Multiple timeline of Spain

This scheme is a multiple timelime of the history of Spain, part of the series of Series of multiple timelines of European countries and territories.

Timeline of Spain

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Spain
Andalusia - Aragon - Balearic Islands - Catalonia - Extremadura - Murcia - Valencia - Other regions in main section
The Kingdom of Spain (Reino de España) is a more or les federal monarchy, divided into autonomous communities, with a hereditary king, a bicameral parliament, the General Cortes, with the Congress of Deputies and the Senate, both elected in free multi-party elections, and a government responsible to the parliament. Spain is member of the European Union. Outside Europe the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla are integral part of Spain.
This timeline of Spain includes the timeline of central, northern and western Spain. The sub-sections give an outline of the history of Andalusia, Extremadura and Murcia (until 1492), Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia (until 1516/1813) and the Balearic Islands (until 1802}.
  • 1st millennium BC: Proto-Celts migrate into present-day Spain.
  • 11th century BC: The first contacts with Phoenicians take place along the Mediterranean coast.
  • 1104 BC: Phoenicians found the first walled city Gadir (modern Cádiz).
  • c. 1000 BC: The existence of Tartessos as first Iberian state is mentioned in writing sources as a centralized Monarchy under Phoenician influence.
  • 6th century BC: Greeks found colonies at the Mediterranean coast. Carthago starts to take over Phoenician dominions.
Carthaginian Empire
  • 226 BC: The Ebro Treaty establishes the Ebro River in Iberia as the boundary line between Rome and Carthage.
  • 218 BC: The Carthaginian Empire conquers large parts of the Iberian peninsula
Roman Republic
  • 226 BC: The Ebro Treaty establishes the Ebro River in Iberia as the boundary line between Rome and Carthage.
  • 206 BC: The Roman Empire defeats the Carthaginian Empire and starts the conquest of the Iberian coast.
  • 197 BC: The Roman Empire establishes the provinces of Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior.
  • 174 BC: After a Celtiberian revolt Rome subdues the Celtiberians.
  • 133 BC: With the conquest of Numantia, the Celtiberians are finally overcome. The Roman Empire gradually conquers the rest of the Iberian peninsula.
  • 74/19 BC: The Roman Empire conquers the North-Western part of the Iberian peninsula.
Roman Empire
Gallic Empire
  • 260: Hispania is part of the seccessionist Gallic Empire.
Roman Empire
  • 270: The Gallic Empire is limited to Gaul and Germania, restoring Roman rule in Hispania.
  • 395: After the death of emperor Theodosius I, the Roman Empire is partitioned in the (Eastern) Roman Empire and the (Western) Roman Empire. The Iberian peninsula becomes part of the Western part of the Empire. The Visigoths led by king Alareiks establish the Visigothic Kingdom in South-East Europe. The Visigoths move westwards in the direction of Italy and Gaul.
Kingdom of the Hasdingi Visigothic Kingdom
  • 417: King Wallia of the Visigoths settles as Roman ally in Gaul and establishes his court in Toulouse.
Kingdom of Galicia
Kingdom of the Vandals and the Alanes
  • 419: The Suebes defeat the Hasdingi and the Vandals migrate to the south of the Iberian peninsula, where king Gunderic becomes king of the Vandals and the Alans.
  • 418: King Wallia invades Hispania, including Southern and Eastern Hispania, and defeats together with the Suebes the Alans and part of the Vandals, who migrate to the south of the Iberian peninsula, where king Gunderic becomes king of the Vandals and the Alans.
  • 419: The Suebes defeat together with the Visigoths the Hasdingi and the Vandals.

