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the continuance and enlargement of them. DBut let me stop, my God, and consider; will not this look like a piece of art and cunning, to couvey into the world an opinion, that I were more particular in his care than other men? and that herein, in a show of humility and thankfulness, I magnify myself more than there is causec? But let not that jealousy stop me, O God, but let me go forward in celebrating thy mercy exhibited by him. This which he doth now, in assisting so my bodily health, I know is common to me with many: many, many have tasted of that expression of his graciousness. Where he can give health by his own hands he doth, and to more than any of his predecessors have done: therefore hath God reserved one disease for him, that he only might cure it, though perchance not only by one title and interest, nor only as one king. To those that need it not, in that kind, and so cannot have it by his own hand, he sends a donative of health in sending his physician. The holy king St. Louis, in France, and our Maud, is celebrated for that, that personally they visited hospitals, and assisted in the cure even of loathsome diseases. And when that religious empress, Placilla, the wife of Theodosius, was told that she diminished herself too much in those personal assistances, and might do enough in sending relief, she said, she would send in that capacity as empress, but she would go too in that capacity as a Christian, as a fellow-member of the body of thy Son, with them. So thy servant David applies himself to his people, so he incorporates himself in his people, by calling them his brethren, his bones, his flesh[1]; and when they fell under thy hand, even to the pretermitting of himself, he presses upon thee by praver for them; I have sinned, but these sheep, what have they done? Let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me and against

  1. 2 Sam. xix. 12.
Note 1