In the present study, we found that compared with insulin or diet treatment, metformin caused a similar rise in cord serum alanine as seen in the serum of women with GDM5 and in non-pregnant subjects compared with placebo.23 Furthermore, a large VLDL particle size, a high TG-to-phosphoglycerides ratio, elevated MUFA-to-total-FA ratio, increased DHA level, and increased omega-3 FA level were associated with a smaller BW, whereas the proportion of omega-6 FA of the total FA was associated with a higher BW.
Elevated cord blood alanine has been found in the presence of GDM.24 25 However, to our knowledge, the effects of metformin treatment on neonatal serum alanine have not been studied previously. In line with previous findings on the maternal serum amino acid profile5 and in non-pregnant individuals,23 26 the cord serum alanine concentration was significantly higher in the metformin group compared with the insulin or diet groups in this study. This finding could be the result of altered placental metabolism or transfer, increased placental transfer in the presence of an elevated maternal gradient, or due to changes in fetal metabolism. Research in both sheep and human pregnancies has demonstrated that the rate of direct alanine transfer from maternal to fetal circulation is minimal, compared with the effects of placental metabolism and placental–fetal transfer.27 28 Fetal alanine concentrations are, however, highly influenced by maternal concentrations.27 28 Metformin crosses the placenta, and concentrations similar to maternal serum metformin are present in fetal blood.7 Thus, by inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis,29 metformin could have caused an increase in fetal alanine and other gluconeogenic substrates, that is, lactate, alike seen in maternal serum.5 Although gluconeogenesis in the human fetus is not currently well characterized, the lack of differences found in our study in other gluconeogenic substrates (pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glutamine) or in cord serum glucose reduces the likelihood of major alterations in fetal metabolism in this population due to maternal GDM treatment. Therefore, it seems more plausible that the elevated alanine level in the cord serum was due to increased placental release of alanine rather than altered fetal alanine metabolism.
Metformin treatment of GDM has been associated with a higher weight of the offspring during childhood.9 In a birth cohort study, cord serum alanine was positively related to postnatal weight gain and BMI at 2 and 15 years of age, but the association was not significant after Bonferroni correction.14 Whether increased fetal serum alanine during late pregnancy could be related to an increased risk of weight gain later in postnatal life warrants further studies.
The degree of maternal glycemia is strongly related with BW,1 and measures of maternal glycemia (HbA1c) and endogenous insulin production (C-peptide) have previously been shown to be correlated with both alanine5 and BW.10 Although alanine concentration in the maternal serum was related to BW,5 in the present study, alanine concentration in the cord serum was not. Therefore, higher maternal alanine levels may reflect maternal insulin resistance, and insulin resistance seems to be the common denominator explaining the association between maternal alanine and BW. Consequently, the ability of alanine to accelerate fetal growth directly seems less plausible.
In fetal sheep, the infusion of alanine resulted in elevations of glucose and insulin secretion.30 The achieved alanine concentrations were 0.50–0.75 mmol/L higher compared with baseline. In our study, the cord serum alanine level was <0.1 mmol/L higher in the metformin group; therefore, the results of these two studies are not well comparable. Moreover, the cord serum glucose was not higher in neonates exposed to metformin compared with the insulin and diet groups. Previously in a birth cohort study, the cord vein alanine level had an inverse association with BW, although this finding was not significant after Bonferroni correction.14 In contrast, in SGA neonates, the cord alanine was decreased;31 in another large study, several cord blood amino acids, but not alanine, were related to BW.32
Metformin treatment in GDM leads to higher maternal concentrations of total TG,4 10 VLDL TG, VLDL cholesterol, MUFA, SFA, and total FA.4 However, these changes were not reflected in the cord serum lipid levels.
It has been proposed that in the context of GDM, cord blood TG levels are inversely related to BW, due to a greater amount of adipose tissue in large fetuses and thus enhanced adipose tissue FA uptake from circulating TG.12 This uptake may be further promoted by fetal hyperinsulinemia in pregnancies complicated by hyperglycemia.1 Accordingly, in growth-restricted fetuses with presumably less adipose tissue, the cord plasma TG level is elevated.33 In addition, we also observed an inverse relationship between BW, VLDL particle size, and the TG-to-phosphoglycerides ratio, which both reflect the amount of TG in lipoproteins. In previous studies, the cord vein serum VLDL particle concentration and VLDL TG were elevated in growth-restricted33 34 and SGA35 neonates, whereas there was no difference in HDL TG level.34 As the inverse association with BW was most evident in the VLDL lipids that supply peripheral tissues, our results support the hypothesis of increased FA uptake from circulating TG in large fetuses.
While the concentrations of LDL and VLDL in cord serum are low, the HDL concentration is similar to non-pregnant adult serum. The apolipoprotein composition of fetal HDL, however, differs from that of adult serum with a relative abundance of apoE.36 ApoE serves as a ligand for a variety of receptors (including LDL receptors) and therefore the greater ability of fetal HDL to transport cholesterol between fetal tissues. Cord serum HDL cholesterol has been shown to be related to insulin-like growth factor-1 and BW35 and is decreased in SGA neonates,37 although some studies have found no difference between SGA and appropriately grown neonates.34 Thus, it was not unexpected to find a positive association between cord serum cholesterol in very large and large HDL and BW. This association was significant after adjustment for maternal pBMI, GWG, and HbA1c, which suggests that fetal HDL may play a role in fetal growth that is partially independent of maternal characteristics and glycemic control. Moreover, the association was still identified independently of the treatment group.