  • 457-469: Galicia is in civil war, with various kings claiming the throne.
  • 507: The Visigoths lose their capital Toulouse to the Franks. Their kingdom in Hispania remains intact.
  • 511: King Theodericus of the Ostrogoths becomes regent of the Visigoths. He governs Visigothia through his vice-regent Theudis.
  • 526: Theodoricus is succeeded as king of the Visigoths by his grandson Amalareiks.
  • 531: After his assassination he is succeeded by former vice-regent Theudis.
  • 552: The Roman Empire, also rendered as Byzantine Empire[1] conquers the southern Mediterranean coast and establishes the province of Spania.
  • 585: King Liubagilds of the Visigoths defeats king Audeca of Galicia and annexes Galicia.
  • 603: Witteric overthrows king Liuva II.
  • 624: The Visigothic Kingdom conquers the renmants of Spania.
  • 631: Sisinanþs overthrows king Swinthila.
  • 642: King Tulga is overthrown by Chindasuinth.
  • 680: King Wamba is said to be poisoned and is was forced to step down as king upon his recovery. He is succeeded by king Erwig, who is considered a complete puppet of the bishops and nobility.
  • 693: A rebellion by Suniefred against king Egica is surpredded.
Arab Caliphate
Kingdom of Asturias
  • 718: Pelayo who resists the Umayyad rule, establishes and becomes the first king of Asturias.
Emirate of Córdoba
  • 756: The Ummayads establish the Emirate of Córdoba.
Kingdom of the Franks
  • 795: In the north the Ummayads are defeated by the Franks, that establishes the Marca Hispanica, a set of Frankish counties.

  • 814: Al-Hakam I crushed a rebellion of Iberian Muslims led by clerics.
Kingdom of Pamplona
  • 824: Íñigo Arista secedes from Francia and becomes king of Pamplona.

  • 850: Asturias is under king Ordoño I also known as Kingdom of León.
  • 868: Vímara Peres conquers the region north of the Douro river and becomes count of Portugal as a fief of Asturias .
  • 910: After the death of king Alfonso III Asturias is partitioned.
Kingdom of León Kingdom of Asturias
  • 910: Fruela II becomes king of Asturias.
  • 914: Ordoño II becomes also king of of León.
Kingdom of Galicia
  • 924: King Fruela II of Asturias becomes also king of León.
  • 924: King Fruela II of Asturias becomes also king of Galicia.
  • 925: Alfonso IV becomes king of León, including Asturias.
Caliphate of Córdoba County of Castile
  • 929: King Alfonso IV becomes also king of Galicia.

  • 985: Bermudo II becomes king of León, reuniting Galicia with Leon.
  • 1005: Viguera is inherited by king Antso III.

  • 1009/1031: The Caliphate of Cordoba falls apart in various Taifas in present-day Spain and Portugal.
Kingdom of Navarre Taifa of Toledo Kingdom of Castile
  • 1037: Count Fernando I of Castile, becomes king of León and Galicia and of Castile.
  • 1037: Count Fernando I of Castile, becomes king of León and Galicia and of Castile.
  • 1055: Badajoz becomes a tributary of León.
  • 1037: Count Fernando I of Castile, becomes king of León and Galicia and of Castile.
  • 1065: García II becomes king of Galicia.
  • 1071: After Nuno Mendes tries to become king of Portual, he is overthrown by king García II. Portugal is dissolved. The same year García II is overthrown and Galicia is ruled by Sancho II and Alfonso VI.
  • 1072: King Sancho II defeats Alfonso VI and becomes also king of León. The same year he is assassinated. Alfonso VI becomes king of the three kingdoms.
  • 1072: King Sancho II defeats Alfonso VI and becomes also king of León. The same year he is assassinated. Alfonso VI becomes king of the three kingdoms.
  • 1072: King Sancho II defeats Alfonso VI and becomes also king of León. The same year he is assassinated. Alfonso VI becomes king of the three kingdoms.
  • 1076: Part of Navarre is annexed to Castile.
  • 1085: King Alfonso VI conquers the Taifa of Toledo and estabishes as fourth kingdom the Kingdom of Toledo.
  • 1096: Henrique of Burgundy marries with Teresa, daughter of Alfonso VI and together they become counts of Portugal as a fief of Castian Galicia.
  • 1099: Valencia is conquered by Castille.
  • 1100: Castile loses Valencia to the Moroccan Empire.
  • 1134: The personal union between Navarre and Aragon ends. Gartzea IV becomes king of Navarre.

