Pollution Problems in the Economic Agricultural Sector: Evaluating the Impact on Natural Resources and Solutions for Improvement
:1. Introduction
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- To identify the most critical sources of natural resource pollution in Ukraine’s agricultural sector, based on a systematic analysis of scientific research, monitoring data from non-governmental organizations, and governmental documents as well as to substantiate the destructive environmental consequences of their impact.
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- To develop recommendations on strategic directions for restoring ecologically degraded and technologically polluted land, water resources, and environmental areas, taking into account regional pollution sources and types.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
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- Conservation of contaminated land with its transfer on a lease basis to a state body established by law for the period of restoration;
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- Reforestation of a part of the affected territories with the state buying them out from the landowner and withdrawing them from agricultural use;
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- Reclamation of contaminated land with the introduction of ecologically sustainable farming methods.
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- Development of a National Strategy for Post-War Soil Restoration of Disturbed Landscapes, taking into account the regional soil and geochemical conditions that affect natural resource use.
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- Establishment of a Center for Environmental Management of Post-War Contaminated Areas to set pollutant standards and determine appropriate soil remediation levels.
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- Development of zoning plans for post-war landscapes based on contamination levels and the necessary measures for recovery for normal economic activities; creation of a program for ecological and geochemical soil research; development of procedures for environmental and geochemical assessment of territories contaminated by substances of military origin.
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- Development of a legal framework to provide a mechanism for the return of contaminated lands (with compensation to landowners) to state ownership for their restoration purposes and to provide investments to landowners for implementing land restoration measures. Establishing a guarantee of the rights of landowners in cases of temporary land conservation.
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- Conducting soil certification of post-military operations landscapes.
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- Implementation of pilot projects in contaminated areas to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures on specific post-military operations lands.
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- Methods of biodegradation of pollutants using microorganisms;
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- Methods of bioaccumulation by plants and/or redistribution of pollutants in the soil with simultaneous effect on biological and inorganic (mineral substances that are products of the destruction of rocks and are formed without the participation of living organisms) components of the soil, which leads to the optimization of its ecological state due to the increase in the content of organic matter and its binding by clay minerals as well the improvement of the structural state of the soil, trophic and gas regimes, properties of the soil system as a whole.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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№ | Type of Pollution | Technology | Content of the Technology | Scenarios of Land Use |
1 | Subsidence, flooding | Drainage reclamation | Drainage works for groundwater drainage with subsequent treatment | Cultivation of perennial grasses, fodder crops; combination of intermittent furrowing and hollowing along with slotting and mowing; mulching (with manure, straw, forest floor, peat, stubble and post-harvest residues) |
2 | Drying, sealing | Irrigation reclamation | Water conservation measures and hydrotechnical methods of water supply and its transformation into soil moisture | Crop rotation; regular application of manure, compost, straw, other organic fertilizers, open trenches, loosening, and watering |
3 | Water erosion, secondary salinization, salinization and liquefaction, depletion and disruption of the organismal profile (explosion craters), pollution by products of the passage | Agricultural reclamation | Reducing surface runoff and transferring it to intra-soil runoff | Restoration by natural means or reforestation. For shallow craters up to 0.5–1 m, backfill with soil mass close to the natural horizons. Addition of gypsum, application of physiologically acidic and sulfur-containing fertilizers, introduction of perennial grasses into the crop rotation of perennial grasses. Slope terracing, contour plowing, selection of crops, proper tillage during plowing |
4 | Wind deflation and blowing away | Forestry reclamation | Reducing wind speed in the ground layer, returning lost nutrients to the soil | Sodding, soil-protective crop rotation in multi-depth cultivation (row crops and perennial grasses); tillage with flat cutters and sowing of grain crops with special stubble seeders |
5 | Threat of geochemical contamination, clogging (littering) | Cleaning of the territory | Mechanical cleaning of the surface, maintenance of sanitary condition | Measures to clean up toxic waste: use for any crops subject to quality control of agricultural products |
Corn | Winter Wheat | Potatoes | Spring Barley | Legumes | |||||
kBq/m2 | Ci/km2 | kBq/m2 | Ci/km2 | kBq/m2 | Ci/km2 | kBq/m2 | Ci/km2 | kBq/m2 | Ci/km2 |
286 | 7.7 | 182 | 4.9 | 500 | 13.6 | 154 | 4.1 | 25 | 0.7 |
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Share and Cite
Moldavan, L.; Pimenowa, O.; Prus, P.; Pimenow, S. Pollution Problems in the Economic Agricultural Sector: Evaluating the Impact on Natural Resources and Solutions for Improvement. Sustainability 2024, 16, 11294. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162411294
Moldavan L, Pimenowa O, Prus P, Pimenow S. Pollution Problems in the Economic Agricultural Sector: Evaluating the Impact on Natural Resources and Solutions for Improvement. Sustainability. 2024; 16(24):11294. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162411294
Chicago/Turabian StyleMoldavan, Lubov, Olena Pimenowa, Piotr Prus, and Sergiusz Pimenow. 2024. "Pollution Problems in the Economic Agricultural Sector: Evaluating the Impact on Natural Resources and Solutions for Improvement" Sustainability 16, no. 24: 11294. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162411294
APA StyleMoldavan, L., Pimenowa, O., Prus, P., & Pimenow, S. (2024). Pollution Problems in the Economic Agricultural Sector: Evaluating the Impact on Natural Resources and Solutions for Improvement. Sustainability, 16(24), 11294. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162411294