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| INDEX TO VOLUME I. Acclimatation Society of Paris, 236 Actuaries, Institute of, 247 Aerolites, Falls of, 120. (See Meteors.) Agassiz (Prof. Alexander) on Corals in the Atlantic, 147 Agricultural Chemistry, 424; in France, 353 Agricultural Map of France, 86 Air, Organic Matters contained in, 327, 339, 351, 361, 392, 405 Airy (G. B.), Report of his Paper on Magnetic Disturbances and Effects, &c., 390; Atmospheric Chromatic Dispersion, 87 Airy (Hubert) on a Distinct Form of Transient Hemiopsia, 445 Albite in Granite, Report of Prof. Haughton's Paper on, 175 Alcohol, New Test for, 61; its Effect on Animal Heat, 62; Dr. Dupre on Elimination of, 85; Reactions of, 392 Alizarine, Artificial, 369 Allen's Mammalia of Massachusetts, 625 Amagat on the Law of Mariotte, 567 American Association, Meeting of, 83 American Government and Science, 86, 113 American Recent Total Eclipse, by J. N. Lockyer, F.R.S., 14; see also 170, 532 Analogy of Colour and Music, 384; see Colour Anatomical Lectures to Female Students, 337 Andral (M.) on the Temperature of the Human Body, 201 Anemometer, New, 640 Anglo-Saxon Conquest of England, by Dr. Rolleston. F.R.S., 661 Antarctic Explorations, Report of Papers, &c., 568 Anthracite Deposits in Carinthia, 178 Anthropological Society, 62, 198, 368, 445, 491, 568, 639, 642, 664 Apjohn's (Professor) Report of his Paper on the Analysis of Sugar, 175 Archaeology, Pre-historic, by John Evans, F.R.S., 77 Archer's Freshwater Radiolaria, 189 Arctic Regions, German and Swedish Expeditions to, by R. A. Proctor, 313 Armstrong (Sir W.) on the Meteor of November, 1869, 112 Aromatic Acids, Synthesis of, 297 Ascidians and Vertebrates, kinship of, 90 Asiatic Society of London, 117 Assured Lives, Mortality of, 521 Astronomical Congress at Vienna, 26 Astronomical Society, 145, 221, 390, 543, 663 Astronomy, Chinese, 221. (For Astronomy, consult the several headings Eclipse, Meteors, and the like.) Atmospheric Chromatic Dispersion, Correction of, 87 Atmospheric Germ Theory, 351 Atomic Controversy, The, 44 Atoms, size of, 551 Aurora Borealis, 347 Australian Mesozoic Geology and Palaeontology, 90 Australia, Telegraphic Communication with, 267 Australia, Western, 615 Babington (Prof.) on the Flora of Iceland, 345 Bail on Androgynous Inflorescence, 293; on Parasitic Fungi, 293 Baillon's History of Plants, by Professor Oliver, F.R.S., 52 Baily's Our Own Birds, 356 Baker's (Sir Samuel) Expedition, 512 Balfour's (Prof.) Letter on the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 534 Barrett's (W. F.) Notes on the Correlation of Colour and Music, 286; Letter on, 406 Barrows, Ancient British, 460, 583 Bartholomew's Advanced Atlas, 380 Bastian (Dr.) on Sensation and Perception, 213, 309; on Protoplasm, 424 Bate (C. Spence) on Prismatic Ice, 536 Bates's Address to the Entomological Society, 357 Becquerel (M.) on the Action of Light upon Bodies, 120; his Memoir on Electro-capillary Phenomena, 147 Beke (Dr.) on Dr. Livingstone's Explorations, 240; on the Solution of the Nile Problem, 405 Bell's New Tracks in North America, 163 Bell (Melville), Report of his Paper on Pronouncing all Languages (Philological), 199 Bennett (Alfred W., F.L.S.) on the Fertilisation of Winter Flowering Plants, 11, 58; on Vegetable Monstrosities, 328 Benzol, Novel Application of, 244 Berkeley (Rev. M. J.) on Oliver's Indian Botany, 234 Berlin Academy of Sciences, 177, 416 Berlin: German Chemical Society, 63, 121, 226, 297, 322, 369, 446, 493, 546 Bessemer Process under Pressure, 292 Bettinger's Sandwich Islands, 108 Bheel Tribes (Royal Asiatic Society), 117 Bibliothèque des Merveilles, by G. F. Rodwell, F.C.S., 187 Bidgood (W.) on the Turdus Whitei, 363 Binnie (Francis G.) on Cuckows' Eggs, 508 Binz (Prof.), New Body obtained from Quinine, 322 Birchall (Edwin) on Irish Lepidoptera, 267 Birmingham Natural History and Microscopical Society, 63, 639 Blood, Coagulation of, 117 Blood Corpuscles, 587 Blood-letting, Origin of, by E. Ray Lankester, 76 Boillot (M.) on Euclid's Postulate, 321 Bonn Natural History Society, 177, 332 Bonney (Rev. T. G.) on Veined Structure in Ice, 337; on Natural Science in the University of Cambridge, 451, 628 Book Shelf, Our, 17, 53, 80, 108, 134, 165, 188, 212, 236, 260, 283, 306, 329, 355, 380, 403, 428, 456, 480, 503. (Consult also the names of the several Authors.) Boston Society of Natural History, 348, 369, 418, 569 Brachiopoda obtained near Budleigh Salterton, Notes on; Report on Mr. Davidson's Paper at the Geological Society, 222 Brady on Foraminifera, 477 Brain, development of grey matter of, 62 Breath, Human, in Health and Disease, 520 Bremiker's Geodesy, 54 Bridge's Physiology, 480 Brighton and Sussex, Natural History Society, 92, 201, 394, 469, 593 British Museum Herbarium, 343 Brome, Capt. F. (the late), 509 Browning on Changes in Jupiter, 138 Brussels, Royal Academy of Sciences, 92, 226, 641 Bryce (Dr.) on the Geological Structure of Skye and the West Highlands, 368 Busk (Prof) on Capt. Fred. Brome, 509 Butler's Exotic Lepidoptera, 17 Calamites, Organisation of, 393 Caldwell's Agricultural Analysis, 428 Calvaria, Ancient (Ethnological Soc.). 