Talk:Adolf Hitler

Latest comment: 2 months ago by 2A02:3030:AA1:4A53:9970:38FE:9DD2:3583 in topic "Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so are you insulting yourself."

This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Adolf Hitler page.


  • In twelve years from now, you will not recognize Berlin.
    • c. 1933
  • ... equally tradition-minded, and then

these two institutions together will educate and strengthen the German Man and carry on their shoulders the German State, the German Reich! ... Triumph of the will (1934)

  • Gebt mir zehn Jahre Zeit, und ihr werdet Deutschland nicht wiedererkennen!
    • Give me ten years, and you will not recognise Germany. (1933)
  • Brennt Paris?!
    • Is Paris burning?!
    • Asking Dietrich von Choltitz who was in command of Paris until its recapture, if he had set the city on fire, an order the general refused. (August 1944)
  • All you have to do is kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will crumble to the ground.
    • Statement in planning the invasion of the Soviet Union. Alluding to how well he expected Operation Barbarossa to go.
  • Anybody who sees and paints a sky green and pastures blue ought to be sterilized.
    • The Programme Of The N.S.D.A.P. : The 25 Points
  • I have thus prevented my Catholic and Protestant supporters from forming groups against one another, and inadvertently knocking each other out with the Bible. So we never became involved with these churches' forms of worship.
  • I shall give a propagandist reason for starting the war, no matter whether it is plausible or not. The victor will not be asked afterwards, whether he told the truth or not. When starting and waging war it is not right that matters but victory. Close your hearts to pity. Act brutally, eighty million people must obtain what is their right. Their existence must be made secure. The strongest man is right.
  • One cannot rule by force alone... it is equally important to have this psychological something... They must be convinced that we are the victors.
    • on the occupation of eastern Europe

  • Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith.
  • The Arabian Freedom Movement in the Middle East is our natural ally... In this connection special importance is attached to the liberation of Iraq...
    • Motive for supporting a 1941 coup in Baghdad
  • The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.
  • Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
  • We stand for the maintenance of private property... We shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible economic order.
  • It is a great pity that this tendency towards religious thought can find no better outlet than the Jewish pettifoggery of the Old Testament, for a religious Folk who, in the solitude of winter, continually seek ultimate light on their religious problems with the assistance of the Bible, must eventually become spiritually deformed. The wretched Folk strive to extract truths from these Jewish chicaneries, where in fact no truths exist. As a result they become embedded in some rut of thought and, unless they possess an exceptionally commonsense mind, degenerate into religious maniacs.
  • We shall see to it that the churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. We shall continue to preach the doctrine of National Socialism, and the young will no longer be taught anything but the truth.
  • What is this God Who takes pleasure only in seeing men grovel before Him? Try to picture to yourselves the meaning of the following, quite simple story: God creates the conditions for sin. Later on He succeeds, with the help of the Devil, in causing man to sin. Then He employs a virgin to bring into the world a Son who, by His death, will redeem humanity!
  • It is through the peasantry that we shall really be able to destroy Christianity, because there is in them a true religion rooted in nature and blood.
  • You see, its been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Muslim religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness? (Quoted by Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, pg. 115)
  • It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to reestablish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund. At that period the ancient world was divided between the systems of philosophy and the worship of idols. It is not desirable that the whole of humanity should be stultified— and the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.
  • The priests of antiquity were closer to nature, and they sought modestly for the meaning of things. Instead of that, Christianity promulgates its inconsistent dogmas and imposes them by force.
  • The man who lives in communion with nature necessarily finds himself in opposition to the Churches. And that is why they are heading for ruin - for science is bound to win.
  • When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let us be the only Folk who are immunized against the disease.
  • Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it is the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries. The only thing that would be still worse would be victory for the Jew through Bolshevism. If Bolshevism triumphed, mankind would lose the gift of laughter and joy. It would become merely a shapeless mass, doomed to grayness and despair.
  • The Christian religion tries to get out of it by explaining that one must attach a symbolic value to the images of Holy Writ. Any man who made the same claim four hundred years ago would have ended his career at the stake, with an accompaniment of Hosannas. By joining in the game of tolerance, religion has won back ground by comparison with bygone centuries.
    • Referring to inconsistancies between scientific and traditional Christian dogma.
  • What luck for rulers that men do not think.
  • Generals think war should be waged like the tourneys of the Middle Ages. I have no use for knights. I need revolutionaries.
If it's unsourced, assume that those are phoney quotes. If it's not in handwriting or speech recording, assume that there will be problems, too. There is a real inflation of "quotes" what Hitler did supposedly say. -- 13:36, 23 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

"Not come into the world to make men better...


With regards to the following quote " I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses. " the source is in an essay The Mind of Hitler by H.R. Trevor-Roper but his is not an original source. Therefore not verfied. Andries 14:44, 16 May 2004 (UTC)Reply

The paragraph presented here is from a translation by "Abbots Langley, February, 1939". (spaces missing at places because of conversion)

But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they willstill doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. From time immemorial. however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.

This was badly quoted out of context: Instead of inventing the "big lie" himself, Hitler accuses the Jews and Marxist for the use of it. I've modified the quote in article to reflect this.

I feel the latter version is a superiour translation (and the source is mentioned):

No amount of genius spent on the creation of propaganda will lead to success if a fundamental principle is not forever kept in mind. Propaganda must confine itself to very few points, and repeat them endlessly. Here, as with so many things in this world, persistence is the first and foremost condition of success.

-> No matter what an amount of talent employed in the organization of propaganda, it will have no result if due account is not taken of these fundamental principles. Propaganda must be limited to a few simple themes and these must be represented again and again. Here, as in innumerable other cases, perseverance is the first and most important condition of success.

Quote Regarding War and Jews


There's a quote by Hitler which goes something like,"I want the rats in the gutters of Berlin to taste the blood of the Jews". Does anyone know if it's real or not and if yes can you please share the source and exact quote?? Thanks

I belive there is a quote from Hitler telling something like "If the Jews cause another war, that war will be the end of their race". Does anyone know the source, and the exact quote? Thank you --w:en:User:AstroNomer i personally found no such existence of that quote...

i heard about a quote sayiing : "i would have killed all the jews of the world, but i kept some to show the world why i killed them", any one know the source of this ?

I thought he said that openly in the w:Reichstag_(institution). Andries 17:31, 7 Sep 2004 (UTC)

The quote is from a January 1939 address to the Reichstag. "If The Jews succeed in touching off another war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of Europe, and therefore victory for the Jews, but rather the result will be the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe."

He did say something substantially different, although the last version comes a bit closer to the truth. Hint: It had something to do with *international finance Jewry". -- 13:10, 23 June 2012 (UT

The reichstag quote is largely accurate in semantics.This "say something substantially different" claim above gives a misleading impression the original quote has been distorted and hence dubious in origin. but in essence the shorter quote hardly, if only slightly differs in meaning, from the original longer quote from Hitler.One can read the longer quote and there wont be much change in what he wanted to say.

[Removed irrelevant comments from a holocaust denier.]

Bold Writing


Is there a reason why all quotes to do with America are highlighted in bold. Does this somehow suggest that the quotes concerning America are somehow more important. If so, are you trying to be as nationalistic as the subject? If there is another reason, please do tell ~ Leto

I think one of them might have been highlighted as irony, with the doomed Hitler talking of America as doomed... without much future, and the other seems to have been highlighted by someone who may have wished to mitigate the loss of Hitler to the Americans. I removed both instances, as not particularly important passages over all. I do believe people should have the oppurtunity to bold passages that are famous, or that they find significant, but other people have the right to dispute such selections. There seems to have been only a few disputes here thus far, some ending with bolding removed, and some with it retained. Doing a bit of research, on the accuracy of some of these quotes, I also found a few quotes that I will probably add today or tommorow, after checking up on things a bit more. ~ Achilles 22:06, 27 Nov 2004 (UTC)

I agree that significant or thought provoking quotes should be highlighted, I just felt that these quotes seemed rather insignificant and therefore pointless in putting them in bold. Thankyou for clearing that up Leto 28 Nov 2004

Taking excerpts out of context from Mein Kampf and highlighting parts of them to create an artificial emphasis is the equivelent asserting or trying to insert a POV. It is kind of ironic one of the quotes states: "The Jew can take the credit for having corrupted the Graeco-Roman world. Previously words were used to express thoughts; he used words to invent the art of disguising thoughts. Lies are his strength, his weapon in the struggle." So why is it necessary to add anything at all to the article for emphasis? why do we need to bold certain quotations or parts of quotations? Why do we need a stupid newspaper article at the bottom with the headline "Hitler is dead" and with a sentence from Mein Kampf taken completely out of its respective context, which was actually discussing political theory and philosophy in chapter 8. Has the author(s) of this article read Mein Kampf or did they just google for poorly translated excerpts. In theory anyone could comb through Mein Kampf and pick out pieces to suggest a certain viewpoint or mentality, that hardly helps anyone gain a real perspective. It also does not look very good for the author of this article, whom apparently is too lazy to even read Mein Kampf since there are a bunch of quotes which are classified as "not yet placed by chapter." It is certainly amusing how people go to such lengths to disguise their agenda in writing an article such as this, and fail so completely in doing so. --Nazrac 00:51, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Poem by Hitler?


