Title Mars
Author Percival Lowell
Year 1896
Publisher Houghton, Mifflin and Co.
Location Boston
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in February 2010
a compilation of four related essays from The Atlantic Monthly


I. General Characteristics 1
1. As a Star 1
2. Orbit 8
3. Size and Shape 14
II. Atmosphere 31
1. Evidence of it 31
2. Clouds 60
III. Water 76
1. The Polar Cap 76
2. Areography 92
3. Seas 107
IV. Canals 129
1. First Appearances 129
2. Map and Catalogue 141
3. Artificiality 148
4. Development 154
V. Oases 176
1. Spots in the Light Regions 176
2. Double Canals 188
3. Spots in the Dark Regions 197
VI. Conclusion 201
Appendix 213
Index 223

languages 2
Note 1
os 2