Engineer interested in Nuclear Physics and in building real physical models of the atomic nuclei. To start suggest reading James Clerk Maxwell's article on Atoms and Attraction in the 9th edition of the EB . I guess that means I'm a believer in classical physics. WFPM WFPM (talk) 04:27, 12 April 2008 (UTC)
Am also interested in science in general and think of it as being a study of the chemical and physics of real physical entities and the not too complicated mathematics used to describe their size and other relationships. Have a problem with mathematics though, because sometimes it's logic goes beyond that of physics and/or chemistry in subdividing and or multiplying things and extends concepts into things like division by zero and infinite subdivision that I dont think are possible in the real world. Am a mule in pursuit of the rational of the subject matter, and amazed to note that when we say we are discussing real physical entities, we are actually discussing 3 different sets of ideas; namely 1:your idea, 2: my idea, and 3:a set of communicated facts and opinions that are supposed to represent the criteria of compatability of new ideas about the subject matter. Only interested in history related to science ideas which is more than I can handle. Have memorized the periodic table and built a set of "Real Physical Nuclear Models", see Talk: Nuclear model as a means of being able to pick them up and analyze their relative size and configuration properties with relation to the chemical periods etc. Have 9th, 11th, and 1979 editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica Plus 1935 World Book Encyclopedia and a bunch of physics and chemistry books plus a lot of Isaac Asimov Science books for reference. The beautiful thing about science is that at least you can start out with a hierarchial list of things to think about, and the problem is to keep your ideas compatible with the size of the entities as you move up and down the hierarchy. WFPMWFPM (talk) 04:55, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
Am trying to develop a physical concept of a 4 dimensional continuum by analysing the properties of the diagonal of a cube as a 4th dimension which is not orthogonal but equal angled from the other 3 dimensions (let's let it be the time dimension) and am interested in ideas re this subject matter. Would like to see results from a 3 dimensional Michelson-Morley experiment with the light being reflected from mirrors in 3 orthogonal directions.