Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/A/1200

Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Volume 1 (1955)
by Stith Thompson
A. Mythological Motifs: A1200—A1299. Creation of man
1447902Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Volume 1 — A. Mythological Motifs: A1200—A1299. Creation of man1955Stith Thompson


A1200—A1299. Creation of man.

A1200. Creation of man. *Hdwb. d. Abergl. I 460 s.v. "Anthropogonie"; *DeCock Volkssage, 146ff.; *Basset RTP XVIII 542 and references to earlier volumes. — Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 34 No. 6; Jewish: *Neuman; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 371ff. — N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 283 n. 49, (Calif.): Gayton and Newman 94; Eskimo (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XI 338, (N. Alaska and Mackenzie River): Jenness 80, (Labrador): Hawkes GSCan XIV 152, (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 167; Quiché: Alexander Lat. Am. 163.
A1614.3. Dark and light-skinned peoples made from dark and light coconuts. D2178.6. People created by magic.
A1201. Man created to rule the earth. Africa (Fang): Trilles 131.
A1205. Unacceptable gods as first inhabitants of earth. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 60.
A1210. Creation of man by creator. *Dh I 89. — Irish myth: Cross; Greek: *Grote I 71; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3030; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 81. — Maori: Dixon 23, 26; Easter Is.: Metraux Ethnology 312; Hawaiian, Tahitan: Dixon 26; Aztec: Alexander Lat. Am. 92; S. Am. Indian (Cashinawa): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 684, (Tucuna): Nimuendajú ibid. 724; Africa (Fjort): Dennett 105, (Ibo of Nigeria): Basden 282, (Ekoi): Talbot 373.
A0. Creator. A141.1. God makes automata and vivifies them. A1614.5. Negroes made from left-over scraps at creation. G312.5. Fierce flesh-eating creatures made by creator in fit of anger.
A1211. Man made from creator's body. India: Thompson-Balys.
A614. Universe from parts of creator's body.
A1211.0.1. Man springs into existence from deity's body by his mere thinking. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1211.1. Man from dirt mixed with creator's blood. Eitrem Opferritus und Voropfer der Griechen und Römer (Skrifter Akad. Oslo 1914 No. I 426). — Gaster Oldest Stories 69; Babylonian: Spence 81. — New Britain: Dixon 107 (figures drawn on ground and sprinkled with creator's blood).
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A1285.1. First man made chief over whole world. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 44.
A1285.1.1. In response to Adam's prayer, God sends him to earth to be father of mankind. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1290. Creation of man—other motifs.
A1291. Man created by supernatural creature, not deity.
A1291.1. Man created by angels. Jewish: Neuman.
A1293. Devil in God's absence puts sickness in Adam's body. Dh I 98ff.
A63. Devil as marplot at creation.
A1295. Creation in covered vessel. Men (or animals) created in a basket or from a bundle, or from under a blanket. — N. A. Ind.: Kroeber JAFL XXI 223; S. Am. Indian (Cashinawa): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 684.
A1296. Multiplication of man by fragmentation. S. Am. Indian (Inca): Rowe BBAE CXLIII (2) 406.
A1297. First human being killed by jealous brothers (reptiles and insects). India: Thompson-Balys.
Note 1