  • 1139: Count Afonso secedes Portugal from Galicia and León and becomes its first de jure king.
  • 1147-1149: Castile takes part in the Second Crusade in which parts of Iberia are conquered.
  • 1147-1149: León takes part in the Second Crusade in which parts of Iberia are conquered.
  • 1157: After the death of Alfonso VIII, Sancho III becomes king of Castile and Toledo.
  • 1157: After the death of Alfonso VIII, Fernando II becomes king of León and Galicia.
  • 1157: After the death of Alfonso VIII, Fernando II becomes king of León and Galicia.
  • 1158: The state of war between Sancho III and Fernando II is ended at the Treaty of Sahagún.
  • 1158: The state of war between Sancho III and Fernando II is ended at the Treaty of Sahagún.
  • 1158: The state of war between Sancho III and Fernando II is ended at the Treaty of Sahagún.
Crown of Castile[2]
  • 1230: King Fernando III of Castile becomes king of León and Galicia and unites his kingdoms into the Crown of Castile. Castile gets an estates assembly as advisory body to the king. Castile Badajoz.

  • 1305: After the death of the queen Jeanne, her son Louis becomes king Louis I of Navarre.
  • 1314: Louis becomes also king Louis X of France.
  • 1328: After the death of king Charles I his heritage is divided. Charles' daughter Jeanne becomes queen Joana II of Navarre, separate from France.

  • 1356: King Pere IV of Aragon and king Pedro of Castile commence the War of the Two Peters.
  • 1369: Enrique II dethrones and kills Pedro in the Castilian Civil War and brings the House of Trastámara to the throne. King Fernando of Portugal disputes the Castillian throne and both pretenders commence the Fernandine Wars.
  • 1373: With the Treaty of Santarem the war between Castile and Portugal ends. Enrique remains king of Castile.
  • 1375: The war between Aragon and Castile ends with the peace of Almazán, leaving no clear victor.
  • 1382: The Third Fernandine War between Fernando and Enrique's successor Juan ends after a victory with the Treaty of Salvaterra. Fernando recognizes Juan as king of Castile.
  • 1383: King Juan of Castile marries with the daughter of King Fernando, princess Beatriz. This means that he becomes heir of the Portuguese throne after the death of Fernando the same year. The Portuguese nobility resist Juan becoming king of Portugal.
  • 1385: The Castillian army is not only defeated at Aljubarrot, but also annihilated. João is recognized as king of Portugal.
  • 1402: Castile conquers Lanzarote.
  • 1405: Castile completes the conquest of Fuertaventura.
  • 1435: An uprising in Galicia that started in 1431, is suppressed.