Someone posted words to a poem attributed to Hitler. The presence of this poem on the internet seems to be restricted primarily to a few Nazi sites, and thus how old it actually is, and whether it was written by Hitler remains very questionable. The posting that seems to be the earliest one that I have thus far found indicates that it was posted for Mother's Day, May 10th, 1998 at the notoriously pro-Nazi, holocaust denying website,, run by Ernst Zündel and his wife Ingrid Rimland.. The next year a posting of May 9, 1999 includes what is purported to be the original German of Hitler:

Wenn Deine Mutter alt geworden
und älter Du geworden bist,
Wenn ihr, -was früher leicht und mühelos,
nunmehr zur Last geworden ist,
Wenn ihre lieben, treuen Augen
nicht mehr, wie einst, in's Leben sehn,
Wenn ihre müdgeword'nen Füsse
sie nicht mehr tragen woll'n beim Steh'n,
Dann reiche ihr den Arm zur Stütze,
geleit sie sacht, mit Freud' und Lust!
Die Stunde kommt, da Du sie weinend
zum letzten Gang begleiten musst.
Und fragt sie Dich, so gib ihr Antwort,
undfragt sie wieder, hör ihr zu!
Und fragt sie nochmals, steh ihr Rede,
nicht ungestüm, in sanfter Ruh!
Und kann sie Dich nicht recht verstehn,
erklär ihr alles frohbewegt!
Die Stunde kommt, die bittre Stunde,
da Dich ihr Mund nach nichts mehr frägt!

If it is indeed genuine, any advocacy Hitler may have made for people to display more affection for their own mothers does not erase the fact that he is, and must forever be primarily remembered as someone whose actions and will sent many millions of mothers and daughters and sons to die in the concentration camps and the gas chambers of his "Final Solution", and in the general horrors and madness of war which his ambitions initiated. The Jewish people were certainly among the primary victims of his bigotries, but not his only ones, and in assessing him, the capacities for inhuman indifference and cruelty that he exhibited, far outweighs any of the humane impulses he might have had, and payed far too little attention to manifesting.

In relation to his words I think that far more people would be inclined to mock at the levels of his hypocrisy than be swayed to much sympathy by his capacities for tender words abut people's mothers.

I believe this quote should stay, but until earlier sources can be determined I will make a note on the earliest sources that I have yet found, and keep it among the sourced quotes, but until earlier sources can be found, the claim for its authenticity should remain extremely suspect. ~ Achilles 16:21, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Such a horrible individual is he, who obstains from quoting Hitler in such a way that it portrays him as as the typical cartoon super villain. FOR SHAME! We can't have any quotes that might dispel the idea that he was a ranting psychopath tyrant now can we. The complaint seems to be "that poem portrays Hitler as too human even it was written by him" which very transparently reflects a POV. --Nazrac 01:05, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

I first read this quote in John Toland's "Adolf Hitler", published in 1976. Don't know if this helps any.

According to Robert George Leeson Waite in The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler (1993) this poem first appeared in the Sonntag-Morgenpost on 14 May 1933. Ed Fitzgerald 09:30, 27 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

This poem is not by Hitler, but by Georg Runschke and appeared in 1906. Only imbecile Anglo-Saxon Neonazis like Trump could believe this crap is from Hitler!

Overhaul coming up


I am in the process of overhauling this entry in WordPad.

I am moving the Mein Kampf quotes into subsections based on their theme; when there are more quotes from Mein Kampf to justify a separate subsection, this should be done.

Also, some of the quotes in the Sourced section give no source; therefore, they are being moved to the Attributed section.

The poem is going to be moved to the Attributed section; it has no "source", as admitted in the above Talk, and therefore cannot justifiably remain under the Sourced heading. A source is an origin; until it can be verified that this poem came from Hitler's hand, it must regarded as it is: an attribution.

I shall put Hitler's alleged last words in its own section. Once more, there is no source given, however; therefore, a note will be added saying as much.

--Benn M 05:08, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Return to standard layout


The page needs a bit more work, and double checking, but I have spent a great deal of time on it today, and have done about as much as I can for now. I will double check to see that I didn't lose any quotes accidentally. In my recent edits I deliberately have removed one quote as I can find no citation of this from any reputable source... and the words are far more familiar as those of Jim Morrison:

  • When the music's over, turn out the lights.
    • Alleged last statement before his suicide in 1945

I believe that Kurt Vonnegut, in a satirical story, once declared Hitler's last words were "BINGO!" — and it seems that it might be only slightly less accurate than these.

Intending at first merely to add an image here, I decided to do a massive revert of a massive "overhaul" that occurred some months ago on this page. Against the previously severe case of "categoritis" whicn OBLITERATED it, I restored this to STANDARD formatting: Chronological ordering of sourced quotes, and chronological sections within it for any source with enough quotes to merit a section, followed by attributed quotes (primarily alphabetically - to help minimize duplications). There are all manner of quotes that could fit into a wide array of categories... keeping things simple as possible is far more important than accommodating any editor's urges to classify things into section topics — often into very arbitrary categories, which thoroughly mixes the most clearly sourced quotes with the most dubious, and sometimes with only one quote to a section. ~ Achilles 23:15, 6 November 2005 (UTC)Reply

Table Talk


Can anbody providemore reasonable evidence regarding the reliability (or not) of 'Hitler's Table Talk'?as the source that has been given doesnt convince me. I'm not necessarily saying that its wrong exactly, just that it would be better to have a more scholarly source if certain quotes are going to be deemed apocryphal on the strength of it's argument. --Ruby Tuesday 23:14, 16 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

The only sources that i've been able to find that supports the view that Table Talk is unreliable (including those given by the linked article) are either neo-nazis or militant atheists trying to prove that Hitler was some sort of christian fundamentalist, neither of which i would regard as reliable sources. Unless someone can cite a respected scholar who can confirm that they are not reliable quotes i dont see any reason why they should continue to be labelled as such. -- 18:21, 18 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Distinguished historian Hugh Trever-Roper seems to plump for the reliability of Hitler's Table Talk in the preface. -- 10:30, 5 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

~~Considering Richard Carrier's schizophrenic interpretation that Jesus must not be historical (though I certainly don't believe everything in the gospels as an atheist) because there are a few other gods who died in mythology and because the Roman's weren't interested enough in him to spend volumes talking about him (surprise - Romans don't care about vagrant Jews whom they execute), I think it would be prudent to find more than Dr. Carrier's assertion that the Table Talks are incorrect. There are millions of people in the world who speak German and Dr. Carrier is the only one capable of viewing these as incorrectly translated? I do not speak German so I have trouble properly understanding the veracity of the table talks. Even the New York Times cites documents from Nuremberg that outline Hitler's hostility towards Christianity ( and anyone who has read the Bible, particularly the works of Jesus, but also the works of Paul, would expect fully that someone like Hitler would, no matter what he said, have nothing but contempt for those ideologies. Is Dr. Carrier a reliable source? He has, on numerous occasions, subverted academic integrity to push agendas - whereas I am sympathetic towards him as an atheist as I am also an atheist - I do not believe that atheism calls for agenda driven revisionist history any more than Christianity calls for it.

Let's be absolutely clear: Dr. Carrier is accusing the world of a large-scale coverup regarding Hitler's religious beliefs. The inferential consequence is that these documents, also, must be fakes: I have read the Bible, so, even as an atheist I don't find much of the Reich's actions to be in accordance with the dogma present therein, as I, similarly, do not believe many churches in America to be in accordance with the dogma. To me, Hitler's religion is a non-issue in that respect because I don't view it as reflecting what it regarded as the cannon. Simply because it may be beneficial to a small group, like atheists, to cast Hitler as a zealous fundamentalist Christian, does not mean that Dr. Carrier's one article, uncorroborated by other academics, is sufficient to dismiss what there should be millions of people on hand capable of verifying - that the Table Talks are correctly translated. Bloomingdedalus (talk) 16:15, 28 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

Triumph of the Will


FYI I put up a page for Triumph of the Will in which Hitler has quite a few memorable quotes (including the infamous "Thousand Year Reich"). I haven't had time to rewatch the film (I got the lines off of IMDB) so I won't post them here yet. Palm dogg 20:24, 25 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

anti-christian quotes


I've made some alterations to this section; i've added a few new quotes as well as some dates for them, and have deleted the section referring to alleged unreliability of Hitler's Table Talk, as i've not been able to find any credible source that supported it, and noone replied to my request for such a source (in 'Table Talk' section) --Ruby Tuesday 23:50, 6 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Let me get this straight, you haven't found any reliable sources that state "Table Talk" is an unreliable source? Using that confused form of logic, I might publish a book that quotes your mother as stating you were born a club-footed hermaphrodite. Since there aren't any reliable sources published that indicate the statements are false, we should all assume it is completely true word for word. --Nazrac 01:14, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

I haven't a clue what your point is. The 'anti-christian' section previously had a disclaimer stating that historians regarded these quotes from Table Talk and Hermann Rauschning's book to have been fakes. I found evidence against the reliability of Rauschning's work, and also a quote from a respectable historian (Ian Kershaw), which I included in the article. However, I was unable to find any evidence that 'Table Talk' was an unreliable source, or any historian who thinks it is, and when I asked if anyone had a credible source that showed that it was unreliable, i received no reply. Therefore, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, i see no reason why any doubt should be cast on the accuracy of the source. if you have or know of any evidence that shows that Table Talk is unreliable then I would be happy to see it however.--Ruby Tuesday 13:39, 17 August 2006 (UTC)Reply


I restored sourcing information that was erased on a couple of speeches, along with links to the full texts. That these speeches had been linked to a site named "" which might make dubious claims of neutrality upon the subject of Hitler, does not automatically make the documents themselves more "dubious" than their postings at other sites such as "" where they are included with the assertion that "Adolf Hitler convicted himself with his own words. These speechs taken from throughout his long career show the depth of his obsession and the power of self delusion." In neither case should they automatically be presumed to be either genuine or false, and in any case the indicated dates and locations of the speeches should not be erased, unless proven inaccurate. I have also added a set of external links that includes links to both these sites, as well as others. ~ Rumour 09:23, 1 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler (1945) - Fake?


