User:Leighblackall/La Trobe Oral Health/2015
- Tooth ankylosis
- Tooth ankylosis
- Enamel hypoplasia
- Tooth gemination
- Dental bonding- citation required
- Tooth ankylosis- little information and one reference
- Dental material- composite resin material, little information with one reference
- Retainer (orthodontics) - addtional citation required and information
- Tooth pathology - more examples
- Plaque hypotheses - needs more information
- Hall Technique - needs more resources
- Smear layer - layout
- Dental assistant - needs citations
- Apical foramen - more content and citations
- Curve of Spee - no citations
- Calculus (dental) - missing information about Removal of calculus after formation
- Recaldent - only one category: dental material
- Remineralisation of teeth - potentially add Demineralisation
- Dentin hypersensitivity
- Deciduous teeth-referencing
- Dental composite- referencing
- Glass ionomer cement - no information
- Pulpotomy- referencing
- Amelogenesis
- Dentinogenesis- No picture, limited and confusing information about how dentin is formed - not specific enough
- Epithelial root sheath- Picture is confusing
- Plaque hypotheses - More information on each hypothesis, update refrences
- Dental Abscess - More refrences
- Orthodontics- currently developing more knowledge about this and is at a higher interest
- Endodontic therapy-requires further detail about importance of use of Rubber Dam during procedure.
- Dentin hypersensitivity
- Tooth ankylosis - Treatment options
- Biotene - Description/Uses/Indications/Contraindications
- Craniofacial
- Special needs dentistry
- Pulpitis
- Plaque hypotheses
- Tooth pathology - needs more detailed information
- Congenitally missing teeth - page does not exist
- Submerged teeth- page does not exist
- Recaldent (tooth mousse)
- Dental Instruments
- Recaldent - could be written more succinctly, easier to understand for anyone who reads it; also needs more information
- Disclosing tablets - could add category of plaque identification/measurement; Australian based information; could list some common brands and the individual identification that they use
- Amelogenesis - page already says the information may be too technical for non-experts to read/understand; could add images/diagrams or a video for process
- Dental fear - could add more information on the measurement of fear; could use more citations for treatment section
- Dental fluorosis
- Taurodontism - edit citations
- Turner's hypoplasia - edit citations
- Dental therapist describes Oral Health Therapist role, but there is no individual Oral Health Therapist page. Described as needing a 'clean up'
- Geriatric dentistry
- Postgraduate training in general dentistry
- Street dentistry
- Deciduous teeth limited references to support why deciduous teeth are important
- Tooth brushing only describes one tooth brushing technique and no age differentials etc.
- Dental dam - only a few references present
- Dental Drill - very little on alternatives page
- Oral Health Therapist Page - The is no page information on this - Shotgun Igor
- Tooth pathology
- Early childhood caries
- Pulp necrosis
- Dental abscess
- Tooth resorption
- Sugar
- Recaldent
- Biofilm
- Teeth whitening
Cyst on a wisdom tooth
Lidocaine HCl local anesthetic cartridge
Lidocaine HCl local anesthetic cartridge
Impacted wisdom tooth with caries and cyst displacing nerve
Dental cavity2
Blausen 0864 ToothDecay
Intraorally developed biofilm
A child with a mental disabilitly practicing oral health in Nepal
US Navy 040701-N-1050K-006 Dental Technician 3rd Class Nedra Jackson, left, comforts a 7-year-old Thai student while Capt. Michael McNamara administers a local anesthetic in preparation for a tooth extraction during a Dental Ci
Nepalese child with Down Syndrome practicing oral health during an oral health promotion activity
Smiles in Nepal - rural woman during oral health promotion training
Enamel celiac
Smooth Surface Caries GIF
NIH DOC 19 Erythroleukoplakia
Flickr - - Vendor in Luxor
Aparatología fija ortodóncica
Braces Close Diastema Spaces
Root Canal Illustration Molar