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Smith (Prof. H. J. S.) on the Focal Properties of Two Correlative Figures (Mathematical Society), 223

Smyth (Prof. Piazzi) at the Great Pyramid, 634; report of his Paper on Supra-annual Cycles of Temperature in the Earth's Surface Crust, 638

Snake Bites, Treatment of, 268

Societies, Learned. (See for London under the heads Asiatic, Ethnological, Royal, and the like. Otherwise the places of meeting, as Edinburgh, Paris, Philadelphia.)

Soda in Plants, 250; Old Atomic Weight of, 176

Sodium, Action of, an Acetic Ether, 467

Solar Eclipse (see Eclipses); Prominences, 607; Radiation, 177; Spots, 284, 431

Sorby (H. C.) on Remarkable Spectra of Compounds of Zirconia and Uranium, 588

Southwell (T.) on the Flight of Birds, 431

Spectra of the Metals, Thalen's Map of, 61

Spectroscopic Examination of Diatoms, 115

Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun, 172; Paper on, at the Royal Society, by Mr. Lockyer, 195

Spectrum Analysis, by Prof. Roscoe, 503

Spencer (Herbert) on Where are the Nebulæ? 359

Sphærodus Gigas, 89

Spinal Cord, Regeneration of, 62, 92

Sport, English, in the Fifteenth Century, by the Rev. C. J. Robinson, 352

Stadt (H. v.), Personal Equation of Astronomical Observers, 337

Stalactites, Notes on, by C. Roberts, 109

Stannous Chloride and Acids of Arsenic, 27

Star Atlas, New, 84

Star-Drift, Mr. Proctor on, 466

Stars, Heating Powers of, 320

Star Shower, Prof. Newton, of Yale, on, 170; Father Secchi on, 171; as seen in California, 390

Statistical Society, 119, 247, 346

Stenosaurus, Discovery of, 89

Sterland (W. J.) on Cuckows' Eggs, 139, 336

Stewart (Dr. Balfour) on Physical Meteorology, 101, 128, 337; on Terrestrial Magnetism, 264, on What is Energy? 647; Results of the Monthly Observations of Dip and Horizontal Force made at Kew, 517

Stewart's (Dr. Balfour) Meteorological Blockade, by Professor Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S., 306

Stewart's Sorghum and its Products, 403

Stone Age, The, in Egypt, 148

Strobel (Prof.) on the the Paraderos of Patagonia, 318

Stuart (J.) on Scientific Education at Cambridge, 57; on Lectures to Working Men, 71; on the Diffraction Spectrum and Wave-Lengths, 506

Suez Canal, 24, 169

Sullivan (Prof) on the Beds of Thenardite of the Valley of Jarama (Irish Academy), 225

Sulphide of Carbon, Disinfection of, 273

Sulphuric Anhydride, 546

Sulphur in Sicily, 389

Sunday Lectures, 511

Sun's Altitude, Paper on, by Professor Roscoe and Dr. Thorpe, 614; Chromosphere, 654; Spectroscopic Observations, 172

Sylvester (Professor), Plea for the Mathematician, 237, 261; on Kant's View of Space, 314, 360; on the Rotation of a Rigid Body, 532; an After-Dinner Experiment, 582

Syro-Egyptian Society, 62, 224

Tait (Prof.) on the Progress of Natural Philosophy, 184

Tasmanians, Origin of, 367

Taylor, Sedley, on Analogy of Colour and Sound, 430; on Professor Tyndall's Exposition of Helmholtz's Theory of Musical Consonance, 457, 581

Technical Education, 139

Telegraphic Communication with Florence, 137

Telegraphs, State, 239

Telescope, New, at Eton, by H. G. Madan, 263; the Newall, 408; the Melbourne, 144, 443

Temperature and Animal Life of the Deep Sea, by Dr. Carpenter; 489, 540, 563

Temple, Dr., 23

Temple's Comet, 58

Tests, University, 140

Thalen's New Map of the Spectra of the Metals, 61

Thallium Salts, 116, 142

Thames Subway, The, by J. Prestwich, F.R.S.

