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Academic American Encyclopedia
Arête Publishing. (21 volumes)
  • 1980 : The full text was made available to 200 homes in Columbus, Ohio, as part of an experiment sponsored by OCLC.
  • 1981 : The full text was also made available to subscribers of The New York Times Information Bank, the Dow Jones News/Retrieval and CompuServe.
  • 1982 : The interactive version, including illustrations, video and audio stored on videodisk was shown at the Frankfurt Book Fair
  • 1982 : Grolier acquired the encyclopedia. It has also been published under the names Grolier Academic Encyclopedia, Grolier International Encyclopedia, Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia, Macmillan Family Encyclopedia, Barnes & Noble New American Encyclopedia, and Global International Encyclopedia.
  • 1985 : Grolier published the text-only CD-ROM, The New Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia, which comprised 30,000 entries and 9 million words.
  • 1990 : When it was called The New Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia (1988–1991), still pictures were added.
  • 1992 : The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, later named the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.
Anomalous States of Knowledge as a Basis for Information Retrieval
Canadian Journal of Information Science, vol. 5, pp. 133-143.
  • Who has sighted (not just cited) Belkin 1980, "ASK"? [1] @ William Webber's Research Blog
A computer program
Wholeness and the Implicate Order
  • Cf. F. David Peat (1986) Looking Glass Universe: The Emerging Science of Wholeness (with John Briggs, Simon and Schuster)
The Foundations of Information Science
  • Part 1. Philosophical Aspects. Journal of Information Science (1980) 2: 125-133. Google docs
  • Part 2. Quantitative Aspects: Classes of Things and the Challenge of Human Individuality. Journal of Information Science. (1980) 2: 209-221.
  • Part 3. Qualitative Aspects: Objective Maps and Subjective Landscapes. Journal of Information Science. (1980) 2: 269-275.
  • Part 4. Information Science: The Changing Paradigm." Journal of Information Science. (1981) 3: 3-12.
Essays on Actions and Events
Clarendon Press, Oxford
A Thousand Plateaus
1987 English trans. from Capitalisme et Schizophrenie 2: Mille Plateaux, coauthored with Felix Guattari)
Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities
Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP
Pantheon, New York
Methodological Solipsism Considered as a Research Strategy in Cognitive Science
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3: 63-73.
New Directions in the Analysis and Interactive Elicitation of Personal Construct Systems
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 13(1): 81-116 (with Mildred L. G. Shaw) dblp
  • (1996) Convergence to the Information Highway
Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege
3rd ed. (1st ed. 1952) trans. and ed. with Max Black, Blackwell
Faith's New Age: A Perspective on Contemporary Religious Change
Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms
Media, Culture and Society, 2, 57-72
Thrice Upon a Time
  • ``Unlike most other time travel stories, this considers the ramifications of sending messages into the past and/or receiving messages from the future, rather than the sending of physical objects through time.``



George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980).
Metaphors We Live By.

Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology
Sage, Beverly Hills, CA



Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (1980).
Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living
(Boston Philosophy of Science Vol. 40)

Principles of Artificial Intelligence
Tioga Publishing Company
Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas
Basic Books ISBN 0-465-04674-6
Language and Learning
The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky at the Abbaye de Royaumont in 1975. Harvard University Press
From Being to Becoming



Brian Keith Reid (1980).
A high-level approach to computer document formatting. Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pp. 24-31. ACM