According this the so called Political Testament of Adolf Hitler quoted is a fake.

This quote comes from Hitler's political testament, but this document is a fake. Francois Genoud admitted to faking it. This is not to be confused with Hitler's last political will and testament which is real and was signed by Goebbels, Burgdorf, Bormann, and Krebbs. These are two different documents. The political testament surfaced in France in 1959 and was used for Hitler's Table Talk but it was always considered dubious by some historians. In the 1970's Genoud finally admitted that it was phony.

You have to remember that Hitler's view of the Chinese was colored by the fact that he did actually regard them as an inferior race. He was not of course as fanatical a racist as Himmler was but he was one nonetheless. The Third Reich was based on a racist ideology, this is how Hitler ran his Reich. He claimed that the only newspaper that he enjoyed reading from front to back was Der Stuermer the most racist paper in Nazi Germany. Racial sciences entered the school curriculums so that even small school children could be made aware of their racial superiority early on. So where did the Chinese stand in this Nazi racial hierarchy? According to Nazi educational propaganda films, which were all personally approved by Hitler, the Orientals were one of the inferior races from which the Jewish race developed. Nazi ideology taught that the Jews are a bastardization of Orientals, Negroes, and Hamitic races. Hitler also personally referred to them as "Mongolid half-apes". Now of course he didn't hate the Chinese, he just saw them as being inferior. Look at the features that Nazi ideology glorified: tall stature, caucasian with fair skin, long sharp and angular facial features, blonde hair, large striking blue eyes. These features were so glorified that the Nazis actually "Germanized" Polish and Czech children that had these features. Since Nazi ideology was based so much on race and features, in their view the Chinese features were almost completely opposite of those which were glorified as superior: Non-Caucasian, short stature, round and flat facial features, dark hair, dark/yellowish skin, and dark eyes.

Seems reasonable to me.

—This unsigned comment is by (talkcontribs) .
  • "You have to remember that Hitler's view of the Chinese was colored by the fact that he did actually regard them as an inferior race." (not completely true) Hitler regarded them as Honorary Aryans as well as the Japanese, He even photographed publicly wearing a Kimono.

—This unsigned comment is by (talkcontribs) .

Hi, I've not come across this before. It's interesting, but I don't think it's a reliable enough source to be the basis for any changes to this page.--Ruby Tuesday 23:18, 10 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hitler did not try to "Germanize Poles and Czechs" but rather return ethnic Germans who were inhabiting the German sudetenland and the Danzig corridor region which was territory stripped from Germany by the treaty of Versailles during the fallout immediately after World War I. In Mein Kampf he actually explicitly states, with regards to the idea of "Germanization"

During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word 'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate. Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be carried out only as regards human beings. What they mostly meant by Germanization was a process of forcing other people to speak the German language. But it is almost inconceivable how such a mistake could be made as to think that a Negro or a Chinaman will become a German because he has learned the German language and is willing to speak German for the future, and even to cast his vote for a German political party. Our bourgeois nationalists could never clearly see that such a process of Germanization is in reality de-Germanization; for even if all the outstanding and visible differences between the various peoples could be bridged over and finally wiped out by the use of a common language, that would produce a process of bastardization which in this case would not signify Germanization but the annihilation of the German element. In the course of history it has happened only too often that a conquering race succeeded by external force in compelling the people whom they subjected to speak the tongue of the conqueror and that after a thousand years their language was spoken by another people and that thus the conqueror finally turned out to be the conquered. What makes a people or, to be more correct, a race, is not language but blood. Therefore it would be justifiable to speak of Germanization only if that process could change the blood of the people who would be subjected to it, which is obviously impossible. A change would be possible only by a mixture of blood, but in this case the quality of the superior race would be debased. The final result of such a mixture would be that precisely those qualities would be destroyed which had enabled the conquering race to achieve victory over an inferior people. It is especially the cultural creativeness which disappears when a superior race intermixes with an inferior one, even though the resultant mongrel race should excel a thousandfold in speaking the language of the race that once had been superior. For a certain time there will be a conflict between the different mentalities, and it may be that a nation which is in a state of progressive degeneration will at the last moment rally its cultural creative power and once again produce striking examples of that power. But these results are due only to the activity of elements that have remained over from the superior race or hybrids of the first crossing in whom the superior blood has remained dominant and seeks to assert itself. But this will never happen with the final descendants of such hybrids. These are always in a state of cultural retrogression. We must consider it as fortunate that a Germanization of Austria according to the plan of Joseph II did not succeed. Probably the result would have been that the Austrian State would have been able to survive, but at the same time participation in the use of a common language would have debased the racial quality of the German element. In the course of centuries a certain herd instinct might have been developed but the herd itself would have deteriorated in quality. A national State might have arisen, but a people who had been culturally creative would have disappeared. For the German nation it was better that this process of intermixture did not take place, although it was not renounced for any high-minded reasons but simply through the short-sighted pettiness of the Habsburgs. If it had taken place the German people could not now be looked upon as a cultural factor. Not only in Austria, however, but also in the Reich, these so-called national circles were, and still are, under the influence of similar erroneous ideas. Unfortunately, a policy towards Poland, whereby the East was to be Germanized, was demanded by many and was based on the same false reasoning. Here again it was believed that the Polish people could be Germanized by being compelled to use the German language. The result would have been fatal. A people of foreign race would have had to use the German language to express modes of thought that were foreign to the German, thus compromising by its own inferiority the dignity and nobility of our nation. It is revolting to think how much damage is indirectly done to German prestige today through the fact that the German patois of the Jews when they enter the United States enables them to be classed as Germans, because many Americans are quite ignorant of German conditions. Among us, nobody would think of taking these unhygienic immigrants from the East for members of the German race and nation merely because they mostly speak German. --Nazrac 01:32, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

François Genoud NEVER said that the Testament was a fake. Only David Irving said that. Practically all historians consider it to be real. Pierre Pean in his biograpy of François Genoud in 1996 said that the Testament was real. This document is cited by a lot of historians in recent works about Hitler (see Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography (1991) by John Toland, Inside Hitler's Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich (2005) by Joachim Fest, Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust (2002) by Richard Rhodes, Last Battle: The Classic History of the Battle for Berlin by Cornelius Ryan etc). As John Toland says in his Hitler's biography (p.862), " 1959, these revealing statements, each page authenticated by Bormann's signature were finally published under the title The Testament of Adolph Hitler, the Hitler-Bormann Documents."-- 22:21, 26 November 2007 (UTC)Reply

Are there any actual Hitler quotes?


Or any evidence whatsoever pointing towards Hitler being a Christian other than public or Paramilitary speeches or Mein Kampf (which we can discount for obvious reasons)?

None as far as I can tell, because he wasn't. Just have a look at the anti-christian section to see his views on it.--Ruby Tuesday 18:02, 29 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Why is there such an effort being made to portray Hitler as anti-christian? The fact is there are as many positive statements about Christianity out there as there are negative. The difference seems to be most or all of the negative statements are sourced from people who claim to have been present when Hitler said them, there aren't any truely verifiable sources. --Nazrac 01:36, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Well, I suppose that if Christans want Hitler they can have him. Dawkins will be relived that he has only one evil atheist guy with a mustache to criticise and be relived he can blame the holocaust on religion too.

Cleanup needed


I will attempt to clean this article up a bit more sometime in the next week or so; there has been much disjointed editing and formating, with some loss and disorganized additions. I removed one recent addition that seems that it might be a paraphrase based upon some statements rather than a quote: "If you win you dont need to explain, and if you loose you are not there to explain." There were no occurrences of it other than on Wikiquote on a Google search I did. ~ Kalki 14:47, 13 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

Bad taste


I find improper the association of Paula Hitler's quote ("I would have preferred it if he'd followed his original ambition and become an architect.") with the picture of dozens of SS murdered slave workers. I'm not against the quote, nor against the image, i just think that put together they create almost an outrageous mocking of those victims. I'm removing it. 05:38, 9 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

No it just shows the degenration of the whole thing, it shows how the state became the tool to satisfy personal fantasies.

Religion based quotes?


In the interest of impartiality, I find it odd that a significant number of the quotes are pertaining to the Christian religion. I do understand that Hilter's ideology and political motivations came from an anti-semitic standpoint, but my understanding is that this did not span from a deep Christian belief system. Indeed, if I can refer to an article on Wikipedia, it would appear that Christianity was, when looked at cynically, simply a tool to spread the Nazi message. Surely Hitler made far more (recorded) speeches that did not refer to Christanity than are noted here. I by no means offer these quotes, but question why we have so many religious ones? --Dan 05:13, 3 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

I agree, why is every single one quote about God or Christianity? I'll guess that's because people want to associate Hitler with Christianity, but wouldn't quotes of the Mein Kampf or some political (not religious) speech be of more significance for people that want to know the guy's ideas? And if the criteria for inclusion is thought-provoking and irony, why not the quintessential Hitler quote? From the Mein Kampf (Guttemberg version, from the link of this page): "Because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods," the irony being that Hitler had to lie himself (he accuses the Jews of doing that) to get dictatorial power. -- 12:44, 25 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

I am also struck by just how many quotes reference God and Christianity. Why does the entry look like this? 05:13, 3 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

The writer of this article is trying to link Hitler's crimes to Christianity, which seriously compromises this article's neutrality. The NPOV tag should be added. --Manfi 05:13, 10 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

There is way, way too much about God, Christianity and the Chruch here... It realy hurts the quality of the artice.