247 Cambridge, Notes from, 26, 140, 586; Science at, by James Stuart, 58; Scholarships and Exhibitions for Natural Science, 59, 168 Cambridge Philosophical Society, 468, 493, 639 Camera, Improved Eclipse, 313 Campbell of Islay (Mr.) on British Mythology (Report), 592 Cañons, by Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., 434 Carbonic Acid decomposed by Leaves, 142 Carpenter (Dr. W. B.) on the Temperature and Animal Life of the Deep Sea, 489, 540, 563 Carpmael (Ernest) on the Solar Prominences, 607 Carruthers (W.) on the Plants of Middlesex, 107 Cassell's Technical Manuals, 81 Caves, Exploration of, at Leith, by W. B. Dawkins, 628 Cayley, Professor, Report of his Paper on determining the Place of a Body revolving round the Sun, 222 Cayley (Prof.) on Abstract Geometry (Royal Society), 294 Cedar, Resinous Vapours from, 200 Census, a Scientific, by Prof. Leone Levi, 99 Channel Islands, Prehistoric Archaeology of, 198 Channel Railways, The Projected, 160, 303, 631 Charcoal, Absorption of Mixed Vapours by, 345 Chemical Nomenclature, 173; Notation, Basis of, by Prof. Odling, 600; Society of London, 173, 345, 391, 444, 491, 518, 592, 16, 639, 662 Child (Gilbert W.), Evidence concerning Heterogeny, 626 China, Mr. Gardner's Paper on, at the Ethnological Society, 90; Mr. Elias at the Geographical, 117; Prof. Owen on Fossils of, 662 Chinese Astronomy, 221 Chloral, Manufacture of, 446 Chlorinated transformed into Iodinated Compounds, 269 Chlorine (Dry), its Action upon Dry Nitrate of Silver, 321 Chlorophyll, Movements of, 465 Chlorophyll, Prof. Lawson on (Ashmolean Society), 172 Cholera, Pettenkofer on, 28; in India, Report concerning, 338 Chromium Oxychloride, a New, 119 Cinchona: its Culture in St Helena, 268; Hybridisation among Cinchonas, 491 Civil Engineers. (See Institution.) Cloaca Maxima, Letters on, 193, 243 Clock, Turret, at Melbourne, 338 Cockle (Sir J.), Report of Paper on Convertent Functions, 468 Coffee Fungus, New, 142. Coffee Plant in India, 540 Colour and Music, 286, 430, 557, 558, 651. (See Correlation.) Comet discovered at Marseilles, 226; Kirkwood on the Origin of, 115; Prizes for the Discovery of, 269 Commensalism in the Animal Kingdom, 641 Copenhagen, Scientific Society of, 347 Corema Conradii, 121 Corfield (Prof.) on Science and the Public Health, 155 Cornell University, 658 Corona, Letter on the, by J. M. Wilson, 139 Correlation of Colour and Music, by W. F. Barrett, 286; Letters on, by Mr. W. R. Grove, 314, 335; by De Chaumont, 315; by Mr. Monro, 362 Crania, Comparative Measurements of, 318 Crombie's British Lichens, 380 Crookes' (W.) Letter on the American Eclipse, 170 Crossness Well-boring, The, 333 Croullebois (M.) on Refraction of Water, 664 Cuckows' Eggs, by Prof. Alfred Newton, F.L.S., 74; Letters on, 139, 218, 266, 336, 508; Colouring of, 242 Cupric Salts reduced by Tannin, 143 Cyclone, A, in England, 219, 289 Dallas (W. S.) on Newman's British Moths, 15 Dana's Mineralogy, by Prof. Maskelyne, 161, 186 Darien Canal, 562 Darwin (Chas.) on the Fertilisation of Winter Flowering Plants, 85; his Hypothesis of Pangenesis, 664 Darwinism, 316; and National Life, 183 Darwin's Theory, A Deduction from, by Prof. Jevons, 231 Davidson's Our Bodies, 54 Davies, Rev. W. G., Letter on Sensation and Perception, 407 Davison (W.) on the Dinornis, 604 Davy (M.) on the Calorific effects of the Moon's Rays, 29 Dawkins (W. B.) on the Geological Calculus, 505 Dawson (Principal) on Gaspé Fossils, 93; on Sigillaria, 271; on Animal Remains from Canada, 271 Day (Dr. Francis) on Indian River Fisheries, 220 Deas (Francis) on the Analogy of Colour and Music, 384 De Chaumont (Dr.) on Correlation of Colour and Music, 314 Deep-sea Corals, 267; Madreporaria, by Dr. Duncan, 612 Deep-sea Dredging Expedition in H.M.S. Porcupine, I.—Natural History, by J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S., 135, 166 Deep-sea Dredgings from China and Japan, by Prof. Rymer Jones, 198 Deep-sea Soundings and Geology, by Prof. Huxley, 657 Delaunay (M.) on the Falls of Aerolites, 120; award of the Royal Society's Gold Medal to, 219 Derry, Natural History Society of, 639 Desains (M.) and E. Branly, their Paper on Solar Radiation (Paris Academy), 177 Deville (Prof.) on Mineral Oils for Heating Engines, 63; his Paper at the Paris Academy on the Gases of Central Italy, 63; on a Siderostat, 225; on Meteorology in France, 273 Diatoms, Spectroscopic Examination of, 115 Dichlorinated Aldehyde, 27 Dieudonné (M.) on Mineral Oils for Heating Engines, 63 Diffraction Spectrum, Mr. Stuart's Letter, 506 Diffusion of Plants, 246 Dingle Bay, Inhabitants of Rockpools, &c., 296 Dinornis, Mr. Davison's letter on, 604 Dinosauria, Report of Prof. Cope's Paper on, 121 Drainage, the