Category:CS1 errors: missing publisher

This is a tracking category for {{cite document}} templates that do not have |publisher=.

Cite document requires |publisher=

This error message is displayed when {{Cite document}} does not have |publisher=. Usually, there is a more appropriate template that can be used in place of {{cite document}}. When {{cite document}} is used, it accepts a limited subset of the cs1|2 parameter suite but requires |publisher=.

To resolve this error, use a more appropriate template (preferred solution) or provide |publisher=.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: missing publisher.[a]


  1. ^ Pages in the Category talk, Draft talk, File talk, Help talk, MediaWiki talk, Module talk, Portal talk, Talk, Template talk, User, User talk, and Wikipedia talk namespaces are not included in the tracking categories. In addition, pages with names matching the patterns '/[Ss]andbox', '/[Tt]estcases', '/[^/]*[Ll]og', and '/[Aa]rchive' are not included in the tracking categories.
There are no pages or files in this category.
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