

About Me


Hello - my name is Tim. I am 29 years old, happily single (my harem doesn't count) and live in Denver, Colorado. I love this project and it certainly helps to burn away down time. My main purpose is to read articles of interest and post new data or remove garbage. I also have a penchant for searching out and removing Wiki Vandalism. I pretty much search for it and delete it on the spot...its a great hobby for when you are bored at work. My user article is definitely POV! Please keep this in mind as you read...however, I invite you to click on the article link to make up your own mind.

I work in the leasing business, mainly working on end of term transactions. Basically I am a glorified used car salesman. I have family in Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and California. My ethnicity is English, French, German, Norwegian, and Swedish, and I happen to love women from all of those backgrounds. I have yet to use the "You have a little English in you", 'No', "Would you like some" pickup line but it is one of my life goals.



Foreign Policy, History, and Politics are my main interests, and thus are the focus of my preferred articles. When I tire of the above, I just sit back, relax, drink beer and watch sports. I am only human you know. I love to travel as dream is to travel to countries that American's rarely travel. I would love to visit Russia and Iran for example...provided the security situation abates and worldwide contempt for Americans eases.



Yup - I gotta cover it. I am a Moderate Republican (not a Bushie, but not a Dem either). My views tend to be slightly right of what I call Realistic Conservatism. It's basically a moderate tone...I can't stand extremists on both side of the aisle.



Hockey and Football are my favorites. I hate the Detroit Red Wings and Oakland Raiders. The Vikings suck donkey dick too.


Here are a list of my favorite articles on WikiPedia...ones that reflect my interests and meet a good standard:



Denver, Colorado

Denver International Airport

Los Angeles, California

San Diego, California

Tehran, Iran

Havana, Cuba

Houston, Texas

Moscow, Russia

London, England, United Kingdom





Germany, both East and West


North Korea

South Korea



Russia and or Soviet Union

United States of America



John Adams - 2nd US President.

Willy Brandt - Chancellorof the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), aka West Germany and Mayor of W. Berlin

Winston Churchill - United Kingtom Prime Minister during WWII.

Alexander Dubcek - Founded Prague Spring. General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia leader in late 60's.

Vicente Fox - Former Mexican President - first of PAN.

Mikhail Gorbechev - Last General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Stephen Harper - Current Canadian Prime Minister

Abraham Lincoln - 16th US President.

Yitzhak Rabin - Attempted peace with Palestinians

Pope John Paul II

Ronald Reagan - 40th US President

Ali Sistani

Pierre Trudeau - 15th Canadian Prime Minister

Harry Truman - 33rd US President.

George Washington - First US President.

Ernesto Zedillo - Last Mexican President of the PRI.

Yassir Arafat - Dead PLO Terrorist turned statesman.

Leonid Brezhnev - General Secretary of CPSU.

Fidel Castro - President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba. Basically the Cuban Dictator. He's old as shit.

Erich Honecker - General Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands), aka the East German Communist Party. De facto leader of the German Democratic Republic (Deutche Demokratische Republik), aka East Germany.

Ali Khamenei - Supreme Leader of Iran.

Henry Kissinger - advocated US support for Iranian Shah, Pinochet, and Suharto.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Last Shah of Iran.

Augusto Pinochet - Chilean Dictator.

Vladimir Putin - Current Russia President.

Ariel Sharon - Commanded Israeli massacre of Palistinians in Lebanon. Turned Prime Minister...mellowed a bit before a debilitating stroke.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Iranian nutjob. Would probably relish a shot at Nuclear War.

Nicolae Ceausescu - General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party. "Genius" of the Carpathians...had songs written about him...then got shot in the head.

Hugo Chavez - Perpetually thinks the US will invade...tries to pick fights with the USA...???...take a chill pill Hugo. If you let it be you wont be bothered.

Pat Robertson - Advocates assassinations, thinks God talks to him....

Adolf Hitler - Genocidal German Fuhrer. Allegedly, only had one ball.

Saddam Hussein - Need I say more?

Ruhollah Khomeini - self titled Imam, Iranian Supreme Leader. An Islamic Falwell.

Kim Il Sung - Pers. Cult, "Great Leader" of N. Korea

Kim Jong Il - The "Dear Leader" of North Korea.

Mao Zedong - Chairman and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. Instituted massive personality cult. Killed MILLIONS.

Saparmurat Niyazov - Dead. Calls himself "Turkmenbashi", names towns after himself...similar to Ceausescu. NUTS!

Joseph Stalin - General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. WORST GUY EVER. Killed more than Hitler, Mussolini, George W. Bush, Saddam, and Khomeini combined. Rivaled only by Chairman Mao.

