ubx-5 | This user uses entirely too many userboxes. |
A, B, and A and B | This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing. |
’s | Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice. |
Mix | This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently. |
| Ths usr cn rd & rt usn txt lng |
| This user finds that comedy is the best way to communicate. |
@ | This user can be reached by email at r2d2.art2005@gmail.com. |
| This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference. |
This user contributes using a PC.
Cards | This user enjoys playing Uno. |
This user is a fan of Nintendo hardware and software.
User:Casmith 789/Userboex/Mario
| Pi ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 86104 54326 64821 33936 07260 24914 12737 24587 00660 63155 81748 81520 92096 28292 54091 71536 43678 92590 36001 13305 30548 82046 65213 84146 95194 15116 09... |
| This user does not smoke. |
Name | This user's name is Arturo. |
SIS | This user has a Big Sister. |
This user has a little brother
| This user's time zone is CST. |
| This user was born on 20th April. |
| This user has a sense of humour and shows it through the use of userboxes. |
6 C 12.011 | This user is made out of Carbon. |
| This user is not and has never been Napoleon. |
| This user is being held hostage in a fortune cookie factory! Help! Ooooh.. here's a good one! Confucius says you will be held hostage in a fortune cookie factory. |
| This little tag you are reading is a userbox. |
| This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha! |
| This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy. |
| This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful. |
Mmm, userboxes
This user thinks that more Wikipedians would like userboxes if they were edible.
| This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored. |
| Content contributed by this user is released under any Creative Commons attribution license. |
| This user believes that articles are useless without images. |
END | This user has no more userboxes. |