The importance of PUFA in fetal development has been previously characterized. Long-chain PUFAs, in particular, are required by the central nervous system and for retinal development; during the third trimester, the placenta has selectivity towards the transfer of these lipids. In contrast, maternal omega-6 FA levels have been positively related to infant obesity.38 Similarly, a high omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio in the maternal diet, maternal plasma, and cord plasma are associated with an increased risk of infant obesity at 3 years of age.39 Arachidonic acid, an omega-6 PUFA, may promote differentiation from preadipocytes into adipocytes,40 while DHA inhibits this differentiation.41 Accordingly, we found that high omega-6-to-omega-3-FA, and omega-6-to-total-FA ratios as well as high PUFA-to-MUFA, and high PUFA-to-total-FA ratios were positively related to BW. Conversely, a high cord serum degree of FA unsaturation and high concentrations of omega-3 FA (including DHA and high omega-3-FA-to-total-FA, and MUFA-to-total-FA ratios) were inversely associated with BW.
Previously, cord blood DHA has been inversely42 43 and arachidonic acid has been positively44 related to BW, although in some studies, arachidonic acid was also inversely related to BW.43 The divergent results in these two studies and our study may reflect differences in methodology but also the fact that our cord blood samples obtained from neonates exposed to GDM are not representative of the general maternal population. In pregnancies complicated by GDM reduced umbilical arterial omega-3 FA, omega-6 FA, and PUFA levels have been found, suggesting an altered fetal metabolism of these lipids.45
The proportion of serum omega-3 and omega-6 FA of total FA decreased in both metformin-treated and insulin-treated patients with GDM during the last half of pregnancy.4 However, compared with insulin, metformin led to a greater decrease in the proportion of omega-6 FA and PUFA to total FA. Controversially, omega-6 FA concentration in the maternal serum was associated with BW only in metformin-treated patients,4 whereas the association between the cord serum omega-6-to-omega-3-FA ratio and BW was significant only in the insulin-treated group. Because there was no interaction between the treatment group and other associations of BW with cord serum PUFA and omega FA and the regression beta values with 95% CIs were rather similar between the insulin-treated (0.34; 95% CI 0.12 to 0.56 SD/SD) and metformin-treated groups (0.22; 95% CI −0.010 to 0.45 SD/SD), this could be an incidental finding. Moreover, the treatment×metabolite interaction was no longer significant after adjusting for confounding factors.
Our results suggest that a high cord serum omega-6-to-omega-3-FA ratio, which has previously been associated with cardiovascular risk,46 is positively associated with BW in the offspring of mothers with GDM. Whether increased fetal adiposity causes increased uptake of MUFA and omega-6 FA or whether the increased omega-6-to-omega-3-FA ratio promotes fetal adipogenesis is not known. Based on previous studies, maternal serum concentrations explain only a small amount of variation in cord serum PUFA,47 and although maternal PUFA and omega-6 FA were positively related with BW in metformin-treated patients with GDM,4 these associations between cord lipids and BW are not affected by maternal treatment. Because similar associations have been found between maternal diet and the plasma omega-6-to-omega-3-FA ratio and measures of infant obesity,39 future trials of GDM treatment should perhaps focus more specifically on dietary fats.
Histidine was the only amino acid associated with BW. In a previous study, histidine, glycine, and taurine were downregulated in SGA fetuses compared with appropriately growing controls.48 In a different population cohort, histidine was positively related to BW.14 The fact that only cord serum histidine showed an association with BW in our study seems paradoxical since the placental transfer of several other amino acids is also disturbed in GDM.24
Although maternal serum lactate is more elevated in metformin-treated compared with insulin-treated patients with GDM,5 there was no difference in cord serum lactate levels. In addition, there was no difference between treatment groups in cord serum ketone levels. We are not aware of any other studies that have reported the effects of intrauterine metformin exposure on cord serum lactate or ketone levels.
In our study population of pregnancies with GDM and good glycemic control, cord serum glucose or lactate levels were not significantly associated with BW. Two ketones (3-hydroxybutyrate and acetone) were positively related with BW. Similarly, Lowe et al15 suggested a link between cord plasma 3-hydroxybutyrate levels and increased BW and fetal adiposity. Since the fetal liver does not produce a significant amount of ketones but 3-hydroxybutyrate crosses the placenta, the ketones present in cord blood are likely of maternal origin.49 In the fetus, ketones may be used for oxidation or lipogenesis, but to which extent they are able to independently promote fetal growth is not known.
Despite the efficacy of metformin treatment in GDM,6 prenatal metformin exposure due to placental transfer7 has raised some concerns over the possible long-term effects of this treatment. It was thus reassuring to find that the cord serum lipid profile in the metformin group did not significantly differ from either the insulin-treated or the diet-treated group. Moreover, there were no differences in cord serum lactate or ketone levels, suggesting that metformin treatment does not compromise fetal glucose metabolism.
Future studies should focus on whether elevated alanine in the offspring of metformin treated mothers continues during the neonatal period and whether cord serum alanine is associated with long-term metabolic traits. Our study was unable to differentiate whether changes in cord serum alanine were caused by alterations in maternal or fetal metabolism. Future research including simultaneous maternal and fetal serum samples may be better equipped to answer this question.
Strengths and limitations of the study
Our study population represents patients with GDM of mostly Caucasian origin with good glycemic control. The homogeneity of the population simplified the interpretation of the results but also diminished the results’ generalizability to other GDM populations. Although the associations between cord serum metabolites and BW were essentially similar between the treatment groups, these associations may be different in pregnancies not complicated by GDM.50 We used mixed cord blood samples instead of arterial or venous samples. Although the differences in amino acid, FA, and cholesterol concentrations between umbilical arterial and venous samples are mostly small,24 45 51 the proportions of arterial and venous blood may have varied to some degree in individual mixed cord blood samples, thus being a potential source of variation in metabolite concentrations. The sampling method, however, was similar across the study groups and therefore should not have caused bias in the results.