Metropolitan Main, 558 Dresser's (Dr. H. E.) Letter on Cuckows' Eggs, 218 Drink, Our National, by Dr. B. H. Paul, 594 Dublin: Geological Society, 175, 200, 346, 415; Natural History Society, 176, 296, 393, 521; Royal Society, 119, 346, 521; Royal Irish Academy, 119, 175, 225, 321, 415, 493, 568; Statistical Society, 147; Zoological Society, 346 Dufour Map, the, 291 Duncan (P. Martin) on Deep-sea Corals, 267; on the Food o Oceanic Animals, 315; on the Madreporaria dredged up in the Porcupine Expedition, 612 Dunkelberg on Agricultural Engineering, 189 Dupré (Dr.) on the Elimination of Alcohol, 86 Dutch or Deutsch, Mr. Freeman's Letter on, 532 Earthquake at Manilla, 604; at Marseilles, 364 Earthquake Waves in the Pacific, by R. A. Proctor, 54 Ecker's Convolutions of the Brain, 18 Eclipse, the Recent Total in America, by J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 14; see also, 170, 203, 336, 532; Indian, 536; Total, of December 1870, 599; Improved Camera, 313 Edinburgh: Botanical Society, 545; Geological Society, 63, 174; Naturalists' Field Club, 200; Royal Society, 247, 521, 640, 664 Egypt, Stone Age in, by J. Evans, F.R.S., 631 Encke, the Astronomer, by R. A. Proctor, 479 Energy, by Dr. Balfour Stewart, 666 Engrais Complet, 482 Entomological Society, 119, 295, 414, 467, 519, 593 Entomology in America, 379 Eophyton, Structure of, 173 Ether, Action of, on Plants, 343 Etheridge (R.) on the Geological Position, &c., of the Reptilian Conglomerate of the Bristol Area, 344 Ethnological Society, 90, 118, 198, 247, 320, 367, 414, 467, 519, 592, 639 Ethnology, 318 Eton, New Telescope at, 263; Chemical Laboratory at, 487 Evans (John) on Prehistoric Archaeology, 77; on the Stone Age in Egypt, 631 Explosives, Science of, 656 Falb (Rudolf) on the Earthquake at Manilla, 604 Faraday, by Dr. Gladstone, 401; an Oversight by, 384 Farrar (Rev. F. W.) on Philology and Darwinism, 527 Favre (M.) on the Electric Explorer, 225 Faye (M.), Photographic Observation of the Transits of Venus, 545 Female Education at the University of Dublin, 114 Female Physician Question at Edinburgh, 25, 587, 658 Fenzl (Prof.) on the Genus Lupinus, 293 Fick on the Transformation of Force, by Dr. M. Foster, 53 Fireplaces, our Domestic, 624 Fisher (O.), A Word in Defence of Physicists, 654 Floating Matter and Beams of Light, by Professor Tyndall, F.R.S., 490. (See Air.) Florence, Observatory at, 59 Fluoride of Silver, 319 Food, The, of Oceanic Animals, by J. Gwyn Jeffreys, 92; Mr. Wallich's Letter on, 241; Mr. Jeffreys on, 315; Dr. Wyville Thomson on, 316; Dr. Duncan on, 315 Forbes (David), Depths of the Sea, 100; Sermons in Stones, 130 Forefathers of the English People, by Prof. Huxley, 514 Form, A New, for Schools, 56 Fossils of Natal, 642 Foster (G. C.) on Heat Units, 654 Foster (Dr. M.) on Fick on the Transformation of Force, 53 France, Agricultural Map of, 86 Frankland and Duppa on the Action of Sodium on Acetic Ether, by J. A. Wanklyn, 482. Frankland (Dr.) on the Action of Sodium, &c., 467 Freckelton (W.) on Hydro-Carbon Colours, 243 Freeman (Edward A.) on "Dutch" or "Deutsch," 532 Frere (Sir Bartle) on the Runn of Cutch, 491 Freshwater Crustacea of Norway, 455 Fritzsche (Prof.) on the Action of Cold on Tin, 63 Fungi, Alternation of Generation in, 516 Gadolinite, Des Cloiseaux on, 246 Galileo, Private Life of, by G. F. Rodwell, 529 Gamgee's (Prof.) Process with Meat, 464 Gardner (Mr.) on China, 91 Gases, Outburst of, 636; Phosphorescence of, 637; Diffusion of, 641; of the Secretions, 62 Gaspé Fossils, Principal Dawson on, 93 Geikie (Archd.) on. the Meeting of the German Naturalists at Innsbruck, 22; on the Gold Fields of Victoria, 210, 233; on Canons, 434; on the Geology of the Holy Land, 509; Report of his Paper on the Geology of Central Scotland, 174; on the Geological Structure of some Alpine Lake Basins, 247 Gems, Artificial, 274 Geographical Society 117, 197, 392 491, 568, 615, 663 Geological Calculus, Letter by Mr. Dawkins on, 505 Geological Society of the West Indies, 220 Geological Society of London, 90, 222, 270, 344, 367, 490, 616, 662 Geological Time, Measurement of, by A. R. Wallace, F.R.G.S., 399, 452 Geology of the Holy Land, 509; of Ross-shire, 174; and Agriculture, by H. Woodward, F.G.S., 46 Geometry, Modern, and the University of London, 607 Germany, Science Education in, by Prof. Roscoe, 157 Giebel's Agricultural Zoology, 355 Gill's Chemistry for Schools, 329 Glaciers, Veined Structure of, 266 Gladstone (Dr. J. H.) on Faraday, 401 Glaisher (Mr.) on the Temperature and Humidity of the Air, 467 Glasgow Geological Society, 415; Natural History Society, 469, 569, 640; Philosophical Society, 368, 545 Glass, Coloration of, by the Solar Light, 147 Glatter (Dr.) on the Influence of Race Differences on the Vital Processes, 319 Glennie (J. S.) on the Principle of the Conservation of Force and Mr. Mill's Logic, 583 Glycerine Jelly, a Medium for Preserving Objects, 172 Goadby (E.) on Legislation