  • 1448: Portugal claims the Canary Islands.
  • 1462: Castile conquers Gibraltar, part of Granada.
  • 1470: Another uprising in Galicia that started in 1467, is defeated.
  • 1474: After the death of king Enrique IV , Isabel I becomes queen of Castile. Her husband Fernando II of Aragon becomes jure uxoris as Fernando V king of Castile.
  • 1475: The War of the Castilian Succession commences between his daughter Juana, married to king Afonso of Portugal, and his half-sister, Isabel. Portugal and France intervene in favour of Juana and Aragon in favour of Isabel.
  • 1479: After her death, her grandson François Fébus becomes king of Navarre, count of Foix and viscount of Béarn.
  • 1479: The War of the Castilian Succession ends with the Treaty of Alcáçovas, confirming Isabel as queen of Castile. By treaty the Canary Islands are awarded to Castile. Fernando II becomes king of Aragon, creating a personal union between Aragon and Castile.
  • 1487: Gran Canaria is conquered by Castile
  • 1491: The Treaty of Granada between sultan Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad of Granada and queen Isabel with king Ferrando relinquishes the sovereignty of Granada to Castile.
  • 1506: Philipp I of the House of Habsburg succeeds in getting also de facto power in Castille. He dies the same year and is succeeded by Juana who remains queen of Castile. Fernando rules Castile together with Juana.
  • 1512: The southern part and historical core of Navarre is invaded by Castile and Aragon.
Kingdom of Spain
Spanish Republic
  • 1873: King Amadeo abdicates and the parliament proclaimes the republic. Spain gets a constitution that provides in a unicameral parliament elected on a universal male suffrage and a government responsible to the parliament.
  • 1874: A revolutionary uprising is defeated.
Kingdom of Spain.
Spanish Republic
  • 1931: The dictatorship is overthrown. After elections, king Alfonso XIII abdicates and Spain becomes a republic. A provisional government is formed. The Galician Republic secedes unilaterally from Spain and is reincorporated the same day. A constituent assembly is elected in free multi-party elections on a universal male suffrage. The new constitution stipulates a parliament elected in multi-party elections on a universal suffrage. The government is responsible to the parliament.
  • 1933: An anarchist uprising is suppressed easily.
  • 1934: An uprising, mainly in Asturias, commences and is suppressed.
  • 1936: In rebellion against the republic government nationalist forces start the Spanish Civil War. The nationalists proclaim the Spanish State. The war involves large numbers of non-Spanish citizens who participate in combat and advisory positions. Nazi Germany and fascist Italy intervene in the war to support the nationalists. During the war from time to time the left is divided between moderate republicans, anarchists and various communist factions who fight each other.
  • 1937: The Sovereign Council of Asturias and León, established in 1936, secedes unilaterally and unrecognized from Spain and is the same year defeated by the nationalist side in the Spanish civil war.
Spanish State
  • 1939: The nationalists defeat the republicans. Spain has the Chief of the Spanish State, Francisco Franco, as head of state. Parliament is abolished. Spain is governed in a one-party system in which opponents are persecuted. Spain withdraws from the League of Nations. Republican guerilla resistance remains active until 1965.
  • 1940-1945: Spain remains neutral during World War II.
  • 1942: Spain gets a corporative assembly.
  • 1955: Spain joins the United Nations.
  • 1956: Spain ends it protectorate over Morocco.
  • 1958: Spain cedes Cape Juby to Morocco.
  • 1959: The Basque Country and Freedom (ETA) is founded as a separatist movement of the Basque Country.
  • 1968: ETA enacts its first in a long row of attacks on government officials. Spainish Guinea becomes independent as Equatorial Guinea.
  • 1969: Spain cedes Ifni to Morocco.
Kingdom of Spain

Timeline of Andalusia, Extremadura and Murcia

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Spain
Andalusia - Aragon - Balearic Islands - Catalonia - Extremadura - Murcia - Valencia - Other regions in main section
Visigothic Kingdom
  • until 552: The southern part of Hispania is ruled by the Visigothic Kingdom.
Roman Empire
  • 552: The Roman Empire[4] conquers the southern Mediterranean coast and establishes the province of Spania.
  • 624: The Visigothic Kingdom conquers the renmants of Spania.
Arab Caliphate
  • 711/716: The Visigothic Kingdom with as last king Roderic is destroyed by the Umayyad Arab Caliphate under Tariq ibn Ziyad that conquers most of the Iberian peninsula, including present-day Southern, Central and Eastern Spain, as well as Portugal.
  • 750: The Ummayads are overthrown by the Abbasids, but keep ruling Hispania.
Emirate of Córdoba
Caliphate of Córdoba
Taifa of Almeria Taifa of Granada
Taifa of Murcia
  • 1011: Murcia becomes independent.