Yes I agree. It makes the article look completely biased.

We should really just retitle this "Hitler's statements about religion" 12:16, 15 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Are there no rules regarding the objectivity of the authors? All of these quotes are obviously limited to and therefore biased toward the depiction of Hitler as a Christian. It seems the author has a clear motive to debase Christianity by selectively using only Hitler's quotes which refer to God or Christianity. Quite frankly this is a disservice to those seeking a broader range of Hitler's quotes.

I'm guessing those are his more famous quotes. If you object, add some non-religious ones. :)

More clean-up needed!


I've done some general clean-up, regularlized formatting, putting into chronological order, etc., but someone really needs to delve into this article and do some editorial cuts. It seems to me that about 75% of it is repetitive in terms of the idea expressed (not a surprise, considering the source) and could be eliminated in favor of the one best expression.

There really is much too much here. Ed Fitzgerald 22:44, 5 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

The whole thing reads like the result of an edit war between people arguing over whether or not Hitler was a Christian. This issue may warrant some attention, but it is certainly a secondary concern. The most important thing about Hitler is not that he was or wasn't a Christian. Because of this the page is all but unusable.

—This unsigned comment is by (talkcontribs) .

I'm forced to agree with this sentiment; articles such as these are why college professors refuse to allow their students to cite wikipedia. Christian doctrinal statements made by a professed occultist are more than a little suspect, and in any case, the objective of this article should not be to relate what Hitler thought only on one particular (and almost needlessly polarized) subject, but to use the man's own words to give some insight into his complete worldview. --Krusatta 09:12, 9 February 2009 (UTC)Reply



Is there a reason that under the picture of Hitler there is a quote to wage war? This seems a bit biased since anyone who knows history in depth can point the ambition of war towards the likes of the Allied forces.

You know, I was just saying to my brother-in-law what a shame it was that Britain and France took it upon themselves to force Hitler into re-militarizing the Rhineland and conquering or annexing Czechoslovakia, Poland, Austria, Denmark and Norway. If they had just left him alone, there would have been peace, because Hitler was a peaceful and beneficent man, concerned only with the Christian virtues of charity, forgiveness and love.

On the other hand, those are Hitler's very words, and considering his many "accomplishments", I'd say its a fitting representation of his thinking. So I think it's best not to alter it. Ed Fitzgerald 01:36, 16 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

"I know that in the scientific sense there's no such thing as race" - Adolf Hitler

Hermann Rauschning, an early colleague, quoted Hitler as stating:
I know perfectly well…that in the scientific sense there is no such thing as race. But you, as a farmer and cattle breeder, cannot get your breeding successfully achieved without the conception of race. And I as a politician need a conception which enables the order which has hitherto existed on historic bases to be abolished and an entirely and new anti-historic order enforced and given an intellectual basis…And for this purpose the conception of race serves me well… With the conception of race, National Socialism will carry the revolution abroad and re-cast the world (iii).
iii. Rauschning, Hermann, Hitler Speaks (London, 1939), pp. 113, 229-30, as cited in Pipes, Richard, Russia under the Bolshevik Regime (New York, 1993), p. 280.

I've found it in this online excerpt of "Cruel world", by LH Nicholas, at Random House. The wikipedia's article about Rausching, however, cast doubts on his reliability as a source, at least for me, not an expert on this subject. --Extremophile 21:24, 21 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Famous Quotes on Hitler


David Lloyd George: “I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolise him. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country.” (Daily Express, September 17, 1936)

Winston Churchill: “If our country were defeated I should hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.” (Step By Step, p. 143)

Winston Churchill: “In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War…. The vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished…. Whatever else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.” (1935)

Theodor Heuss: “He moved souls, the will to sacrifice, and great devotion, enthralling and enthusiastically inspiring everyone by his appearance.”

Daily Mail: “He succeeded in ascending to the highest power-position in Germany with very little spilling of blood or loss of human life in a land of 68 million inhabitants. Austria was annexed without one shot being fired.” (May 20, 1938)

The Observer: “Last May, I returned, bringing my family for another sojourn, after two years spent in other European countries. I found a Germany which has advanced miraculously from the point of 1933. I found political solidarity, a wholesome tone in the life of city dweller and country dweller alike. I found living costs materially reduced and an unmistakable optimism on every hand. In every quarter I found the same answer to my questioning: Profound belief in the genius of the Leader, love and admiration for him as an individual. My observations have covered a wide range of social classification. I have talked with the humblest type of labourers, with merchants, professional men. I have yet to discover a dissenting voice to the question of loyalty to the Fuehrer. My two young daughters are attending German public schools and are receiving an education which in thoroughness could be equalled in few countries.” (John L. Garvin)

George Bernard Shaw: “It was evident that Germany needed only a resolute and clear-headed leader to denounce the Treaty; declare her determination to assert her full equality with the Powers, and refuse to be disarmed, plundered and chastised under the pretext of reparations and ‘war guilt’, to rally to him every living soul whose native language was German, and at the same time take a great step towards peace in Europe by proving that neither France nor England nor the United States dare outrage humanity by attempting military occupation of her territory on the model of the old partitions of Poland; in short, that instead of Europe being plunged into war she would be dragged back from the brink of it by Germany.… Herr Hitler seized the hour and said the word, and France and England immediately climbed down, preserving their dignity by lecturing the Chancellor solemnly on his naughty behaviour as they descended.… Mr. Vernon Bartlett was soundly berated by the Foreign Office for imploring all lovers of peace to believe in the perfect sincerity of Herr Hitler’s assurance that a free Germany would be a peaceful Germany, but 95% of the listeners who wrote to him wanted to have him appointed Foreign Secretary. When I said that Herr Hitler’s action was right and inevitable, the storm of abuse that was about to bust on me was suddenly checked by Mr. Lloyd George saying exactly the same thing.... Europe breathed again. The beginnings of a British popularity set in for Herr Hitler as they had set in years before for Signor Mussolini, in spite of all the liberal protests, and it only remains to watch the results of the forthcoming general election in Germany, in which it is inconceivable that a single vote should be cast against him, even by the angriest German Jew or German Communist.” (The Observer, November 5th, 1933)

John F. Kennedy: After visiting these two places (the town of Berchtesgaden and Obersalzberg) you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made. (Prelude to Leadership, the European diary of J.F Kennedy, Summer, 1945.)

Jesse Owens, black American Olympic athlete: “When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticising the man of the hour in Germany.” (Richard D. Mandell, The Nazi Olympics)

The Marquess of Lothian: “I think that it must be admitted that National Socialism has done a great deal for Germany. It has undoubtedly cleaned up Germany in the ordinary moral sense of the word. The defeatism, the corruption so manifest a characteristic in the days after the war has disappeared, at any rate from public view. It has given discipline and order and a sense of purpose to the great majority of young people who in earlier days did not know where to go or what they were living for.” (British Ambassador to Washington, June 29, 1937)

Readers Digest: “That Hitler’s conquest of the hearts and minds of all classes of Germans is now so complete that even if all his Brown Shirts and Steel Helmets were to be disbanded tomorrow he would still be easily the strongest man in Germany, and on any appeal to the electorate would be confirmed in power by a quite overwhelming majority of votes.... Hitler is recognised by the whole of the political and official intelligentsia as an exceedingly able man.... As of the militarist question, one may say with complete certainty that what Hitler said in his Reichstag speech on May 17 was exactly what he meant and accurately represents the policy that he will pursue.... I found no German who dreamed of the possibility of war, few who did not hope that it might be prevented in the future altogether. The truth is that the Nazi mind is concentrated on the internal problems of Germany and does not want to be bothered by foreign affairs for a long time to come.... Hitler has passed from the stage of party leader to being the national prophet of an exceedingly serious people, and it would need another prophet to replace him.” (Clifford Sharp, former editor of the New Statesman writing in The New Statesman and Nation and reprinted in Readers Digest, September, 1933)

Joseph Goebbels: “This century will be named and shaped after Adolf Hitler.”

Eve Braun to her sister: “I must write you these words so that you will not feel sad over our end here in the shelter. It is rather we who are filled with sorrow because it is your fate to live on into the chaos that will follow. For myself, I am glad to die here; glad to be at the side of the Fuhrer; foremost of all, glad that the horror now to come is spared me.”

Joseph Goebbels to his stepson, Harald: “My Dear Harald! We sit locked in the Fuhrer’s shelter in the RC., fighting for lives and honour. I hardly believe that we shall ever see each other again; therefore, it is likely that these will be the last lines you will ever receive from me. I expect from you, should you outlive this war, that you do only that which will honour your mother and father.... Germany will outlive this terrible war, but only if it has examples upon which to guide its reconstruction. Such an example we want to give here. Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will now reign throughout the world. The lies will one day break down under their own weight and the truth will again triumph. The hour will come when we shall stand pure and undefiled as our aims and beliefs have always been.... Farewell, my dear Harald. Whether we shall ever see each other again lies in the hand of God. If it is not to be, then always be proud to have belonged to a family that even in the face of disaster remains true to the Fuehrer to the very last and true to his pure and Holy cause. All the best and my heartfelt greetings. Your Papa.”