and Nature, 648 Goethe's Aphorisms on Nature, by Prof. Huxley, F.R.S., 9 Gold Diggers in Thibet, 192 Gold Fields (The) of Victoria, by A. Geikie, F.R.S., 210, 233 Gonoplax Angulata, 296 Gore (George) on Original Experimental Research in Relation to Employment for Workmen, 623; on Fluoride of Silver, 319 Gosse's Romance of Natural History, 236 Gould (Dr.) on the Solar Protuberances, 203 Government Aid to Science, 279, 335, 385, 431; Mr. Wallace on, 288, 315 Government Science Teachers, 268 Graber (Prof.), Sexual Organs of the Locustidae, &c., 665 Graham (Prof.), Prof. Hofmann, of Berlin, on, 59, 316; Memoir of, by Prof. Williamson, F.R.S., 20 Granites of Scotland, 638 Grant (Prof.) and the Newton Controversy, 87 Grasses, Fertilisation of, 295 Grebe, Red-necked, Mr. Tuckwell on, 430 Gresham Lectures, the, 358 Grindon's Echoes in Plant and Flower Life, 380 Grove (W. R., Q.C.) on the Correlation of Colours and Music,314, 335; on the Apparent Size of Celestial Objects, 582 Gulf Stream, 640 Gull (Little), Letter on, by Mr. Cordeaux, 483 Guthrie (Prof.) on Approach caused by Vibration, 294 Hager's Microscope and its Use, 189 Hallier and Zürn (Drs.) on Parasitology, 165 Harcourt and Madan's Practical Chemistry, by Prof. Roscoe, 50 Hartog (Marcus M.) on Catkins of the Hazel, 583 Haughton's Country Walks of a Naturalist, 260 Haughton (Rev. Prof.) on the Labouring Force of the Human Heart, 255, 404; on the Geometrical Characters of Muscles, 297; on the Granites of Scotland, 638 Haviland's Geography of Disease, 504 Haze and Dust, by Prof. Tyndall, F.R.S., 339; Letter on, 405 Heart, Human, Labouring Force of the, by Rev. Prof. Haughton, F.R.S., 255, 404 Heat, Mechanical Theory of, 366 Heat Spectra, Prof. Magnus on, 28; Units, 606, 654 Hemiopsia, Transient, 445 Hereditary Genius, by Alfred R. Wallace, 501 Hereford Naturalists' Field Club, 544 Hering (Prof.), his Remarks on Respiration, 322 Herschel (Lieut.), Objects Crossing the Sun's Disc, 543 Highlands, West, and Skye, Geological Structure of, 368 Hildebrand (Prof.) on the Impregnation of Plants, 293; on Marsilea, 293 Hind (J. H.) on Temple's Comet, 58 Hofmann (Prof.), Paper on Chloral, 446; on Prof. Graham, 59, 316 Holborn Valley Viaduct, 171, 220 Hooker (Dr. J. D.,) on Vegetable Palaeontology, 48 Hope (W.) on the Cloaca Maxima, 243; on the Liquid Town Sewage, 506 Horse, Antiquity of the, 225, 274 Horticultural Society, 118, 295 Hudson (Dr.) on Physical Meteorology, 218 Husemann's Vegetable Essences, 403 Huxley (Prof.) on Goethe's Aphorisms on Nature, 9; on Triassic Dinosausia, 23; on Kant's View of Space, 314; on the Progress of Palaeontology, 437; on the Forefathers of the English People, 514; on Deep-sea Soundings and Geology, 657. Reports of Papers by: on Hypsilophodon, a new Genus of Dinosauria, 91; on Further Evidence of the Affinity between the Dinosaurian Reptiles and Birds, 91; on Triassic Dinosauria, 146 Hydrophobia, 618 Ice, Formation of Ground, 555; Pfaundler on the Regelation of, 116 Ice, Prismatic, Letter on, by Mr. Bate, 556; by Mr. Pengelly, 627 India, Isthmian Way to, 111 Indian Total Eclipse, 536 Ingleby (Dr.) on Transcendent Space, 289, 314, 360, 407; on Sir W. Thomson and Geological Time, 507; on the Apparent Size of the Moon, 556 Innsbruck, Meeting of German Naturalists and Physicians at, by A. Geikie, F.R.S., 22; Abstract of Papers, 293, 318 Insects, Colour of, 636 Institution of Civil Engineers, 91, 199, 296, 346, 445 Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, 346 Iowa, Mammals of, 418 Ireland, Climate of, 630 Irish Academy. (See Dublin.) Irish Lepidoptera, 237 Iron-ores of the North-East of Ireland, 270 Isthmian Way to India, 111 Italian Institute of Science and Letters, 297 Italian Mineral Waters, Analyses of, 88 Jackson's (Rev. S.) Our Dumb Neighbours, 236 Japanese Sea Shells, Mr. Jeffreys' letter on, 383 Japanese Shells, 329 Japanese, The, by C. Chessar, 190 Jeffreys (J. Gwyn), Deep-sea Dredging Expedition, 135, 166; on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 192; on the late Professor Sars, 265; on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 315; on Japanese Sea Shells, 383 Jelineck (Dr.) on Meteorological Observations, 649 Jevons (Prof.), Deductions from Darwin's Theory, 231; Mechanical Performances of Logical Inference (Royal Society), 343 Johnson Memorial Prize, 387 Johnston (Dr. Keith) on the Gulf Stream, 640; on Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries, 336; on the Sources of the Nile, 607 Johnston's Physical Geography, 380 Jones (Dr. Bence), his Life of Faraday, 142 Jones (Prof. Rymer) on Deep-sea Dredgings from China and Japan, 198 Jupiter, Changes in, Mr. Browning's Letter on, 138 Kant's View of Space, 289, 314, 334, 360, 389 Kingdoms of Nature, The Three, 456 Kingsley (Rev. Canon), World of the Sea, 78 Kirkwood on the Origin of Comets, 115 Koch (Prof.) on Transformations of Parts of Flowers, 293; on the Formaton of the Germen, 293 