Taifa of Badajoz
Taifa of Malaga Taifa of Seville
Taifa of Cordoba
  • 1034: Lisbon is reconquered by Badajoz.
Taifa of Valencia
  • 1038: Almeria falls to Valencia.

Taifa of Almeria

  • 1057: Malaga falls to Granada.
  • 1050s: Seville conquers other taifa's, e.g. Algeciras Silves (1063) and other taifas in the Algarve.
  • 1055: Badajoz becomes a tributary of León
Taifa of Malaga
  • 1071: Tamim becomes king of Malaga.

  • 1070: Seville conquers Cordoba

  • 1078: Seville conquers Murcia.
Moroccan Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
  • 1141: The Almoravid rule erades. Badajoz is restored
Moroccan Caliphate
  • 1145/1147: The Almoravid rule falls apart in various taifas and is replaced by the Almohad Caliphate of Morocco. Abd al-Mu'min of the Almohads becomes caliph of Morocco, conquering most of the taifas. Valencia becomes independent.
Taifa of Murcia
  • 1147: Murcia becomes independent. Valencia falls to Murcia.
  • 1172: Murcia with Valencia falls to the Almohads.
  • 1203: Majorca falls to the Almohads.

  • 1229: Valencia regains independence and Aragon conquers the Balearic Islands.
Taifa of Malaga Taifa of Murcia Crown of Castile
Emirate of Granada

  • 1462: Castile conquers Gibraltar, part of Granada.

Timeline of Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Spain
Andalusia - Aragon - Balearic Islands - Catalonia - Extremadura - Murcia - Valencia - Other regions in main section
Visigothic Kingdom
  • Since 418: The eastern part of Hispania is ruled by the Visigothic Kingdom.
Arab Caliphate
  • 711/716: The Visigothic Kingdom with as last king Roderic is destroyed by the Umayyad Arab Caliphate under Tariq ibn Ziyad that conquers most of the Iberian peninsula, including present-day Southern, Central and Eastern Spain, as well as Portugal.
  • 750: The Ummayads are overthrown by the Abbasids, but keep ruling Hispania.
Emirate of Córdoba
Kingdom of the Franks
  • 795: In the north-east the Ummayads are defeated by the Franks, that establishes the Marca Hispanica, a set of Frankish counties.
County of Aragon
  • ca. 802: Aureolus becomes the first count of Aragon inside Francia.
  • ca. 825: Count García Galíndez of Aragon becomes vassal of Pamplona.
County of Barcelona
  • 801: After the Frankish conquest of Barcelona,Bèra becomes count of Barcelona as Frankish fief.
  • 820: After count Bèra is deposed, Rampò becomes count.
  • 832: Roussilon becomes under count Berenguer part of Barcelona.

  • 878: Count Guifré establishes a hereditaty countship for the House of Sunifred.
  • 896: Roussillon becomes a separate county.
Caliphate of Córdoba
  • 929: Córdoba becomes a caliphate.

Kingdom of Pamplona
Taifa of Valencia Taifa of Dénia
  • 1018: Majorca comes under the rule of Dénia.
Taifa of Zaragoza
  • 1038-1041: Almeria is part of Valencia.
Kingdom of Aragon
Taifa of Toledo
  • 1065: Valencia falls to Toledo.
Taifa of Valencia
  • 1076: Dénia falls to Valencia, Majorca remains separate.
  • 1081: Valencia loses Dénia to Tortosa[6]
Kingdom of Castile
  • 1099: Valencia is conquered by Castile.
Moroccan Empire
  • 1092: Dénia falls to Morocco.

  • 1118: Aragon conquers Zaragoza.

  • 1130: Aragon conquers Rueda.
Kingdom of Aragon
  • 1134: The personal union between Navarre and Aragon ends. Ramiro II becomes king of Aragon.
Taifa of Valencia
  • 1147-1149: Barcelona takes part in the Second Crusade in which parts of Iberia are conquered.
Taifa of Murcia
  • 1147: Valencia falls to Murcia.

