New Geo- and Mining Heritage-Based Tourist Destinations in the Sudetes (SW Poland)—Towards More Effective Resilience of Local Communities
:1. Introduction
- What are common and specific challenges these localities have been facing since the conversion for tourist use was considered and may face in the future?
- What was the role of particular stakeholders in the development of these localities?
- Are the local developments parts of wider regional strategies, and how can the impact possibly be enhanced?
- How are interpretative and educational programs built while developing geo- and mining heritage for tourism?
- Do the sites really contribute to sustainable tourism at the local level or is it too early to provide an answer?
2. Approach, Materials, and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Regional Context
3.1.1. The Sudetes as a Tourist Destination
3.1.2. Mining History
3.2. Case Study 1—Stara Kopalnia (“Old Mine”) in Wałbrzych
3.2.1. Location and Mining History
3.2.2. Development for Tourism and Current Use
3.3. Case Study 2—Krobica
3.3.1. Location and Mining History
3.3.2. Development for Tourism and Current Use
3.4. Case Study 3—Czaple
3.4.1. Location and Mining History
3.4.2. Development for Tourism and Current Use
3.5. Case Study 4—Former Basalt Quarry at Mt. Wilkołak
3.5.1. Location and Mining History
3.5.2. Development for Tourism and Current Use
3.6. Case Study 5—Wojcieszów
3.6.1. Location and Mining History
3.6.2. Development for Tourism, Current and Possible Future Uses
4. Discussion
4.1. Postmining Sites and Geotourism—Common Themes and Site-Specific Solutions
4.1.1. Reuse for Geotourism as but One Option
4.1.2. Stakeholders
4.1.3. Increasing Portfolio of Tourist Products at the Regional Scale and Enhancing the Image of a Place
4.1.4. Geoheritage, Cultural Heritage, and ABC Concept in Geoeducation
4.2. Sustainable Practices and Associated Challenges
4.3. Selected Comparatiuve Examples
4.3.1. Geopark Landscape Břidlice
4.3.2. Muskau Arch UNESCO Global Geopark
4.3.3. Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pijet-Migoń, E.; Migoń, P. New Geo- and Mining Heritage-Based Tourist Destinations in the Sudetes (SW Poland)—Towards More Effective Resilience of Local Communities. Sustainability 2024, 16, 5626.
Pijet-Migoń E, Migoń P. New Geo- and Mining Heritage-Based Tourist Destinations in the Sudetes (SW Poland)—Towards More Effective Resilience of Local Communities. Sustainability. 2024; 16(13):5626.
Chicago/Turabian StylePijet-Migoń, Edyta, and Piotr Migoń. 2024. "New Geo- and Mining Heritage-Based Tourist Destinations in the Sudetes (SW Poland)—Towards More Effective Resilience of Local Communities" Sustainability 16, no. 13: 5626.
APA StylePijet-Migoń, E., & Migoń, P. (2024). New Geo- and Mining Heritage-Based Tourist Destinations in the Sudetes (SW Poland)—Towards More Effective Resilience of Local Communities. Sustainability, 16(13), 5626.