Ladies, Lectures to, 45, 113, 170, 193, 212 Lallemand's (M.) Experiments on Transparent Solids, 29 Langley's Via Medica, 504 Language, The Science of, by Professor Max Müller, 256 Lankester (E. Ray) on the Origin of Bloodletting, 76; on the Mammalia of Switzerland, 281 Lawson (Prof.) on Chlorophyll, 172 Leaves, Viridescence of, 343 Lectures to Working Men, 71, 138 Legislation and Nature, by E. Goadby, 648 Lenormant (M.) on the Antiquity of the Ass and the Horse, 225 Lesser's Tables of Pomona, 18 Le Sueur (Albert), Report of his Paper on the Melbourne Telescope, 443, 517 Leuckart (Dr), Literature of Natural History, 236 Levi (Prof.) on a Scientific Census, 99 Lewes (G. H.) on Kant's View of Space, 289, 334, 386; Article on Popular Lectures on Physiology, 353 Lichens, Notes on, 467 Liebermann (Prof. C.) on Chrysene, 493 Liebig on the Decomposition of Sugar, 411 Lighting in a Clear Sky, Letters on, 139, 193 Linnean Society, 345, 491, 567 Lischke's Japanese Shells, 329 Listing's Amplifies, Letter on, by Dr. Pigott, 430 Littrow (Carl Von), his Address as Rector at the University of Vienna, 195 Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club, 393; New Observatory, 464 Livingstone (Dr.), 194, 363; his Exlorations, 72; Letter from Dr. Beke, 240; from Keith Johnston, jun., 336 Lockyer (J. Norman) on the Recent Total Eclipse in America, 14; on Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun, 195; the Recent Eclipse of the Sun in the United States, 366 Login (T.) on the Suez Canal, 24, 290; on the Abrading and Transporting Power of Water, 629, 654 Lombard Scientific Institute, 297 Loschmidt's (Prof.) Paper on the Diffusion of Gases, 641 Lowne, The Blow Fly, 330 Lubbock (Sir J.) on Madsen’s Danish Antiquities, 15 Lupinus, Genus, Prof. Fenzl on, 293 Macadam (Dr. Stevenson}, Report of his Address at the Edinburgh Physical Society, 147 Macalister (Prof.) and the Spontaneous Generation Theory, 114; on the Mode of Growth of Univalve Shells, 296; on the Curves in the Spine considered æsthetically, 346 Mackintosh (D) on the Scenery of England and Wales, 361 Maclure (Robert) on Solar Spots visible to the Naked Bye, 431 Madan (H. G.) on the New Telescope at Eton, 263 Madder, Colouring Matter from, 494; History of, 545 Madreporaria dredged up in the Porcupine, by Professor Duncan, 612; of the Deep Sea, 660 Magnetic and Sun Spot Phenomena for 1870. 412, 579 Magnetism Terrestrial, by Dr. B. Stewart, 264 Magnus (Prof.) on Heat Spectra, 28; on Radiation of Heat, 177; Death of, by Prof. Tyndall, F.R.S., 607 Malaria, a Probable Cause of, 481 Mammalia of Switzerland, by E. Ray Lankester, 281 Mammals of Iowa, 418 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 29, 93, 119, 200, 273, 297, 347, 393, 468, 520, 544, 640 Mango, Fruit of the, 60 Marine Animals, Distribution of, 348 Mars, Stereograms of, 114; the Poles of, 170 Marsilea, Floating Leaves of, 516 Marsilea, Prof. Hildebrand, on, 293 Martins (Prof.) on the Flora of Southern France, 293 Maskelyne (Prof.) on Dana's Mineralogy, 161, 186 Masters (Dr.) on the Plants at Chiswick, 118; on Vegetable Teratology, 328 Mathematician, a Plea for, by Prof. Sylvester, 237, 261 Mathews (Wm. jun.) on the Mechanical Properties of Ice and their Relation to Glacier Motion, 534 Mechanical Properties of Ice and Glacier Motion, 534 Medico-Botanical Map, 269 Melbourne Telescope, the, 144, 443 Meldrum (Mr.), Note on Meteors at the Mauritius, 220 Mental Progress of Animals, 169 Metals, Hardness of, ascertainable, 563 Meteor at Torquay, Mr. Pengelly’s Letters on, 58, 267; at Wellington, New Zealand, 470; of Nov. 6th, Sir W. Armstrong's Letter on, 112; at Mauritius, 220; Cause of the Incandescence of, 88; of Nov. 1869, M. Chapelas on, 120; (Philadelphian Society) 666 Meteorites, Microscopic Investigation of, 383; Fall of, 538; Whence do they come? 239 Meteorological Society, 467 Meteorology, Physical, by Balfour Stewart, F.R.S., 101 Meunier (Dr.) on a Meteoric Stone, 641 Micé's Organic Chemistry, 380 Microcephalous Subject, 319, 516 Microscopical Society, 92, 198, 321, 445 Microscopic Fauna of the English Fen District, by G. S. Brady, 483; Objects, Illumination of, 321 Midnight Sky, the, 215 Milan, Royal Lombardian Institute, 248, 347 Milde’s Bryologia Silesiaca, 108 Milk, Changes in, 62 Millingen (Major) on Circassian Slaves and Sultan's Harem, 491 Mills (Dr.) on Barff's Handbook of Chemistry, 80 Milne-Edwards (M.) on the Antiquity of the Horse, 225 Mineralogy, 246 Mineral Oils tor Heating Engines, 63 Miners’ Association for Cornwall, 245 Minister of Public Instruction, 423 Mistletoe, 214 Mollusca, Preservation of, 482 Monck (W. Stanley) on Kant’s View of Space, 334, 386; on the Moon's Diameter, 606 Monro (C. J.) on the Correlation of Colour and Music, 362 Montigny (M.), his Notes on the Coloration of the Edges of the Sun's Disc, 226 Montreal Natural History Society, 93, 248 Moon, How Large, by R. A. Proctor, 462; Letters on, 507, 556; Diameter of, 606 