
The Dogged collar is a recurring accessory in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest X

The Dogged collar has an Attack bonus of +7 and a Style bonus of +6. With accessory synthesis, the Attack bonus can be increased and it can gain a small bonus to max HP. It can be received as a reward for defeating Atlas.

Dragon Quest XI

Dogged collar - Dragon Quest XI
Stat boosts Attack +8/9/10/12
Defence +4/5/6/7
Flavour text An aggro-inducing choker that enhances attack power.
Info Requires 9 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Found Gold treasure chest from Double or Nothing during poker at the casino in Puerto Valor or Octagonia
Recipe: Dragon hide + Finessence + Blue eye
Buy price N/A
Sell price 2,000 G
Equipped by All

Dragon Quest Heroes

Purchase Value
Not for Sale
Sale Value
Basic Effects
Ignore Enemy Block
Nifty neckwear that allows you to batter even blocking enemies.

Lke the vast majority of the available accessories, Dogged collars can be created through Alchemy; through a lucky Sweet Success creation, it can be made from the start already at a rank of +1, then with successive melding with other copies of itself, an individual Dogged collar can be ugraded to up to a +3 rank, adding a total of 3 other additional effects to their base one; these effects are chosen at random from a pool of possible bonuses available for this particular accessory.

In order to create one, at least one of its recipe variants is necessary to having been found.

The Quick recipe, like all Quick recipes except for the Gold ring, can be bought by exchanging Mini medals, 15 in this case; alternatively, like its counterparts, the Classic recipe and the even better Luxury recipe, it can be found very rarely as a secret drop from Overkilling machines, and Überkilling machines (but not the ones met as a boss encounter). Alternatively, all of these recipe variants could potentially be found inside a treasure chest, but even more rarely than from the enemy drops.

As such, since it is not ideal to find as a drop a Quick recipe that could had been purchased instead, it is preferable to spend some Mini medals and learn the Quick recipe as soon as possible, thusly increasing the chances for the monsters to drop the better, rarer quality recipes rather then the ones that are already more easily accessible.

Dragon Quest Heroes II

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

Other languages

Other languages
French Collier de cognée
Pendentif de combat
German Breschenkette
Spanish Unknown
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown
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