Thought to ponder


The general consensus is that the war on drugs has failed or is failing miserably. Illegal street drugs are everywhere, and there is no slowing them down. The DEA, in order to justify their existance and show progress, has moved their focus AWAY from illegal drugs and has placed most of their efforts into busting doctors and pharmacies that prescribe LEGAL medications. They justify this witch hunt by claiming that many of these doctors and pharmacies are "rogue internet pharmacies" that sell narcotic painkillers without prescriptions to people, including children. They even claim that kids can order Percocet and Oxycontin as easy as a click of a mouse! Enough to scare the populous, right? Well...I'm about to poke big holes in the DEA's line of Bullshit.

Point #1: "Rogue" Online Pharmacies - the true story:

Online pharmacies have a bad rap because a few bad apples about 10 years ago were not completely on the level. They had doctors writing scripts for money, and often time sold sub standard medication. Today, the vast majority of online pharmacies (i.e. 99 out of 100) operate using the following business model:

A. Customer registers with website; B. Customer signs up for a doctor "Consult" which includes both a web questionairre and telephone conversation with the site's US licenced physician; C. Customer faxes or sends in current certified medical records (including any tests, MRI's, X-Rays and Bloodwork) showing the validity of their condition, that the customer is in good physical shape, and that the condition is chronic; D. Physician reviews the records and questionairre. If the physician finds the records are in good order, the physician then calls the customer and discusses the situation with them on the telephone; E. Based on the consult, the physician either approves the medicine requested, approves a variant of the medication requested, or delines the request; F. If approved, the physician will generally grant two refills. If the customer requires more they will need another consult with updated records; G. Prescription is written and sent to the Web Site's preferred pharmacy. The medication is filled and sent via Air Courier to the customer the next day; H. Customer may not request a refill early under any circumstances, next refill is available 25-30 days later.

The lack of a face to face meeting is the biggest problem that most people have with these services. The industry is beginning to work around those issues by having either a face to face meeting via webcam or in person at their facility.

Does that sound "rogue" to you? The benefits of the above are that the customer gets the treatment needed. Primary Care Physicians are unwilling to prescribe a long term treatment utilizing controlled medication out of fear that the DEA will bust them or suspend their registration. Im many cases, this is the only solution.

I would point out that if ANYONE can log on to a website without records and somehow get away with medication without a prescription, they are in the wrong line of business...sales is a calling.

Point #2: Kids can get powerful narcotics at the click of a mouse!

That is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard.

I sincerely believe that a child or teenager that can steal a credit card, figure out where the heck the CVV is, concoct reliable medical records that can be confirmed by a doctor, somehow convince a doctor over the phone that they are an adult with a legit problem, have the meds SIGNED FOR by an adult over 21 shady enough to do so, but also one not shady enough that thay would not STIFF the kid, not appear RIPPED at school or infront of their parents, and THEN somehow explain the charge away on the credit card is the freakin MESSIAH! Only GOD could do all that under the age of 18. If these "children" are truly out there in the amount CASA claims, then my God we have a BRIGHT future in this country because they are FREAKIN GENIUSES! I would be more worried about the number of children smoking cigarettes and pot than ones somehow getting pills to pop. The true issue here is whose responsibility is it for the welfare of our children? THE FREAKING PARENTS ARE!!!! Where are the parents of these so called/alleged Vicodin Kids? Well - first off they don't exist because kids can't get narcotics off the web like the media claims...but if they somehow did exist, they should be locked up for child abuse for not properly watching over their children!!!

Point #3: Street Drugs Vs. Legal Drugs

I have a bad bad bad ankle that hurts like a mofo...yet somehow its easier for me (should I choose to do so) to get a bag of weed or an 8 ball of Cocaine than it is to get a prescription from my doctor for Vicodin. Most people under the age of 50 (and that's just a generalization) know someone who knows someone who knows someone that can get drugs. Most people can probably get some form of illegal drug in a week or less should they choose to do so. Can you honestly say that these same people can go out to their doctor and get a prescription for more than 30 Vicodins just as easily, if at all? The answer is NO. THAT is sad. THAT is pathetic. THAT tells me that Doctors are afraid to prescribe. THAT tells me that illegal drugs are much more available than the DEA would like to admit.

Finally -

Being able to grab a ball of Coke or an Oz of Ganja easier than getting 45 vicodin for a sprained ankle WAS NOT THE INTENT OF THE WAR ON DRUGS!! The DEA needs to refocus, ladies and gentlemen. DEA, listen up. No more busting doctors. More busting Pancho coming up from Colombia with a kilo of yayo. That is what we pay you for...not to scare the local primary care physician into prescribing prescription strength Advil (don't you just hate that?) over an actual EFFECTIVE alternative. Don't believe me? Just wait till it happens to you. I call this Neo-Probationism. I don't blame the DEA agents, they are just doing their job...but I do blame policy makers for this crap. I bet they would have a different take if they had to walk around on my piece of $hit ankle for just ONE week.

Have a different take? Feel free to post on discussion!

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