Moore (Chas.) on Australian Mesozoic Geology and Palæontology, 90 Morphia, Test for, 388 Motion of a Free Rotatory Body, by Professor Sylvester, 482 Muhry's Terrestrial Physics, 330 Muir (Thomas) on Heat Units, 606 Muller (Prof. Max) on the Science of Language, 256; Report of his Paper on the Writing of the Malayan People, 642 Murchison (Sir R. I.), Report on the Geology of Ross-shire, 174 Murphy (Joseph J.) on the Analogy of Colour and Music, 651; on Habit and Intelligence, 105 Muscarin, Action of, 144 Muscle, Metamorphosis of, 62 Muscles, Geometrical Characters of, 297 Muscular Physics, a Point in, 159 Mythology, Current British, 592 Natal, Fossils of, 642 Natural Philosophy, Properties of, by Prof. Tait, 184 Natural Science at Cambridge, by Rev. T. G. Boney, 451 Nebulæ, if any, and Star Systems, by R. A. Proctor, F.R.A.S., 331; Letters on, 359, 384 Nerve Substance, Reaction of, 144 Newall (Mr.), his Refractor, 316, 408; on Rainbow Colours, 335 New Batrachians, 108 Newcastle-on-Tyne Chemical Society, 176, 469 Newman's British Moths, by W. S. Dallas, 16 Newmarch (W.), Inaugural Address of, at the Statistical Society, 119 Newton (Prof. A.) on Cuckows' Eggs, 74, 265 Newton (Prof. of Yale College) on the November Star Shower, 170, 562 New Zealand, Public Works of, 199; Wellington Philosophical Society, 470 Nile Problem, Mr. Stuart's Letters on, 406; Sources of the Nile, by K. Johnston, jun., 607 Norfolk, Crag of, and Associated Beds, by Joseph Prestwich, F.R.S., 367 Norwich Geological Society, 176; Naturalists’ Society, 249, 416 Observers, Astronomical, Personal Equation of, 85; Letter on, 3; Dr. Van Stadt, 337 Odling (Prof. W.) on the Basis of Chemical Notation, 600 Okely (W. S.) on the Analogy of Colour and Music, 384, 651; on Concomitant Sounds and Colours, 557 Oliver (Prof.) on Baillon's History of Plants, 52 Oliver's Indian Botany, by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, 234 Ooster's Protozoe Helvetica, 330 Origin of Species Controversy, by A. R. Wallace, 105, 132 Orme's Introduction to the science of Heat, 134 Owen (Prof.) on the Fossil Mammals of Australia, 390; on Fossil Mammals of China, 662 Oysters, Price off 244 Palæontology, Progress of, by Professor Huxley, F.R.S., 437 Paley (Mr.) on Agricultural Terms (Report), 468 Paris, Academy of Sciences, 29, 63, 94, 120, 147, 177, 201, 225, 249, 273, 297, 321, 347, 394, 416, 445, 469, 493, 521, 545, 570, 593, 617, 640, 664; Acclimatation Society, 236; Observatory, 363, 387 Parsons on the Rose, 236 Pasteur's (M.) Patent for Preserving Wines, 29, 94 Patagonia, Paraderos of, 318 Pual (Dr.) on Our National Drink, 576; on Town Sewage, 207 Pellew Islands, Natives of, 318 Pengelly (W.) on a Meteor, 58, 267; on Prismatic Ice, 627 Penny. (Dr.), the late, 138 Penny Science Classes, 57 Periodicity of the Solar Spots, 284 Perry (Rev. S. J.) on the Cyclone, 290 Perth's Nature Contemplated, 134 Petroleum and its Allies, 376 Petroleum Discovered in the Caucasus, 245 Pfaundler on the Regelation of Ice, 116 Phallic Worship, 639 Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences, 121, 417, 546, 594; Philosophical Society, 30, 347, 370, 665 Philological Society, 199 Philology and Darwinism, by Rev. F. W. Farrar, 527 Phipson's (Dr.) the Sun, 380 Phosphate of Lime and Sulphurous Acid, 200 Phosphorus, Turpentine not an Antidote for, 149 Photography, Artificial Light for, 271; Photographic Reproductions, 513 Physical Meteorology, by Balfour Stewart, F.R.S., 101, 128, Dr. Hudson’s letter on, 218, Dr. Stewart's letter on, 337 Physiology and the German Universities, 244; Popular Lectures on, by George H. Lewes, 353: 28, 62, 90, 117, 144, 516 Platinum, Electromotive Forces Developed by, 249, 521 Plants, Impregnation of, 293; Distribution of, 465; of Middlesex, by W, Carruthers, 107; Spontaneous Movements in, 142; Winter Flowering, their Fertilisation, by A. W. Bennett, F.L.S., 11, 58 (see also 85, 142); Diffusion of, 246 Playfair (Dr. Lyon) and City Scientific Education, 113 Pollen, Considered as an Aid in the Differentiation of Species, 207 Pollen’s Fauna of Madagascar, 260 Prague, National Museum of Bohemia, 250; Royal Society of Bohemia, 64 Prehistoric Archæology, by J. Evans, F.R.S., 77; Times, by E. B. Tylor, 103 Preservation of Objects in Glycerine Jelly, 172 Prestwich (J.) on the Thames Subway, 280 Pring-heim's (Prof.) Paper on Swann-spores (Berlin Academy of Sciences), 177 Prismatic Structure in Ice, 481 Proctor (R. A.) on Earthquake Waves in the Pacific, 54; on the November Shooting Stars, 56; on the German and Swedish Expeditions to the Arctic Regions, 312; on Star Drift, 466; on Are any of the Nebulæ Star Systems? 