Module:Template parameter value: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Avoid template name matching being treated as a regex by default, remove unused backwards compatability stuff
Update from sandbox; new module function getTemplate and template function hasTemplate (functionality unchanged for existing methods)
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--Primary moduleModule entry point. Returns a success boolean and either the result_target template or why it failed
function p.getValuegetTemplate(page, templates, parameter, options)
if not (templates and parameter) then --Required parameters
return false, "Missing required parametersparameter 'templates' and 'parameter'"
parameter = tostring(parameter) --Force consistency
options = options or {}
local template_index = tonumber(options.template_index) or 1
local parameter_index = tonumber(options.parameter_index) or 1
local ignore_subtemplates = options.ignore_subtemplates or false
local only_subtemplates = options.only_subtemplates or false
local ignore_self = options.ignore_self or false
local treat_as_regex = options.treat_as_regex or false
if type(templates) == "string" then
-- TODO: Find a good way to allow specifying multiple templates via template invocation
templates = mw.text.split(templates, ", ?")
-- (Modules can just provide a table so no concerns there)
-- Comma splitting is a bad idea (lots of templates have a comma in their name)
templates = mw.text.split({templates, ", ?")}
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foundTemplates = foundTemplates + 1
if foundTemplates == template_index then --Found our wanted template
localreturn valuetrue, template
if ignore_subtemplates then
value = getParameters(template)[parameter] or ""
local params = getAllParameters(template, ignore_self, only_subtemplates)
value = params[parameter][parameter_index] or ""
value = string.gsub(value, "</?%a*include%a*>", "")
value = mw.text.trim(value)
return true, mw.text.decode(value) --due to PrepareText
return false, "No valid template found"
--TemplateModule entry point. Returns ana emptysuccess stringboolean uponand failureeither the _target parameter's value or why it failed
function p.getParameter(page, templates, parameter, options)
if not (templates and parameter) then --Required parameters
return false, "Missing required parameters 'templates' and 'parameter'"
parameter = tostring(parameter) --Force consistency
options = options or {}
local success, text = p.getTemplate(page, templates, options)
if not success then
return success, text
local parameter_index = tonumber(options.parameter_index) or 1
local ignore_subtemplates = options.ignore_subtemplates or false
local only_subtemplates = options.only_subtemplates or false
local ignore_self = options.ignore_self or false
local value
if ignore_subtemplates then
value = getParameters(templatetext)[parameter] or ""
local params = getAllParameters(templatetext, ignore_self, only_subtemplates)
value = params[parameter][parameter_index] or ""
value = string.gsub(value, "</?%a*include%a*>", "")
value = mw.text.trim(value) --technically wrong in some cases but not a big issue
return true, mw.text.decode(value) --decode due to PrepareText
--Template entry point. Returns either "yes" or nothing depending on if the wanted template is found
--Will return error text if no template is provided
function p.hasTemplate(frame)
local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)
local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
local page = args[1] or
local template = args[2] or args.template
local template_index = tonumber(args[3] or args.N) or 1
if not template or template == "" then
return '<span class="error">No template provided for hasTemplate</span>'
local follow = yesno(args.follow) or false
if follow then
page = require("Module:Redirect").luaMain(page)
local options = {
template_index = template_index,
treat_as_regex = yesno(args.treat_as_regex) or false,
local success, _ = p.getTemplate(page, template, options)
return success and "yes" or ""
--Template entry point for getParameter. Returns an empty string upon failure
function p.main(frame)
local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
Line 152 ⟶ 194:
local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")
local options = {
template_index = args[3] or args.template_index,
parameter_index = args[5] or args.parameter_index,
ignore_subtemplates = yesno(args.ignore_subtemplates or or false,
only_subtemplates = yesno(args.only_subtemplates) or false,
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treat_as_regex = yesno(args.treat_as_regex) or false,
local success, resultpage = p.getValue(args[1], args[2],or args[4], options).page
local template = args[2] or args.template
local parameter = args[4] or args.parameter
local success, result = p.getParameter(page, template, parameter, options)
if not success then
return ""
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--Backwards compatability
p.getValue = p.getParameter
--Potentially useful module entry points
p.matchAllTemplates = matchAllTemplates
Idea 1
idea 1
todo 1