability of SMEs. Mukherjee and Sen [
43] examined the role of intellectual capital and its elements on business sustainability. The research was held in non-financial companies in India. The study also aimed at finding the element of intellectual capital, which has the greatest impact on the sustainable development of firms. Based on the conducted research, the authors have determined that intellectual capital catalyzes for corporate sustainable growth in India. There is no evidence for significant linkage between human capital and corporate sustainable growth. In the study conducted by García de Leaniz and Rodríguez del Bosque [
44], the main goal is to investigate the role of business sustainability in shaping the reputation of companies. The research was held in the hospitality sector of the Spanish tourism industry. The survey research was used. The respondents were consumers. The main conclusion of the research is that economic, social and environmental dimensions of business sustainability have a positive direct effect on corporate reputation, which is one of the most important elements of relational capital. Xu and Wang [
45] found evidence that there are linkages between intellectual capital and business sustainability in the long-term perspective. The research was held in manufacturing companies active in Korea. The indicator-based approach (objective data) was used. The main conclusion of the research is that intellectual capital has a positive impact on business sustainability. The element with the greatest effect on business sustainability is relational capital.
Massaro et al. and Dal Mas [
47] explored the relationships between intellectual capital and business sustainability. In these studies, a perceptual measure based on practitioners’ perspectives was used. The results confirm that intellectual capital and sustainability affect each other. Wasiluk [
48] focused on how firms mobilize their intellectual capital towards more sustainable practices. The research was held in the Australian property and construction sector and the survey research was used. The respondents were senior management. The main conclusions are that each category of intellectual capital is essential for corporate sustainability and supporting organizational change to a more ecological, sustainable and socially equitable enterprise. The research on intellectual capital of enterprises in Poland has been, inter alia, conducted by Sokołowska, Bombiak, Rzempała and Rzempała [
50]. Sokołowska [
18] empirically verified intellectual capital on a sample of micro and small-sized enterprises located in one of sixteen Polish regions. The main conclusion is that the most important source of enterprises’ success is relational capital, especially the image of the company. Bombiak [
49] investigated the role of intellectual capital on competitive advantages of small, medium and large-sized companies located in eastern Poland. The survey research was used. The respondents were managers. The most important finding from this research is the significant positive impact of human capital on the competitiveness of the company. Rzempała and Rzempała [
50] analyzed the awareness of managers in the scope of intellectual capital. According to the results, it can be stated that intellectual capital has a positive impact on the value of the enterprise. The strongest influence is exerted by human capital, followed by relational capital. Most of the listed studies are research works based on perceptual measures e.g., [
47]. The authors of these studies used survey research, which collected data through questionnaires dedicated mainly to knowledgeable individuals in the field of intellectual capital (especially decision-makers). Thus, the most common approach presented in the analyzed research studies was the managers’ perceptions and opinions e.g., [
50]. Rarely stakeholders’ opinions, for example, customers were examined [
44]. Some of the studies used the indicator-based approach (objective data) e.g., [
45]. The research was conducted in all sizes and all types of companies, but mostly in high-knowledge and high-technology sectors (e.g., manufacturing, ICT or finance). There are three types of research studies. The first group analyzes the intellectual capital and its influence on competitive advantages or business sustainability. The second one investigates the relationships between specific capital (human, structural or relational) and competitive advantages or business sustainability. The last one examines the role of individual elements (e.g., the reputation of the company) of intellectual capital from competitiveness perspective or sustainable development of firms. Based on the literature review it cannot be unequivocally stated, which of its elements have the greatest impact on business sustainability. The findings of all analyzed studies, based on different approaches, have some limitations, contradictory and needs further investigation. As such, based on the discussed research, it can be stated that:
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intellectual capital has a significant positive impact on the competitiveness of an enterprise and on business sustainability [
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human capital has a significantly positive impact on the sustainable development of enterprises [
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structural capital has a significantly positive impact on the sustainable development of enterprises [
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relational capital has a significantly positive impact on the sustainable development of enterprises [
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there is a correlation between the sustainable development of an enterprise and the image of a company, which is one of the elements of relational capital [
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the impact of the elements of intellectual capital on the sustainable development of enterprises varies, depending on their size [
Taking into account the above-mentioned conclusions, two research hypotheses have been proposed. The first one assumes that all categories and elements of intellectual capital have an equal impact on the business sustainability of small and medium enterprises. The second hypothesis assumes that the size of the enterprise does not differentiate the indications of respondents from the two groups, i.e., managers of small and medium enterprises.