331; Letter on the Nebuluæ, 384; 0n the Transits of Venus in 1874 and 1882, 146, 627 Procton's (R. A.) New Star Atlas, 84 Protoplasm, by Dr. H. C. Bastian, 424; at the Antipades, 13 Public Schools, Scientific Men on the Governing Bodies of, 58 Quartz, the Velocity of Light in, 121 Quekett Microscopical Club, 368 Quin (Chas. W.), Science for Children, 209 Quincke on Specific Cohesion, 516 Quinine, New Body obtained from (Prof. Binz), 322; Sulphate of, 347 Rae on the Suez Canal, 169 Rainbow Colours, Letter by Mr. Newall, 335; Supernumerary, Mr. Stuart's Letter on, 406 Rainfall, British, 265 Rainfall of the Year, 540; Mr. Symon's Book on, 611 Rambosson's History of Meteors, 356 Rames' History of Creation, 381 Rankine (Prof.), Remarks on Mr. Heppel's Theory of Continuous Beams (Royal Society), 365; on the Mathematical Theory of Stream Lines, 413 Ransome (Dr.) on Human Breath (Manchester Lit. Soc.), 520 Reis (Dr. Paul), Manual of Physic, 283 Respiration, 322, Products of, 516 Riche's Chemical Lessons, 109; his Medical Chemistry, 308 Robertson (G. Croom) on Kant's View of Space, 333 Roberts (W. Chandler) on Stalactites, 109 Robinson (Rev. Charles. J.) on English Sport in the Fifteenth Century, 352 Rochleder's (Prof.) Paper on Colouring Matter from Madder, 404 Rodwell (G. F.), Bibliothèque des Merveilles, 187; on the Private Life of Galileo, 529 Rolleston (Dr.), Character and Influence of the Anglo-Saxon Conquest, 661 Romer's, (Prof.) Examination of the Species of Venus, 504 Roscoe (Prof.) on Harcourt and Madan's Practical Chemistry, 50; on Lectures to Working Men, 138; on Scientific Education in Germany, 157, 475; on Spectrum Analysis, 503; on Vanadium, 662 Roscoff, Harbour of, and Marine Zoology, 225. Rotundity of the Earth, 581 Royal Commission on Science, 375 Royal Society, Candidates for, 561; Catalogue, 86; Copley Medal, 113; Meetings, 144, 195, 294, 319, 343, 365, 390, 413, 443, 467, 490, 517, 542, 614, 638 Rugby, New Natural Science Schools at, 485; Science-teaching at, 25; Surface Deposits in the Neighbourhood of, 344 Rupert's Drops, Dynamics of, 89 Ruskin, Professor, on River Conservation, 508 Saccolina, Development of, 246 Sanchi Tope, The, 339 Sars, the late Professor, by J. Gwyn Jeffreys, 263; Sars Fund, The, 363, 511, 634 Scenery, The, of England and Wales, 306, 361 Schöbe (Dr.), his Paper at the Royal Society of Bohemia on Nerves of the Cheiroptera, 64 Science Classes, Penny, 57; Dulness of, by F.R.S., 43; Teaching in Schools, by Rev. W. Tucker, 18; and the Public Health, by Prof, Corfield, 135; for Children, by C. W. Quin, F.C.S., 209; Education at Cambridge, 57, 628; Education in Germany, by Prof. Roscoe, F.R.S., 157, 475 Scientific Serials, 165, 221, 246, 270, 294, 342, 365, 389, 412, 436, 513, 542, 591, 637 Scolithus genus, and allied Fossils, 248 Sea, Work of the, by C. W. Whitaker, 381; Depths of the, by David Forbes, 100; Fisheries, Decrease in the Yield of, 243 Secretions, Gases of the, 62 Seeley (Mr.) on Triassic Dinosauria, 146 Seligmann, on Exostoses in the Meatus Auditorius of Peruvian Crania, 319 Semper (Prof.) on the Natives of the Pellew Istands, 318 Sensation and Perception, by Dr. H. C. Bastion, F.R.S., 213, 309. (See also 407.) Sermons in Stones, by D. Forbes, F.R.S., 130 Sewage of Great Towns, Notes on, 244, 364; Town, 207 Sharpey Scholarship, 109 Sicily, Sulphur in, 389 Sigillaria, Notes on the Structure of, 271 Silkworm, its Cultivation in England, 317, 347 Silver Nitrate, Preparation of, 61 Sinai, Turquoise Mines of, 273 Slavonians In Turkey, 287 Smee (Mr. Alfred), his Book on the Progress of Thought, 487 Smith (Cecil), Cuckows' Eggs, 24 Smith (Prof. H. J. S.) on the Focal Properties of Two Correlative Figures (Mathematical Society), 223 Smyth (Prof. Piazzi) at the Great Pyramid, 634; report of his Paper on Supra-annual Cycles of Temperature in the Earth's Surface Crust, 638 Snake Bites, Treatment of, 268 Societies, Learned. (See for London under the heads Asiatic, Ethnological, Royal, and the like. Otherwise the places of meeting, as Edinburgh, Paris, Philadelphia.) Soda in Plants, 250; Old Atomic Weight of, 176 Sodium, Action of, an Acetic Ether, 467 Solar Eclipse (see Eclipses); Prominences, 607; Radiation, 177; Spots, 284, 431 Sorby (H. C.) on Remarkable Spectra of Compounds of Zirconia and Uranium, 588 Southwell (T.) on the Flight of Birds, 431 Spectra of the Metals, Thalen's Map of, 61 Spectroscopic Examination of Diatoms, 115 Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun, 172; Paper on, at the Royal Society, by Mr. Lockyer, 195 Spectrum Analysis, by Prof. Roscoe, 503 Spencer (Herbert) on Where are the Nebulæ? 359 Sphærodus Gigas, 89 Spinal Cord, Regeneration of, 62, 92 Sport, English, in the Fifteenth Century, by the Rev. C. J. Robinson, 352 Stadt (H. v.), Personal Equation of Astronomical Observers, 337 Stalactites, Notes on, by C. Roberts, 109 Stannous Chloride and Acids of Arsenic, 27 Star Atlas, New, 84 Star-Drift, Mr. Proctor on, 466 Stars, Heating Powers of, 320 Star Shower, Prof. Newton, of Yale, on, 170; Father Secchi on, 171; as seen in California, 390 Statistical Society, 119, 247, 346 Stenosaurus, Discovery of, 89 Sterland (W. J.) on Cuckows' Eggs, 139, 336 Stewart (Dr. Balfour) on Physical Meteorology, 101, 128, 337; on Terrestrial Magnetism, 264, on What is Energy? 