General Leon Degrelle: “Hitler was the greatest statesman Europe has ever known. History will prove that when whipped up emotions have died down. He was more matter of fact, generally more unfolded than Napoleon. Napoleon was more of a vanquishing, empire-founding Frenchman than a true European. Hitler, in his being a man of his time, dreamed of an enduring, just, honest Europe, unified by the initiative of the victor. A Europe however in which each ethnic group could develop according to their merits and accomplishments. The proof of this is that he offered Petain his hand. Just as Bismarck knew how to outgrow Prussia and become a German, so Hitler soon changed from being a German to being a European. At an early stage he disconnected himself from imperialistic ambition.... Without any difficulty he began to think of himself as a European and initiated the creation of a Europe in which Germany, like Prussia in Bismarck’s time, was to be the foundation stone.... Some comrades of the Fuhrer might still have been short-sighted Pan-Germanists. But Hitler had the genius, the right scale, the absence of bias and the necessary vision to accomplish the terrific task.... He had an authority, not to be found a second time in the history of the continent. His success would have established the wealth and civilisation of Europe for centuries, probably forever. Hitler’s plans for Europe would have meant a blessing for us all.”

Sieg Heil


Hello, I believe Hitler "invented" this interjection. Should it go under speeches? 18:21, 29 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

Give a source that proves it is his creation, please. Otherwise it is not welcome for anyone to add their personal belief.--Aphaia 10:55, 10 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hm, Wikipedia says the phrase might be older than nazism, a citation there lacks however. 19:14, 9 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

No neutrality


If this article is written from a 'neutral perspective', then I must be seeing things. Just look at this: 'The test of greatness as applied to a political leader is the success of his plans and his enterprises, which means his ability to reach the goal for which he sets out.' - The quote is put in context right next to a picture of a news paper with the title 'Hitler is DEAD'.

Not only does it lack neutrality, but it's also quite childish. When will you people finally change this?

of course not neutral!
People who run this page only block innocent, nothin will be changed, i added one word which is correct grammar, yet they reverted it, shows how stupid they really are!
It's so infantile, I run into the page and the first thing is the picture with the cherry picked quote "I want war".
All this is old and tired.

Bad References


A number of the external links are either dead ( or to dubious sources (e.g., Bytwerk 02:36, 29 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

Storm clouds


Is there a reason why the quote concerning Hitler's purpose on Earth (not here to make men better... or something to that effect) is shown under a picture of storm clouds? Not only is it biased, it essentially amounts to propaganda - the use of which Hitler is frequently criticized for. --I, EnglishmanWouldst thou speak? Handiwork 19:43, 17 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hitler on the Arabs (inferior race) as "monkeys" - Calling to continue to stir unrest in the Arab world


A. Hitler to his military commanders in 1939:

"We will continue to stir up unrest ... in Arabia. Let us think of ourselves as masters and consider these people at best as lacquered half-monkeys who need to feel the whip [lit., knout]."

The German original runs:

"Wir warden weiterhin die Unruhe ... in Arabien schüren. Denken wir als Herren und sehen wir in diesen Volkern bestenfalls lackierte Halbaffen, die die Knute spüren wollen."


  1. Deutschland and Japan zwischen den Mächten, 1935-1940 Theo Sommer, Mohr, 1962, p. 298
  2. Die Welt des Islams, Volumes 25-26, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Islamkunde, 1985 p. 140
  3. Der Hitler-Stalin-Pakt: eine völkerrechtliche Studie, Gilbert-Hanno Gornig, P. Lang, 1990, p. 144
  4. The Jews in modern Egypt, 1914-1952, Gudrun Krämer, I. B. Tauris (1989) p. 262
  5. Deutschlands Araberpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Heinz Tillmann (1965) p. 58
  6. Islam in inter-war Europe, Nathalie Clayer, Eric Germain (2008) p. 293
  7. Der Hitler-Stalin-Pakt: eine völkerrechtliche Studie, Gilbert-Hanno Gornig, P. Lang, 1990, p. 144 German-Soviet Pact

ChestyOne 19:04, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

This actually is propaganda, it has no cocordance with what Hitler said on Arabs in his 1939 speech, and is quotes, so yeah surely britannic propaganda.

Wrong translation?


It seems like the quotation

In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races

is a translation of

Selbst wer sieh frei weiß von Gefühlen des Rassenstolzes, muß zugeben, daß für keine Rasse die Vermischung mit einer anderen Rasse wünschenswert ist.

(Hitlers Politisches Testament, 13. Februar 1945)[1]

I'm not a native German speaker, but I know some German, and this translation doesn't make sense to me. I would translate it as something like

Even those who are free of all racial pride, must admit that for no race, the mixing with another race is desirable

which conveys a very different meaning. Other opinions on this? Danmichaelo 10:55, 6 August 2011 (UTC)Reply

I am native german. A better translation would be: Even those without racial pride have to admit that for no race there is a benefit in mixing with another race.

Сhimera called conscience


"I am freeing men from the wearisome restrictions of the mind, from the dirty and degrading self-mortifications of a chimera called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and personal independence which a very few enjoy."(Rauschning, Hermann, The Voice of Destruction, New York, 1940, Page 225.)[2]

It should be added! 11:52, 16 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

It was in a book. That must mean Hitler said it. Brilliant. Is this how Wikipedia works? Firtree (talk) 17:54, 11 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

"We are Socialists"


This quote is falsely attributed to Hitler. The correct attribution is to another Nazi, Gregor Strasser. An early citation can be found in Strasser's 1928 Freiheit und Brot [3] (it was published earlier, in 1927, in an article Ziele und Wege). The full quote, in German, is: "Wir sind Sozialisten, sind Feinde, Todfeinde des heutigen kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystems mit seiner Ausbeutung der wirtschaftlich Schwachen, mit seiner Ungerechtigkeit der Entlohnung, mit seiner unsittlichen Wertung der Menschen nach Vermögen und Geld, statt nach Verantwortung und Leistung und wir sind entschlossen, dieses System unter allen Umständen zu vernichten!" 22:42, 8 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

"I want war"


Where did Snyder get that quotation from? Sounds to me like he made it up. If Hitler had expressed any idiotic sentiment like that in such incoherent babble, he'd have been committed. Remember, the German generals were ready to take over power and imprison Hitler if his demands re Austria failed. I don't see why anyone who knows anything about Hitler would attribute such nonsense to him. No wonder well-known historians don't touch the quotation even with a long stick. Firtree (talk) 04:59, 7 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

It appears to be a passage from page 11 in Rauschning's book. No historian quotes from Rauschning's "The Voice of Destruction" anymore. "To me all means will be right. My motto is not: 'Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy!' My motto is: 'Destroy him by all and any means.' I am the one who will wage the war!" [Rauschning, The Voice of Destruction, p. 10]

"The best way to take control over a people..."


This one is going around the internet, claiming that it's from the Mein Kampf, but i can't see any trace of it there. Does anyone know anything about it?

"The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."—This unsigned comment is by (talkcontribs) .

I guess whoever attributed that to Hitler thought that adding "Mein Kampf" as a source would give it more credibility, but I don't think anyone will be able to find it there, that quote is obviously completely made up... ~ DanielTom (talk) 11:26, 17 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

I found this exact quote. Its from Chapter Eleven of a book called Willfully Ignorant by Pat Miller. Pat Miller is the source of this quote I believe.

I can confirm that chapter eleven of Pat Miller's 'Willfully Ignorant' does in fact contain this exact quote[4], with attribution to: Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf. Thank you for the evidence, anonymous contributor. IOHANNVSVERVS (talk) 05:50, 4 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

I first found the "quote" at the Association of British Drivers' website back in 2004, where it was attributed to Adolf Hitler but not specifically Mein Kampf. Nowadays the organisation is known as the Alliance of British Drivers and they've removed it from the website. I think the "taking away freedoms a little at a time" is mainly a modern negative side-effect of well-intentioned risk averse attitudes, typically involving legislating repeatedly for a small but dangerous minority of offenders. It is unlikely that Hitler would even have considered the "a little at a time" idea in his long-term plans. --Tws45 (talk) 23:47, 16 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Indeed, here it is, at the legacy site: (second one down on the right). --Tws45 (talk) 23:58, 16 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Also from the same website, but with a date attribution of 1936. Text is on page 12.

"I want to raise a generation of young people devoid of conscience - imperious, relentless, and cruel."


This quote is often circulated on blogs but I haven't been able to find a source for it. Ravi Zacharias quotes it in "The End of Reason" and claims it is inscribed over one of the gas chambers in Auschwitz. Does anybody have any information on the validity of this quote?

