
The bottomless pot (previously known as Dry Vase and Vase of Drought) is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest III


The vase originates from the village of Persistence, whose residents say it was stolen from the village by men from Edina. The king of Edina says that it was his grandfather who hid the vase in the castle, meaning it was stolen a long time before the events of Dragon Quest III.


The vase is hidden in a puzzle chamber in the castle of Edina. In order to retrieve it the heroes must push 3 boulders onto a specific section of the floor. The difficulty is that the boulders can be pushed into unmoveable positions or into water. Exiting and re-entering the chamber resets the boulder positions.


The pot is to be used in the sea northwest of Persistence to raise the Final Key Shrine. It is necessary in order to retrieve the Ultimate key. This is hinted by Mr. Edo in the village of Persistence. Its usage is very similar to using the Moonshard to open the Sea Cave in Dragon Quest II. Although the shrine closes after exiting, the vase can be used over and over to raise the shrine again. This is specifically applicable in the remakes where a mini medal is located within the shrine.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The bottomless pot is acquired in Furrowfield when you and your dog are sent to the southern part of the island. Pastor Al's friend will require 50 grains of wheat before giving you the bottomless pot.

Using the pot is as simple as pressing the right trigger to scoop up the plot of liquid. Pressing it again on a square will dump out the liquid onto the tile. As the name implied you can dump out as much as you want before filling the pot with another type of liquid.

Other languages

Other languages
German Topf ohne Boden
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Anfora senza fondo
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

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