647; Results of the Monthly Observations of Dip and Horizontal Force made at Kew, 517 Stewart's (Dr. Balfour) Meteorological Blockade, by Professor Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S., 306 Stewart's Sorghum and its Products, 403 Stone Age, The, in Egypt, 148 Strobel (Prof.) on the the Paraderos of Patagonia, 318 Stuart (J.) on Scientific Education at Cambridge, 57; on Lectures to Working Men, 71; on the Diffraction Spectrum and Wave-Lengths, 506 Sullivan (Prof) on the Beds of Thenardite of the Valley of Jarama (Irish Academy), 225 Sulphide of Carbon, Disinfection of, 273 Sulphuric Anhydride, 546 Sulphur in Sicily, 389 Sunday Lectures, 511 Sun's Altitude, Paper on, by Professor Roscoe and Dr. Thorpe, 614; Chromosphere, 654; Spectroscopic Observations, 172 Sylvester (Professor), Plea for the Mathematician, 237, 261; on Kant's View of Space, 314, 360; on the Rotation of a Rigid Body, 532; an After-Dinner Experiment, 582 Syro-Egyptian Society, 62, 224 Tait (Prof.) on the Progress of Natural Philosophy, 184 Tasmanians, Origin of, 367 Taylor, Sedley, on Analogy of Colour and Sound, 430; on Professor Tyndall's Exposition of Helmholtz's Theory of Musical Consonance, 457, 581 Technical Education, 139 Telegraphic Communication with Florence, 137 Telegraphs, State, 239 Telescope, New, at Eton, by H. G. Madan, 263; the Newall, 408; the Melbourne, 144, 443 Temperature and Animal Life of the Deep Sea, by Dr. Carpenter; 489, 540, 563 Temple, Dr., 23 Temple's Comet, 58 Tests, University, 140 Thalen's New Map of the Spectra of the Metals, 61 Thames Subway, The, by J. Prestwich, F.R.S. Thompson (George C.), How large seems the Moon? 507 Thompson (W. G.) on the Formation of Ground Ice, 555 Thomson (Prof. Wyville) on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 315 Thomson (Sir W.) and Geological Time, 482, 507, 606 Thomson (Prof. Sir William) on Dr. Balfour Stewart's Meteorological Blockade, 306; on the Conducting Quality of Copper Wire, 539 Thrace, Geology of, 89 Tinné (Miss), Murder of, 539 Tithonian Stage, the, 143 Trécul (M.) on Ferns (Paris Academy), 493, 522 Triassic Dinosauria, Prof. Huxley on, 23 Tucker (R.) on Euclid as a Text Book, 534, 627 Tuckwell (Rev. W.) on Science Teaching in Schools, 18; on the Red-necked Grebe, 430 Turdus Whitei, Mr. Bidgood's letters on, 363 Tylor (E. B.) on Prehistoric Times, 103 Tyndall (Prof.) on Haze and Dust, 330; on the Death of Professor Magnus, 607; on the Action of Light on Gases, 443 Unger (Prof.) on Anthracite Deposits in Carinthia, 178 Universe, The, 259 University College, London, Science at, 337 Uranium, Preparation of, 27; Oxides of, 413 Valentiner's Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, 283 Vanadium, Prof. Roscoe's Paper on (Report), 662 Van Gorkom's (J. W.) Cinchona Plantations in Java, 212 Variety and Species (Letter), 21 Vegetable Palæontology, by Dr. J. D. Hooker, 48 Venus, Transits of, 146, 527; Mr. Proctor's Letter on, 627 Vertebrate Epiderimis, 62 Victoria Regia, 246 Vienna: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 121, 178, 226, 321, 494, 618, 641, 665; Imperial Geological Institution, 416, 469, 494 Vines of France, 243 Virchow (Prof) on Comparative Measurements of Crania, 318 Voekker's (Dr.) Address to the Chemical Society, 616 Vogt (Prof.) on a Microcephalous Subject, 319 Wallace (A. R.), Origin of Species Controversy, 105, 132; on Government Aid to Science, 288, 315; on the Measurement of Geological Time, 399, 452; on Hereditary Genius, 501 Waller (Horace) on Dust and Disease, 361 Wallich (Dr.) on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 241 Warsop, Aero-Steam Engine, 433 Water, the Abuse of, 578; Mechanical Properties of, by T. Login, 629, 654 Weeds in newly-turned Ground (Letter), 459 Wellington, Caves at, 194 Wellington, Philosophical Society of New Zealand, 470 Welsh Fasting Girl, 463 Whales, Stranded, 141, 223, 248 Whitaker (Charles W.) on the Work of the Sea, 381 Whymper (E.) on the Veined Structure of Glaciers, 266 Williamson (Prof.) on the late Prof. Graham, 20 Wilson (J. M.) on the Corona, 139; on Sir W. Thomson and Geological Time, 606; un the Surface Deposits in the Neighhourbood of Rugby, 344 Wine, colouring Matter of, 27; Pasteur’s Patent for preserving, 29, 94 Wood (Searles V.), Report of his Paper on Boulder Clay (Geological Society), 222; on Professor Huxley's Address, 533 Woodward's Chemical Exercises, 188 Woodward (H.) on Geology and Agriculture, 46 Working Men's Club, 512, 631; College, 511 Workmen, Employment of, by G. Gore, F.R.S., 623 World of the Sea, by the Rev. Canon Kingsley, 78 Wormell (Richd.), Modern Geometry and the University of London, 607 Yarkand and Kasgar, Report of Mr. Shaw's Visit to, 492 Young (Prof.) on the American Eclipse, 532 Zincke on the Synthesis of Aromatic Acids, 297 Zirconia, Spectra of, 588 Zoological Society, 29, 92, 173, 223, 345, 391, 490, 543, 562 |