
Spooky Aura (Aka Spooky Light in DQotS) is a recurring ability in the Dragon Quest series.


Reduces an enemy's resistance to magic, among other adverse affects.


Dragon Quest III HD-2D

Only appearing in the game's HD-2D Remake, it is learned by Gadabouts at level 27. It costs 6 MP to use for the first time since IX, and is also used by Crone rangers, Phantasms, Baramos, and Grand Dragon in battle.

Dragon Quest V

Making its debut, it is learned by Hyperanemons at level 8, Moosifers at level 13, Slimes at level 45, and already learned by Hades helms, Rotten apples, and Samiginas when they are recruited, it lowers one enemy's resistance to hindering spells, such as Sap, and its resistance to the skill is shared with the Whack spell line. It costs 0 MP to use, and is also used by Corpse corporals and Samiginas in battle.

Name Level
Hades helm --
Rotten apple --
Samigina --
Hyperanemon 8
Moosifer 13
Slime 45

Dragon Quest VI

Learned by advancing to rank 5 of the Luminary vocation and already learned by recruited Lesser demons when they join the party, it acts mostly the same as in V, but can now hit 1 group of enemies, though its resistance parameter is shared with the Whack line of spells once again. It costs 0 MP to use once again, and is also used by Lesser demons, as well as Corpse Corporals once again.

Dragon Quest VII

Acting the same as in VI, it is learned via Rank 4 of the Luminary vocation in the PS1 original (Rank 3 for the 3DS remake), Rank 1 of the Prism peacock vocation, and Rank 5 of the Barbatos vocation. It costs 0 MP to use once again, and is also used by Barbatoses, Master moosifers, and Mega moais in battle against their enemies.

Dragon Quest VIII

Appearing as an enemy only skill, it is used by Dark stars and the Golden Dragon in battle. It is unavoidable in this entry, so caution should be taken by using spell resistance raising skills and spells.

Dragon Quest IX

Acting the same as in previous appearances once again, it is learned by investing 26 skill points allocated into the Mage's Spellcraft skill tree, but can _target only one enemy for the first time since its debut, and has its own resistance percentage separate from any instant-death spells. It costs 6 MP to use, and is also used by Shamen, Raving reapers, Grim reapers, and Hootingham-Gore in battle.

Dragon Quest X

Acting the same as in IX, it is learned by investing 38 skill points into the Mage's Spellcraft skill tree. It costs 2 MP to use as in the Monsters series, and is also used by Red barons and Relulu in battle. From Version 4 onwards, the success rate of this ability is increased. In the Offline version of the game, it is learned by the Hero in the Mage vocation at level 19 and by investing 7 skill points into Fura's Wind Rider Character Builder, in addition to being used by Galmy when fighting alongside the Hero and Miko Himea.

Dragon Quest XI

Acting the same as in previous appearances once again, it is learned by Veronica after investing 8 skill points in her Vim Character Builder and costs 3 MP to use

Dragon Warrior Monsters

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker

Dragon Quest of the Stars

Dragon Quest Tact

Acting the same as in previous appearances, it is used by Mordragon's tail in the Lord of Shadows' Mega Boss Battle during the Dragon Quest XI event.

Other languages

Other languages
French Aura de peur
German Unheimliche Aura (VI,VII,IX,XI,J)
Dämolicht (M)
Unheimliches Licht (Stars)
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Korean Unknown

See Also

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