This category for articles relating to the Galactic Patrol. Trending pages Goku Gohan Bulma Tien Shinhan Vegeta Piccolo Android 18 Chiaotzu All items (41) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Android 17 Android 18 B Bulma C Calamis Chiaotzu Chiwak Chiwakka E Extinction Bomb F Fuber G Galactic King Galactic Patrol Galactic Patrol Headquarters Galactic Patrol Medal Galactic Prison Galactic Receiver Ghirober Gohan Goku Great Jaco H Halber Hariwak I Irico J Jaco Jaco's Spaceship Jacunks Jiya K Krillin M Master Roshi Merus Moro's Spaceship N Nutts P Piccolo S Sealas Steth Stun Gun T Tien Shinhan Tights Tyber V Vegeta Y Yamcha Yubak