Like Other Countries Germany Did Not
��Although Bushnell and Fulton had both demonstrated the practicability of navigating a vessel under water, Germans took but little interest in the subject until 1850. In that year Wilhelm Bauer, whose portrait appears to the right, built the U-boat illustrated. Bauer served as a Bavarian artillery officer in the Danish
���War and had ample opportunity to note the havoc wrought by Danish warships on Schleswig- HoUstein troops. He thought it would be easy to build a sub- marine boat which would destroy the Danish warships. The Prus- sian government was not very encouraging, and so he had to build his vessel with the aid of private citizens
���In the oval, a squadron of German sub- marines. Two types of submarines have been developed, known in this country, respectively as the Holland and the Lake types. Americans are prone to regard Holland as the pioneer submarine inventor
���The photograph to the left shows the great gaping hole blasted in the side of an un- armored ship by a German torpedo. The latest type of German submarine carries from ten to twelve tor- pedoes. It is equip- ped with six torpedo tubes (four ahead and two astern) . In the nose or warhead of a torpedo from five hundred to seven hundred pounds of gun cotton are carried — a high explosive of ter- rific possibilities as the picture convincingly testifies
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