No printed sources are revealed by a quick Google search, though numerous citations of the inscription can be found. If you do know a published source of this, it can perhaps be placed in the "Disputed" section, and further information might eventually surface. ~ Kalki·· 18:27, 20 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
One source claims that it is written "on a wall at Auschwitz", which is what Zacharias cites (quoted here, "on a wall plaque at the Auschwitz Death Camp"). The Holocaust Museum also quotes Hitler as saying: "I want to raise a generation of young people who are devoid of conscience, imperious, relentless, and cruel." (See here.) Apparently, that is indeed inscribed "over one of the doors at the Auschwitz museum". With regards to its actual origins, one book states that the quote "I desire to create a generation without conscience, imperious, relentless and cruel" was said in a speech to the Hitler youth in Nuremberg. (I don't find it very reliable, though.) ~ DanielTom (talk) 19:01, 20 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

The actual quote on the plaque at Auschwitz is “I freed Germany from the stupid and degrading fallacies of conscience, morality...We will train young people before whom the whole world will tremble. I want young people capable of violence, imperious, relentless, cruel.” Photo of the plaque at Auschwitz

The wiki photo seems to be identical to that found at the blog spot named THE SLOVAKIA EXPERIENCE- A Journey in the Land of Castles; The author of the blog says he photographed this quote in Auschwitz in October 2nd 2008. Quoted is as I found it on December 15th 2016. Absent any evidence to the contrary, the museum's claim that this is a quote from a speech given by Hitler has the uthority of the museum behind it.

Minimal Edit Suggested


The quote from February 1945 includes the following line:

"Out of this bate a holy will is born to oppose these destroyers..."

I believe the word should be "hate," not "bate."

Carry on.

- Davout

This does seem to be correct, and to have been published as such in Voices of History (1945), although the snippet itself does not show this. Someone else has already corrected the page. ~ Kalki·· 20:27, 15 January 2014 (UTC)Reply
Not sure about "corrected", just changed. Note that "bate" also appears in published works [5], so this is something that needs to be confirmed. In the meantime, I agree "hate" is most likely correct; thanks Davout for pointing it out. ~ DanielTom (talk) 20:38, 15 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Not Officialy Fuerher Till 1935


This says he was dictator from 1934. You could say he was dictator since the Enabling Act, but that was 1933. He did not combine the head of state and head of government till Hindenburg died in 1935, taking the official title of Fuerher to describe this. But 1934 is wrong however you figure it. Suggest another date be picked, with brief explanation of why. 00:19, 19 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Spell Check


Since the article is protected, can someone run a spell check over it and make the necessary corrections?

Pinochet views on hitler


I quote

"He could have a thousand faults, but I do not blame anyone in particular and I despise brutality with which the Nazis acted against Israelites; but the fault is not only of Hitler, but a group of high-ranked dignitaries."

"Ego sum Pinochet" 1989, Inteview to Augusto Pinochet, authors Raquel Correa and Elizabeth Subercaseaux. 1

Misattributed: "He alone, who owns the youth ..."


"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future"

It was his intention, but not his speech. And who is "he" in this sentence? I searches and it is everywhere referenced to "w:Reichsparteitag 1935". I found it here: with following text. "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future! Practical consequences of this doctrine: The boy will enter the Jungvolk (boy 10-14) and the Pmpf (members of the Jungvolk) ..." ("Pmpf" is false, it is "Pimpf". The references are declared here: 2656-PS: The Bearer of Sovereignty, from speech of the Fuehrer at the Reichsparteitag, 1935. Vol. V Pg.365 & 2401-PS: The Hitler Youth as recruits for future leaders, from Organization Book of NSDAP, 1938, pp. 80-81. (USA 430) Vol. V Pg.69 ).

I take all the following oranisation names in German and made a search and found: "Die Reden Hitlers am Parteitag der Freiheit 1935. / Beim SA.-Appell in der Luitpold-Arena" And there is: "Der Knabe, er wird eintreten in das Jungvolk, und der Pimpf, er wird kommen zur Hitler-Jugend, und der Junge der Hitler-Jugend, er wird dann einrücken in die SA., in die SS. und die anderen Verbände, und die SA.-Männer und die SS.-Männer werden eines Tages einrücken zum Arbeitsdienst und von dort zur Armee, und der Soldat des Volkes wird zurückkehren wieder in die Organisation der Bewegung, der Partei, in SA. und SS., und niemals mehr wird unser Volk dann so verkommen, wie es leider einst verkommen war!"" This is all from without "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future! Practical consequences of this doctrine:" This must be a comment from a citating author. The "He" must be Hitler. --Fg68at (talk) 02:33, 8 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

From "The boy will enter the Jungvolk ... / Der Knabe, er wird eintreten in das Jungvolk ..." on it is also part in the Trial in Nürnberg:,+18.+Dezember+1945/Nachmittagssitzung --Fg68at (talk) 05:18, 9 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

It's true that this quote is so referenced in the vast majority of places, but not quite "everywhere." The earliest citation of which I am aware -- albeit punctuated with an exclamation point, rather than a period ("He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!") -- appears on p 139 (PDF p 339) of Vol I of the so-called Red Series, "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Prepared by the Office of the United States Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Nuremberg [sic], Germany, 1945-1946," identified as "A Collection of Documentary Evidence and Guide Materials Prepared by the American and British Prosecuting Staffs for Presentation before the International Military Tribunal at Nurnberg [sic]," etc. at
The first document cited, "2656-PS," is identified in the same volume's "Legal References and List of Documents Relating to Reshaping of Education and Training of Youth," on p 327 (PDF p 346) as “The Bearer of Sovereignty, from speech of the Fuehrer at the Reichsparteitag, 1935.”
The relevant portion of this document is excerpted in English translation in Vol V of the Red Series – -- on p 365 (PDF p. 369):
[Der Hoheitstraeger]
From speech of the Fuehrer at the Reichsparteitag, 1935
"He alone who owns the Youth gains the Future!
Practical consequences of this doctrine: The boy will enter the Jungvolk (boy 10-14) and the Pimpf (member of the Jungvolk) and will come to the Hitler Youth; the boy of the Hitler Youth will join the SA, the SS, and other formations, the SA man and the SS man will one day join the Labor Service, and from there he will go to the Armed Forces. The soldiers of the people will return again to the organization of the Movement, the Party, the SA, the SS, and never again will our people be so depraved as they were at one time."
The German text is reproduced in Exhibit USA-325, appearing on p 63 (PDF p 70) of Vol XXXI of the so-called Blue Series, "Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946":
Aus: Der Hoheitsträger. Folge 3, 3. Jahrg. März 1939. Herausgeber: Robert Ley, Reichsorganisationsleiter der N'SDAP. Miindien 1939.
— Seite 25 —
Nur wer die Jugend hat, hat die Zukunft!
Praktische Folgerungen zu dieser Erkenntnis
Der Knabe wird eintreten in das Jungvolk, und der Pimpf wird zur Hitler-Jugend kommen, und der Junge der Hitler-Jugend wird einrücken in die SA., SS. und die anderen Verbände, und die SA.-Männer und die SS. -Männer werden eines Tages einrücken zum Arbeitsdienst und von dort zur Armee, und der Soldat des AT'olkes wird zurückkehren wieder in die Organisation der Bewegung, der Partei, in die SS. und SA., und niemals mehr wird unser Volk dann so verkommen, wie es leider verkommen war ...
Der Führer auf dem Reichsparteitag 1935
We thus have a conflict between a document entered into evidence by the United States in the course of the Nuremberg Tribunal, which includes this quote, and, which does not.
The question therefore is: Is a more reliable source than the documents entered into evidence by the United States during the Nuremberg Trials?
A cursory review finds that is a site of historical revisionism, including:
I could go on but, in short, would not appear to be a reliable source. In contrast, the records of the Nuremberg Tribunal are generally considered a reliable source. I therefore propose restoring this (corrected) quote (i.e., including the exclamation point):
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future! (Nur wer die Jugend hat, hat die Zukunft!)
cited to the Nuremberg records, as follows:
PARTIAL TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT 2656-PS, THE BEARERS OF SOVEREIGNTY MARCH 1939, PAGE 25. [Der Hoheitstraeger] From speech of the Fuehrer at the Reichsparteitag, 1935, as cited in Office of the United States Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946 (1946). Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume V. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. p. 365 (PDF 369). ISBN 1575882027.  German original cited in Trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946, Volume XXXI. Nuremberg, Germany: Secretariat, International Military Tribunal, Allied Control Authority for Germany. 1948. p. 63 (PDF 70). ISBN 148188400X. Retrieved on 16 August 2016. 
N.B.: Google Translate renders the German quote into English as "Only someone who has the youth, has the future!"

"Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so are you insulting yourself."


I see this quote attributed to Hitler, specifically as a troll "Taydolf Swiftler" quote, supposedly a Hitler quote intentionally misattributed to Taylor Swift. However, I can't seem to find a source for it other than quote websites. Nothing from Mein Kampf or from his speeches or letters or anything. Does anyone know if this is a real quote? 09:22, 10 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Its from Bill Gates 2A02:3030:AA1:4A53:9970:38FE:9DD2:3583 01:39, 31 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Quotation in 1920 about Russia and Germany


Hitler (27 July 1920):
"An alliance between Russia and Germany can only be established if Jewry is deposed."
Original: "Ein Bündnis zwischen Russland und Deutschland kann nur zustande kommen, wenn das Judentum abgesetzt wird." Source: "Hitler als Parteiredner im Jahre 1920" (i.e. "Hitler als public party speaker in 1920"), Reginald H. Phelps, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 11. Jahrgang, 1963, Page 308. 11:29, 6 January 2015 (UTC)Reply

Quote on Terrorism as a Political weapon


It is unclear whether this quote is apocriphal or not:

“Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.”