The very best document-formatting system is a good secretary. He can be given scrawled handwritten text in no particular format, and without further instruction produce a flawless finished document. Nevertheless, we believe that document formatting should be done by computers, because so much of it is the tedium that computers handle so well. Existing computer document formatting programs have met with some success; indeed, most computer systems offer some sort of text formatting capability. These programs are often difficult to use, and are almost invariably tied to a particular kind of printing device.The document-formatting language Scribe was designed to provide a simple, portable language in which document formatting could be specified; the Scribe compiler was written to process that language into finished documents. In following sections we describe the design goals, the implementation, and report on experience with the completed system.
Entropy: A New World View
Speech Act Theory and Pragmatics
Ed. with F. Kiefer and M. Bierwisch. Reidel
The Background of Meaning
In: John Searle (ed.) pp. 221-232
Gottlob Frege
'Memex' as an Image of Potentiality in Information Retrieval Research and Development
In: R. N. Oddy, et al. eds., (1981) Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Cambridge, England, June 23-27, 1980. pp. 345-369. [3]
Proceedings of the 3rd annual ACM conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Cambridge, England, June 23-27, 1980.
Conference Chair  : C. J. van Rijsbergen - University College, Dublin, Eire.
B. C. Brookes Information technology and the science of information pp. 1 - 8
Gerard Salton & Harry Wu A term weighting model based on utility theory pp. 9 - 22
Abraham Bookstein A comparison of two weighting schemes for Boolean retrieval pp. 23 - 34
Stephen E. Robertson, C. J. van Rijsbergen, M. F. Porter Probabilistic models of indexing and searching pp. 35 - 56
Terry Noreault, Michael McGill, Matthew B. Koll A performance evaluation of similarity measures, document term weighting schemes and representations in a Boolean environment pp. 57 - 76
Matthew B. Koll Information retrieval theory and design based on a model of the user's concept relations pp. 77 - 93
Roger C. Schank, Janet L. Kolodner, Gerald DeJong Conceptual information retrieval pp. 94 - 116
Christopher Landauer, Clinton Mah Message extraction through estimation of relevance pp. 117 - 138
Carole D. Hafner Representation of knowledge in a legal information retrieval system pp. 139 - 153
Lynette Hirschman Retrieving time information from natural-language texts pp. 154 - 171
C. D. Paice The automatic generation of literature abstracts: an approach based on the identification of self-indicating phrases pp. 172 - 191
Lawrence J. Mazlack, Richard A. Feinauer Establishing a basis for mapping natural-language statements onto a database query language pp. 192 - 202
D. R. McGregor, J. R. Malone The fact database: a system based on inferential methods pp. 203 - 217
H.-J. Schek Methods for the administration of textual data in database systems pp. 218 - 235
Jean Tague, Michael Nelson, Harry Wu Problems in the simulation of bibliographic retrieval systems pp. 236 - 255
P. Bollmann, V. S. Cherniavsky Measurement-theoretical investigation of the MZ-metric pp. 256 - 267
Peter Kracsony, Gerald Kowalski, Arnold Meltzer Comparative analysis of hardware versus software text search pp. 268 - 279
R. M. Lea, E. J. Schuegraf An associative file store using fragments for run-time indexing and compression pp. 280 - 295
Amar Mukhopadhyay A backend machine architecture for information retrieval pp. 296 - 309
Andrew J. Palay, Mark S. Fox Browsing through databases pp. 310 - 324
Stephen F. Weiss A probabilistic algorithm for nearest neighbour searching pp. 325 - 333
Tadeusz Radecki A model of a document-clustering-based information retrieval system with a Boolean search request formulation pp. 334 - 344
Linda C. Smith 'Memex' as an image of potentiality in information retrieval research and development pp. 345 - 369
Christine A. Montgomery Where do we go from here? pp. 370 - 385
The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence versus Foundations in the Theory of Knowledge
Midwest Studies in Philosophy Vol. V: 3-25.
The Foundations of Foundationalism
Nous XIV: 547-65.
A Feature-Integration Theory of Attention
Cognitive Psychology (1980) vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 97-136.
with G. Gelade
Macrostructures: An Interdisciplinary Study of Global Structures in Discourse, Interaction, and Cognition
Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1980
  • together with two other works, crucially cited by John Hutchins (1987) [4]
The Modern World-System, Vol. II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750
Academic Press, New York
Systems: Concepts, Methodologies and Applications
John Wiley & Son


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