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them is to show the substantial sameness of Scientific and everyday thought, by perceiving which the public loses its shyness toward scientific questions and acquires an interest

in scientific work that is a great help to the inquirer, and he is brought to understand that his work is only a small part of the universal process of life. Price, $1.


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Cornell University: No. 142. The Codling Moth. By M. V. Slingerland. Pp. 09; No. 143. Sugar-Beet Investigations. Pp. 81.—Delaware College: No. 38. Apple Culture. By O. H. Powell. Pp. 20.—Michigan State Agricultural College: No. 149. Feeding Dairy Cows. By C. D. Smith. Pp. 56; No. 150. Sugar Beets. By C. D. Smith and R. C. Kedzie. Pp. 86—New Jersey: No. 128. The Peach Borer and Experiments with Hydraulic Cement. Pp. 28: Report of the Botanical Department for 1897. Pp. 136.—New York: No. ISO. A New Disease of Sweet Corn. Popular edition. Pp. 5: No. 131. Oat Smut and New Preventives. Popular edition. Pp. 5; No. 133. Gooseberry Mildew. By C. P. Case. Pp. 12 (and popular edition, pp. 5); No. 134.—Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. By L. L. Van Slyke. Pp. 40; No. 135. Sugar Beets. By L. L. Van Slyke, W. H. Jordan, and G. W. Churchill. Pp. 32.—Ohio: No. 88. Co-operative Experiments by Students' Union. Pp. 32; No. 89. Diseases of Cucumbers, Melons, and Tomatoes. Pp. 24.—United States Department of Agriculture: No. 22. The Periodical Cicada in 1897. Pp. 4; No. 23. The Buffalo Tree Hopper. Pp. 4; No. 24. The Two-lined Chestnut Borer. Pp. 8; The Ox Warble. Pp. 10; The Pear Slug. Pp. 7; The Mexican Cotton-Ball Weevil in 1897. Pp. 7 (by E. A. Schwartz, C. L. Marlatt, F. U. Chittenden, and L. O. Howard, Assistant Entomologists).—No. 12. The San José Scale in 1896 and 1897. By L. O. Howard. Pp. 32.—University of Wisconsin: No. 65. A Bacterial Rot of Cabbage and Allied Plants. Pp. 39—Washington State Agricultural College and School of Science: No. 31. Sugar-Beet Culture in the Yakima Valley. By Elton Fulmer. Pp. 30, with Irrigation Map.

American Physical Education Review. Vol. II, No. 4. Boston: American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education. Quarterly. Pp. 64. 50 cents; $1.50 a year.

Arthur, J. C, and MacDougal, D. T. Living Plants and their Properties. New York: Baker & Taylor. Pp. 234. $1.25.

Authors' Circular (The). Vol. I, No. 1. London. Monthly. Pp. 10. 5 shillings a year.

Ayer, N. W., and Sons. American Newspaper Annual, 1898. Philadelphia: N. W. Ayer & Sons. Pp. 1504. $5.

Bailey, G. H. The Tutorial Chemistry. Part II. Metals. Edited by William Briggs. London: W. B. Clive. New York: Hinds & Noble, 4 Cooper Institute. Pp. 300. $1.

Bulletins, Reports, Proceedings, etc. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1807. Part III, October to December. Pp. 240, with plates.—American Philosophical Society. Proceedings, December, 1897. Pp. 180.—Bureau of American Republics. Monthly Bulletin, February, 1898. Washington. Pp. 210. 50 cents; $2 a year.—Department of Labor. Bulletin for March, 1898. Carroll D. Wright and Owen W. Weaver, Editors. Washington. Pp. 150.—Michigan. Monthly Bulletin of Vital Statistics, February, 1898. Pp. 20.—Wagner tree institute of Science, of Philadelphia. Transactions, January, 1898. Pp. 66, with plates.—Minnesota Botanical Studies. Bulletin No. 9, March 2, 1897 (title-page, index, etc.). Pp. 118.—National Science Club, Washington. Journal. February, 1898. Pp. 29.—New England Free-Trade League. Debate on Equitable Protection between David Luben and Hon. John E. Russell Pp. 33.—New York State Library Bulletin Legislation. No. 9. Legislation by States in 1897. Pp. 150.—Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Sixty-sixth Annual Report, 1897. Pp. 264.—The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, February, 1898. Pp. 8.

Clark, Charles H. A Laboratory Manual in Practical Botany. American Book Company. Pp. 271. 96 cents.

Del Mar, Alexander. How to Keep our Gold. New York: The Author. Pp. 15.

De Witt, T. H. Benton. Correspondence between an Amateur and a Professor of Political Economy. Philadelphia. Pp. 19.

Drey, Sylvan. A Theory of Life deduced from the Evolution Philosophy. London: Williams & Norgate. Pp. 34. 1 shilling.

Fairhurst, Arthur. Organic Evolution Considered. St. Louis: Christian Publishing Company. Pp. 386.

Fitz Hugh, Thomas. The Philosophy of the Humanities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 63.

Gerhard, William Paul. Sanitary Engineering. New York: Published by the Author. Pp. 133.

Greene, George K. Contribution to Indiana Palæontology. Part I. Pp. 7, with plates.

Hall, Ansley. The Herring Industry of the Passamaquoddy Region, Maine. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Pp. 48.

Harris, W. T. Psychologic Foundations of Education. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 400.

Henderson, John. Practical Electricity and Magnetism. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 388.

Hickson, S. J. The Story of Life in the Seas. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 173. 40 cents.

Holycake, George Jacob. The Jubilee History of the Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society, from 1847 to 1897. Leeds, England: General Co-operative Offices. Pp. 200.

Interstate Commerce Commission. Statistics of Railways in the United States. Ninth Annual Report, June, 1896. Pp. 709.

Jayne, Horace. Mammalian Anatomy: A Preparation for Human and Comparative Anatomy Part I. The Skeleton of the Cat. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 816. Subscription, $5.

Le Dantec, F. Evolution individuel et Hérédité. Théory de la Variation quantitative (Individual Evolution and Heredity. Theory of Quantitative Variation). Paris: Félix Alcan. Pp. 308. 6 francs.

Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy and Evolution. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 385. $5.

Mann, N. M. Glimpses of Eternity. Pp. 14.—The New Heaven and the New Earth. Pp. 14. Omaha, Neb.: H. S. Mann. 5 cents each.

Modern Education. Thomas J. Allen, Editor. Quarterly. Aurora, 111.: Aurora Modern College. Pp. 32. 25 cents a year.

Millspaugh, C. F. Contribution III to the Coastal and Plain Flora of Yucatan. Field Columbian Museum. Chicago. Pp. 64.

Overton, Frank. Applied Physiology for Advanced Courses. American Book Company. Pp. 432. 80 cents.

Pearson, H. C. Greek Prose Composition. American Book Company. Pp. 187. 90 cents.

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