Thompson (George C.), How large seems the Moon? 507

Thompson (W. G.) on the Formation of Ground Ice, 555

Thomson (Prof. Wyville) on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 315

Thomson (Sir W.) and Geological Time, 482, 507, 606

Thomson (Prof. Sir William) on Dr. Balfour Stewart's Meteorological Blockade, 306; on the Conducting Quality of Copper Wire, 539

Thrace, Geology of, 89

Tinné (Miss), Murder of, 539

Tithonian Stage, the, 143

Trécul (M.) on Ferns (Paris Academy), 493, 522

Triassic Dinosauria, Prof. Huxley on, 23

Tucker (R.) on Euclid as a Text Book, 534, 627

Tuckwell (Rev. W.) on Science Teaching in Schools, 18; on the Red-necked Grebe, 430

Turdus Whitei, Mr. Bidgood's letters on, 363

Tylor (E. B.) on Prehistoric Times, 103

Tyndall (Prof.) on Haze and Dust, 330; on the Death of Professor Magnus, 607; on the Action of Light on Gases, 443

Unger (Prof.) on Anthracite Deposits in Carinthia, 178

Universe, The, 259

University College, London, Science at, 337

Uranium, Preparation of, 27; Oxides of, 413

Valentiner's Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, 283

Vanadium, Prof. Roscoe's Paper on (Report), 662

Van Gorkom's (J. W.) Cinchona Plantations in Java, 212

Variety and Species (Letter), 21

Vegetable Palæontology, by Dr. J. D. Hooker, 48

Venus, Transits of, 146, 527; Mr. Proctor's Letter on, 627

Vertebrate Epiderimis, 62

Victoria Regia, 246

Vienna: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 121, 178, 226, 321, 494, 618, 641, 665; Imperial Geological Institution, 416, 469, 494

Vines of France, 243

Virchow (Prof) on Comparative Measurements of Crania, 318

Voekker's (Dr.) Address to the Chemical Society, 616

Vogt (Prof.) on a Microcephalous Subject, 319

Wallace (A. R.), Origin of Species Controversy, 105, 132; on Government Aid to Science, 288, 315; on the Measurement of Geological Time, 399, 452; on Hereditary Genius, 501

Waller (Horace) on Dust and Disease, 361

Wallich (Dr.) on the Food of Oceanic Animals, 241

Warsop, Aero-Steam Engine, 433

Water, the Abuse of, 578; Mechanical Properties of, by T. Login, 629, 654

Weeds in newly-turned Ground (Letter), 459

Wellington, Caves at, 194

Wellington, Philosophical Society of New Zealand, 470

Welsh Fasting Girl, 463

Whales, Stranded, 141, 223, 248

Whitaker (Charles W.) on the Work of the Sea, 381

Whymper (E.) on the Veined Structure of Glaciers, 266

Williamson (Prof.) on the late Prof. Graham, 20

Wilson (J. M.) on the Corona, 139; on Sir W. Thomson and Geological Time, 606; un the Surface Deposits in the Neighhourbood of Rugby, 344

Wine, colouring Matter of, 27; Pasteur’s Patent for preserving, 29, 94

Wood (Searles V.), Report of his Paper on Boulder Clay (Geological Society), 222; on Professor Huxley's Address, 533

Woodward's Chemical Exercises, 188

Woodward (H.) on Geology and Agriculture, 46

Working Men's Club, 512, 631; College, 511

Workmen, Employment of, by G. Gore, F.R.S., 623

World of the Sea, by the Rev. Canon Kingsley, 78

Wormell (Richd.), Modern Geometry and the University of London, 607

Yarkand and Kasgar, Report of Mr. Shaw's Visit to, 492

Young (Prof.) on the American Eclipse, 532

Zincke on the Synthesis of Aromatic Acids, 297

Zirconia, Spectra of, 588

Zoological Society, 29, 92, 173, 223, 345, 391, 490, 543, 562

Note 2