This page claims it is fake, most other hits take it as true. Another wording can be found in [this exceprt].

“Hitler put it most concisely: 'Cruelty impresses. Cruelty and raw force. The simple man in the street is impressed only by brute force and ruthlessness. Terror is the most effective political means.'”

None of the sources seem to be very trustworthy or well referenced. Does anybody else have any more reliable pointers?

--OlivierMehani (talk) 01:04, 11 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

"There is no such thing as truth. Science is a social phenomenon and like every other social phenomenon is limited by the benefit or injury it confers on the community"


"There is no such thing as truth. Science is a social phenomenon and like every other social phenomenon is limited by the benefit or injury it confers on the community" Daniel, G. (1962) The Idea of Pre-History, London: C.A. Walts and Co, p. 147,

Hitler's Table Talk and Albert Speer


This isn't really just about these two sources,but they are great examples of quotes that should be in the disputed section. Both of those sources would be considered unreliable by most historians. Albert Speer has been proven to have lied about his interactions with Hitler and other Nazis. Any quote that cannot be verified as being a part of a public speech or written in his own hand belongs in the disputed section.

Fake Hitler Quote


This quote seems to give few results and no recognizeable sources.

It seems a bit too concise and declarative to be an actual quote but perhaps it is a paraphrase?

What do you think? --JamesPoulson (talk) 09:52, 15 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello. I'm new to Wikiquote and editing Wiki's generally, but I just wanted to note that the first quote is fake. "I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is not 'Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy'. My motto is 'Destroy him by all and any means.' I am the one who will wage the war!"

There's no Source linked to the Quote and everything Google showed me was this site: And they mention it's from a US-Propaganda-Film and Hermann Rauschning who isn't a reliable source On the German Wikipedia site for Rausching they made it more on point and clearly saying he almost never talked to Hitler and all his "Talks" are made up.

Historians like Theodor Schieder are agreeing to this.

Thanks for reading and I hope you will delete the quote.


Edit: Just traveled back in 2006 thanks to and saw that the quote is up since then, that's just insane

This page is utterly ridiculous.



I noticed that this article gives a lot of quotes which suggest that Hitler was a socialist but none of the wealth of ant-Marxist and anti-communist quotes. I feel this article gives an incomplete picture of Hitler's views, hence I place a neutrality tag. LittleJerry (talk) 17:51, 11 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

World War Two


"he initiated World War II in Europe with the invasion of Poland in September 1939" - Hitler didn't initiate World War Two, the governments of France and Britain did. Otherwise one could say the Polish government did, since they provide more then enough casus belli for an invasion. -- 04:30, 17 March 2018 (UTC)Reply

It is certainly lamentable that there remain significant numbers of neo-nazi twerps who are eager to actually promote such crap as was just deposited here by and anonymous someone using the previous IP. When people are so mentally constipated that they actually believe the sort of nonsense and ludicrous Nazi propaganda, by which Hitler insisted that Poland was "justly invaded" by the massive war-machine of "the Third Reich" (with the joint agreements of himself and Stalin), because "Polish aggressors" of the ill-equipped armies of Poland were ruthlessly maligning, persecuting, attacking, raping and murdering innocent Germans, there really isn't much that can be expected of them in the way of competent rationality.
Of course the foulest fascists of all eras are inclined to confuse people with their own peculiar forms of distortions and lies, and corrupt the capacities of many people to reliably discern truth, by insisting any facts which do not support their prejudices, presumptions and polemical inclinations are merely fiction and "FAKE NEWS", and that their most blatant distortions and outrageous lies are the ONLY genuine "TRUE FACTS" which need be considered. Among the very ignorant and confused, and often uninterested and cowardly, this can effectively disarm or diminish the effective presentation of ANY genuine facts, and provides those who wish to believe various lies and delusions — and to promote belief in them among others — about the only forms of advantage they can often have: the ignorance and confusion of those who they can keep ignorant and confused and those they can make even more so. Many of the foulest KNOW that if they spread enough lies, repeat them enough times, many people will actually grow weary of standing up against various forms of ignorance and confusion, dishonesty, and insanity. Fortunately for Humanity, not all do, and eventually, even amidst the hardships of all the lies and actual persecutions of the innocent and honest, by the fanatical and foulest, Truth can and does prevail. ~ Kalki·· 12:01, 17 March 2018 (UTC)Reply
"the governments of France and Britain did. Otherwise one could say the Polish government did." Complete tripe. The invasion of Poland created WWII. Britain and France did everything to appease Hitler, and he still invaded Poland anyway for no reason whatsoever. The Polish government didn't do anything against Hitler. Enigmaman (talk) 17:56, 29 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

Zionism quote


Presently the term Zionism does not appear on this page. Does anyone know of any affirmed quotes where Hitler used it? I have seen the following attributed to Mein Kampf but have not been able to affirm the claim so far. I'm wondering if this might be due to it being translated differently from German?

When Zionism tries to convince the rest of the world that the Jews would be satisfied by the creation of a Palestinian state, Jewry is again deceiving the goyim in the most blatant fashion.
There is absolutely no intention of erecting a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of going to live there; the Jews merely wish to establish there the central organization for their dishonest enterprise of universal internationalism. This enterprise would thereby enjoy the right of sovereignty and would be protected from intervention by other states; it would be a place of asylum for all unmasked scoundrels and a High School for future mountebanks.

This was quoted in after "he did not believe for a moment in the sincerity of the Jews, claiming to be on the march towards their promised land, and he said as much in Mein Kampf"

I have seen "V1 Ch11" attached (possibly rephrased in later editions) to a similar line also purportedly by him:

When Zionism tries to convince the world that the racial self-determination of the Jew would be satisfied with the creation of their own State in Palestine, the Jews are once again craftily pulling the wool over the eyes of the stupid goyim
They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway. They just want an organization headquarters for their international swindling and cheating with its own political power that is beyond the reach and interference from other states. It would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers.
It is a sign of their growing confidence and security that some proclaim themselves as part of the Jewish race and others are still falsely pretending to be Germans, Frenchmen, or Englishmen. This impudence and the horrible way they engage in relations with the people of other nations makes it obvious that they see victory clearly approaching.

I'm wondering if anyone knows if either of these is based on something in the original German edition, and if so, what that text is and which is the more accurate translation. If neither are very accurate, does a more accurate one exist? I can see similarities between the two which I have bolded, but they are still phrased very divergently so clearly at least one person has taken some liberties. 15:17, 20 June 2018 (UTC)

"Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews."


This quote should be moved to the disputed section for the following reasons:

" A frequently quoted alleged statement by Hitler is from an alleged interview in 1922 with Josef Hell: "Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows - at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example - as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews."[4]

Less often quoted is the following from the same alleged interview: "When I now broached the question of what the source of his so strongly felt hatred for the Jews was, and why he wanted to destroy this so undeniably intelligent race - a race to which the Germans and all other Aryans, if not the entire world, owed an incalculable debt in virtually all fields of art and knowledge, research and economics - Hitler suddenly calmed down and gave this unexpectedly sober and almost dispassionate explanation:"[4]

   "´It is manifestly clear and has been proven in practice and by the facts of all revolutions that a struggle for ideals, for improvements of any kind whatsoever, absolutely must be supplemented with a struggle against some social class or caste.
   My object is to create first-rate revolutionary upheavals, regardless of what methods and means I have to use in the process. Earlier revolutions were directed either against the peasants, or the nobility and the clergy, or against dynasties and their network of vassals, but in no case has revolution succeeded without the presence of a lightning rod that could conduct and channel the odium of the general masses.
   With this very thing in mind I scanned the revolutionary events of history and put the question to myself against which racial element in Germany can I unleash my propaganda of hate with the greatest prospects of success? I had to find the right kind of victim, and especially one against whom the struggle would make sense, materially speaking. I can assure you that I examined every possible and thinkable solution to this problem, and, weighing every imaginable factor, I came to the conclusion that a campaign against the Jews would be as popular as it would be successful.[4]

Thus, according to this, Hitler allegedly confessed that his anti-Semitism was mostly faked and simply a propaganda method used in order to gain power, which is an unusual view and seldom mentioned by those who selectively quote only the first quote as alleged evidence of Hitler's early, murderously intended anti-Semitism.

Also less often mentioned is that Josef Hell wrote down the alleged quote in its present form only in 1945, more than twenty years later.[5] It is thus not a text published long before the Holocaust but only after the occurrence of widespread Allied atrocity propaganda. Even if assuming no deliberate fabrication by Josef Hell, he is arguably an unreliable source considering the unreliable and easily influenced human memory.

Furthermore, Josef Hell was a journalist who worked with Fritz Gerlich, a major opponent of Hitler and the editor of the anti-National Socialist newspaper Der Gerade Weg. Gerlich was arrested and later killed during the Night of the Long Knives. Josef Hell was thus no impartial witness and may have fabricated the quote or parts of it. "

Testament or Political Testament

edit refers to "The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler"

Why does omit the word "Political"?

Also was this or different?

