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- Foundation-comb—Continued
- for sections, how to cut, 89.
- how to place in frame, 85, 86.
- size of, 86.
- Foundation-fastener, Daisy, 17.
- Parker, 18.
- super, 17.
- for extracted honey, 119.
- foundation for, 84.
- Frames, Hoffman brood, 86.
- Hoffman self-spacing, 84.
- Langstroth movable, 84.
- self-spacing, Plate XII.
- spacing of, 84.
- Fruit, not punctured by bees, 196.
- Fruit trees, 196, 197.
- Gall-berry, 204.
- Galleria mellonella, 172.
- Garden flowers, 203.
- German bees compared with Italians, 48.
- German steam wax press, 133.
- Gill-over-the-ground, 204.
- Glands, 189.
- Glands of honey bee, Plate XXV.
- Goldenrod, 204.
- Grapes, not punctured by bees, 197.
- Guagilla, 199.
- Hatch-Gemmill wax press, 133.
- Head, 183, Plate XXV.
- Heart, 188, Plate XXV.
- Hetherington super springs, 90.
- Hive, arrangement in apiary, 24.
- cover, 15, 83.
- the description of, 14.
- entrance, how to contract, 167.
- essential parts of, 83.
- history of, 83.
- how to get the cover off, 95.
- how to handle it, 83.
- how to lift out the brood frames, 96.
- how to open, 92.
- industries of, 50.
- inhabitants of, 27.
- Langstroth, 8-frame, 10-frame, 14.
- maxims for opening, 104.
- one and one-half story, Plate XV.
- the reasons why it must be opened, 94.
- telescope cover, 91.
- tenement, for wintering, 149,
- to change the location of, 25.
- Hive-stand, 15, 24.
- Hives, chaff, 14, 15.
- chaff for wintering, 148, Plate XXII.
- Dadant-Quinby, size of, 77.
- decoy, 70.
- devices for carrying into cellar, 152.
- double-walled, 21.
- double-walled, cover for, 22.
- entrance toward south, 25.
- how to group, 20, 25.
- large, for extracted honey, 77.
- large sizes limit swarming, 77,
- observation, 103.
- shade boards for, 21.
- shaded by awning, 21.
- shaded by thatched roof, 21.
- shaded by trellis, 21.
- well shaded, Plate IV.
- where to put them, 20.
- Hiving bees, Plate XI.
- maxims for, 72.
- Holy Land bees, 47.
- Honey, the amount produced in the United States, 58.
- basswood. 198.
- buckwheat, 202.
- composition of, 57,
- flowers, 194.
- gardens, 199, 204.
- healthful food, 58.
- how produced, 57.
- how to take off in supers, 101.
- house, 25.