  • 1150: Queen Petronilla of Aragon marries count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona, who becomes king of Aragon by marriage.
  • 1150: He marries queen Petronilla of Aragon, which makes him king of Aragon by marriage.
Moroccan Caliphate
  • 1172: Valencia falls to the Almohads.
Crown of Aragon[7]
Taifa of Valencia
  • 1229: Valencia regains independence with Zayyan.
Kingdom of Spain
  • 1516: After the death of Fernando, the son of Philipp and Juana, Karl V, duke of Burgundy, becomes as Carlos I king of Castile and Aragon, together also named Spain. The Crowns of Castile and Aragon remain constituent crowns of Spain until 1716. Carlos is at the same time king of Sicily, Naples and Sardinia.
Catalan Republic
Principality of Catalonia France
  • 1641: The local clergy and aristocracy half-heartedly accepts king Louis XIII of France as prince Lluís of Catalonia.
French Empire
  • 1812: Catalonia is annexed to France.
  • 1813: Spanish rule in Catalonia is restored..

Timeline of the Balearic Islands

Introduction - Other timelines - Index of timelines - Spain
Andalusia - Aragon - Balearic Islands - Catalonia - Extremadura - Murcia - Valencia - Other regions in main section
Visigothic Kingdom
  • Since 418: The Balearic Islands are ruled by the Visigothic Kingdom.
Kingdom of the Vandals and the Alanes
Roman Empire
  • 534: The islands are conquered by the Romans[8].
Emirate of Córdoba
  • 902: The islands are conquered by the Emirate of Córdoba.
Caliphate of Córdoba
  • 929: Córdoba becomes a caliphate.
Taifa of Majorca Dénia
Moroccan Empire
Taifa of Majorca
  • 1147: Majorca becomes independent with emir Muhammad.
Moroccan Caliphate
  • 1203: Majorca falls to the Moroccan Almohads].
Crown of Aragon Taifa of Minorca
Kingdom of Majorca
  • 1276: After the death of Jaume I, Jaume II becomes king of Majorca and refuses to pay tribute to Aragon. Majorca includes the County of Rousillon.
  • 1284-1285: Mallorca takes part in the Aragonese Crusade against Aragon, defeated by Aragon.
  • 1286: King Alfons III of Aragon conquers Majorca and becomes king of Majorca. This is disputed by Jaume II.
  • 1286: Alfons III is succeeded by Jaume II of Aragon.
Crown of Aragon
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Spain
MinorcaGreat Britain
Kingdom of France
  • 1756: Minorca is conquered by France.
MinorcaGreat Britain
  • 1763: British rule is restored.
  • 1782: Minorca returns to Spain.
MinorcaGreat Britain
  • 1798: British rule is restored after an invasion.
  • 1802: The United Kingdom cedes Minorca to Spain.

  1. ^ The name Byzantine Empire for the (Eastern) Roman Empire since 395 is used by historicans afterwards, but that was never a contemporary name.
  2. ^ The Crown of Castile and its constituent kingdoms exist until 1716.
  3. ^ In 1993 with the Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1991, the European Economic Community is renamed into the European Community, the institutions of the three communities (the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Coal and Steel Community) merge into the institutions of the European Communities, being the first pillar of the European Union. In 2009 with the Treaty of Lisbon, signed in 2007, the European Community is dissolved into the European Union, becoming an overall legal unit.
  4. ^ The name Byzantine Empire for the (Eastern) Roman Empire since 395 is used by historicans afterwards, but that was never a contemporary name.
  5. ^ Not all taifas are included. A list of taifa's can be found at Taifa.
  6. ^ Tortosa is not listed.
  7. ^ The Kingdom of Aragon and Barcelona, renamed in Principality of Catalonia, are constituent entities of the Crown of Aragon until 1716.
  8. ^ The name Byzantine Empire for the (Eastern) Roman Empire since 395 is used by historicans afterwards, but that was never a contemporary name.
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