What was the original German name of this document? I would like us to chronicle the order in which this document was published and referenced. -Oranginger



User:Rupert Loup why until 2017 none of these quotes were "disputed"? The only "dispute" that comes forward is the minor critical comments about the source than the quotes themselves. Since these quotes were cited by highly reliable sources, why Wikiquote should be casting a doubt without basis? Aman.kumar.goel (talk) 11:40, 1 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

The book's authenticity is disputed. That's why it's in the Dispute section. Rupert Loup 11:46, 1 October 2019 (UTC)

Source for quote beginning with "I shall give a propagandist reason for starting the war"


It's from Hitler's second speech on August 22 1939, acquired by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg:

John Sawyer (talk) 03:59, 22 January 2020 (UTC)Reply

White supremacist imagery


Why is there a confederate flag with a section irrelevant to the page? Iluvatra (talk) 15:55, 14 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

How do we get this removed? Iluvatra (talk) 15:56, 14 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

Kirby Quote — "That is the great thing about our movement -- that these members are uniform not only in ideas, but, even, the facial expression is almost the same!"


The quote from Forever People #3 by Jack Kirby — "That is the great thing about our movement -- that these members are uniform not only in ideas, but, even, the facial expression is almost the same!" — is listed as disputed. Why is that?

The source is Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power by Konrad Heiden, as translated by Ralph Manheim, which is treated as a valid source elsewhere on the page.

The full quote, found about a third into Chapter XIII "The Uprooted and Disinherited" (page 316 of the 1944 Houghton Mifflin Company hardcover edition; pages 252-253 of the 2012 Skyhorse trade paperback edition), goes:

In 1929, when he held the second Nuremberg Party Day, Hitler had already assembled a tenth of his historical minority. Sixty thousand of the elect marched in columns. A foreigner, bewitched by the stiff arms and thundering boots, said to Hitler: How wonderful; it seems as though all these sixty thousand mend had the same face. This remark was more accurate than the foreign guest suspected, for the same column passed the spot three or four times to indicate a greater masss. Even so there was a deep truth in the words; the same uniform, the same cap, the same step, the same cry, the same song, the same simple thought, end by making almost identical men. "That is the great thing about our movement ... that these men have outwardly become almost a unit, that actually these members are uniform not only in ideas, but even the facial expression is almost the same. Look at these laughing eyes, this fanatical enthusiasm, and you will discover how in these faces the same expression has formed, how a hundred thousand men in a movement become a single type."

The type for whom the World War was not over. Staring into the bloody distance, Hitler continued: "Today when I saw these boys passing by me, suddenly I thought: how would it be if two more years passed and these boys were to don our old steel helmets, if they were volunteer regiments at Ypres again — the same face, the same expression, the same life in these men? We saw heads of boys in which was already imprinted the proud man to be, when the people sends a leader it is not to be destroyed. That is what this movement wants." (loud applause)

I've bolded the portions Kirby used in the comic, albeit with some changes in the punctuation.

Same Quote


Something along the lines of, "Castes do not exist" in the section, "1930's" or "20's

Rainer Zitelmann, Hitler: The Policies of Seduction, P137-138.

  • Contrary to the accepted Marxist interpretation, Hitler was not an opponent of Marxism and did not want to destroy it because he was ‘inimical to labour’ but because he was caught up in the insane idea that Marxism was an instrument of the Jews for the achievement of world domination, and above all because he rejected internationalism, ‘pacifism’ and the negation of the ‘personality principle’ by Marxism.”

Feb(?) 24 1939


Any help with this quote? more sources. From the german:

Sie haben früher alle gelacht, diese Juden. Sie haben das für einen Spaß gehalten. Ja, sie lachen heute nicht mehr. Sie wissen, es ist ein blutiger Ernst geworden.**
    • The jews [always] used to laugh, They used to think it was a prank. They aren't laughing anymore Today they realize the gravity of the situation.**
footnote 71 on page 14 of Verfolgung und Vernichtung der europäischen Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft: Tondokumente aus den Jahren 1930-1946 Funkhaus Berlin, 1991.

A quote about Hitler's fear of his death and mortality and the future generations' insufficient strength


I can totally remember reading on how Hitler's impatience in starting the war stemmed from his fear of his own mortality, and that he saw future generations unable to do what he "had to do". Does a specific quote exist? Or is it more indirect speech? I cannot find it for the life of me.--Adûnâi (talk) 07:19, 28 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

After a few hours of searching, I have found it. Not exactly a quote (indeed, indirect speech), but for future reference here it is, in case anyone deems it worthy of inclusion. The key word is hypochondria. The bold text is mine.

In Hitler 1936–1945: Nemesis by Ian Kershaw (2000), on pp. 36–37, it is said the following,
> From late 1937 onwards, his increasing hypochondria made him ever more reliant on Morell's pills, drugs, and injections. [196] And the fear of cancer (which had caused his mother's death) never left him. At the end of October, he told a meeting of propaganda leaders that both his parents had died young, and that he probably did not have long to live. 'It was necessary, therefore, to solve the problems that had to be solved (living-space) as soon as possible, so that this could still take place in his lifetime. Later generations would no longer be able to accomplish it. Only his person was in the position to bring it about.' [197]

Source [197] is “Domarus, 745”. Now, word to Domarus (The Complete Hitler: A Digital Desktop Reference to His Speeches* & *Proclamations, 1932-1945),
> Late in October and early in November 1937, Hitler deemed it “absolutely necessary” to reveal to a small group his new religious convictions and his plans for a policy of aggression. [221] He did this in two ‘secret speeches,’ one in Berlin before the propaganda leaders of the Party, the other before an assembly of the Commanders in Chief of the branches of the Wehrmacht and in the presence of the Reich Foreign Minister. [222]
> While speaking before the propaganda leaders, Hitler’s topics included the following: [223]
> 1. He, Hitler, would not live much longer, at least as far as this was accessible to the human mind. In his family, men did not grow old. Also both his parents had died young.
> 2. It was hence necessary to face the problems which absolutely had to be resolved (Lebensraum) as quickly as possible—so that this would occur while he was still alive. Later generations were not capable of accomplishing this. His person alone was in a position to do this.
> 3. After long and bitter mental battles, he finally had divorced himself from the religious convictions that still existed from his childhood. “Now I feel as fresh as a colt in the pasture.”

Source [223] is
> Notes taken by the author on October 31, 1937, according to information related by the Gau Propagandaleiter Waldemar Vogt (Würzburg, later Berlin).--Adûnâi (talk) 09:39, 28 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

The issue of the "I want war" quote, again


The most prominent quote on the page, displayed next to Hitler's portrait, remains "I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is not 'Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy'. My motto is 'Destroy him by all and any means.' I am the one who will wage the war!"

This quote is attributed to Hitler and Nazism (1961) by Louis Leo Snyder, p. 66. However, it seems that this quote does not in fact originate in this work, but in Hitler Speaks (1940) by Hermann Rauschning. From what I can tell, it originated there, and was only reproduced in Snyder's book.

There is a whole section, in the "Disputed" section of the article being discussed, for quotes taken from Hitler Speaks, from where "I want war" likely originates. Why, then, is this disputed quote the most prominently featured on the entire page? Why not choose a quote which is not under such dispute? Why, also, use a tertiary-source instead of the secondary-source from which the tertiary-source draws its information, when that same secondary-source has its own section?

The prominent use of this quote in this article, it's attribution to Snyder instead of Rauschning, and it's inclusion among verified quotes and not among those "Disputed," where all of Rauschning's other quotations are featured, must be defended, or the use of the quote must be altered.--Harry Sibelius (talk) 05:00, 21 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

"I do not see why man should not be as cruel as nature."


Does anyone know where this quote originates from? It is almost surely a fabrication, but no matter how often it is cited by those who claim, with complete and utter certainty, that it is genuine, never so far have I seen a source given. It sounds incredibly Nietzschean, but does not seem to appear in Nietzsche, though there are lines of his that resemble it, more or less. Harry Sibelius (talk) 09:31, 31 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

The blood of every single Englishman is too valuable to shed...


This quote is claimed to have been said when Hitler gave the halt order that allowed the British expeditionary force to evacuate most men from Dunkirk but if you look at the book the quote is from there is no mention of Dunkirk there at all. Other sources like Kershaw's Hitler also mention that any such rationale for the halt order is a myth. 2001:14BA:4616:2900:0:0:0:3 20:18, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Against the Roman Catholic Church

  • The Catholic Church is a great thing. It's no small thing that an institution has held 2000 years... But their time has passed
    • La Chiesa cattolica è una grande cosa. Non è cosa da niente che un’istituzione abbia tenuto 2000 anni… Ma il loro tempo è passato 18:12, 8 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Disputed or doubtful quote from table-talk


I am mainly active in WP as JonRichfield, so this entry is not official here, and I provide it in passing in case it might be of interest. The book "Hitler's Table-Talk" is regarded as insufficiently authoritative, and the same quote mentioned from another source is not reliably sourced, so I leave the following quote for the local authorities to approve and insert or dismiss as they see fit:

What luck for governments that the peoples they administer don’t think! The thinking is done by the man who gives the orders, and then by the man who carries them out. If it were otherwise, the state of society would be impossible.

Hitler's Table-Talk, 1941-1944: Night of 18th-19th January 1942 p. 224 14:46, 13 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

to add, from father Gabriele Amorth

  • I have no doubt, however, that Hitler was a Satanist. From this point of view, I am not surprised that Pius XII might have attempted an exorcism at distance. [The Führer's possession emerges from his] humanly inexplicable perfidy: one cannot explain such wickedness without a higher force and outside human nature.

Neutrals and lukewarms

  • It is not the neutrals or the lukewarms who make history (Berlin, 23 April 1933)

This gets a few ghits but I can't find any good source for it. Is it genuine? -- JackofOz (talk) 19:09, 15 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

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