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Cathair, or round fort, 235; of Tuatha de Danann, 193; of Cormac at Tara, 194.

Cathregomion, Cabregonnon, Catbregonnion, or Cathbregion, Arthur's 11th battle there, 138. See Stuntun Drew.

Catigren, where buried, 144. See Kitt's Cotty House.

Cattle spoil of Cooley, 196.

Cave men, 17, 18, 329; like Red Indians, 17; or Esquimaux, ib.; under what circumstances found in France, 16; and England, 16, 17.

Cave races, gradations of style of monuments among, 335.

Caves, early, in India, 456; Buddhist, 460.

Ceallach, murder of, 233.

Cedric, Saxon chief, 88-9.

Celtiberians, see Iberians.

Celtic race, priests of, 8, 4; whether French megalithic monuments belong to, 6; their influence upon Etruria, 393.

Celts, ready converts to Christianity, 227; date of the first invasion of Gaul, ib.; were earlier converts than dolmen builders, 328; spread themselves through centre of France, ib.; either Celts or a prehistoric race built the dolmens, 329; the Cave men, ib.; who these were, ib.; dolmens and Cave men perhaps conterminous, ib.; Cimbri, Celts, and Gauls, 333; Cimbri and Aquitanians, relation of, ib.; their capital temp. Bellevesi, 327; described by Livy, ib.; Averni, ib.; if dolmens in Galatia, important bearing upon Celtic theory, 446; their invasions of other countries, 409.

Cemeteries of Ireland, 199; Cruachan, or Ratherogen, ib.; circular mounds there, ib.; monument of Dathi, ib.; Relig na Riogh, 200; Red stone pillar, ib.; circle, ib.; cairns, ib.; burials, Queen Meave and Dathi, ib.; compared with Arbor Low and Salkeld, ib.; Knowth, ib.; New Grange, 201; plundered by Danes, ib.; first mentioned by Mr. Lloyd, ib.; Sir T. Molyneux's statement, ib.; Governor Pownall's, 202; engravings of by Bouie, 203; if uncovered, resemblance to Salkeld and Stanton Drew, ib.; sculpture, 204; reverses of stones elaborately carved, 205; how such came to be covered, ib.; entrance, position of, ib.; ornaments, 206-7; sculptured mark, 207; whether characters, ib.; Dowth, or perhaps Dubhad, plundered by Dunes, 208; diggings, ib.; find there, 210; Netherville House, 209; tomb of the Dagdha, ib.; perhaps intact, ib.; find there, 209, 210; ornaments at Dowth, 211-2; written evidence respecting these three cemeteries, 212; and persons buried, ib.; authors conjecture as to New Grange, 213; Lough Crew, 213 et seq.; if cemetery of Talten, 219; choice of plan of cemetery amongst Irish, 220; 'Book of the Cemeteries' cited, 221; stone in cairn T, Lough Crew, 222; stones in sculptured graves, 223; Clover Hill, ib.; Shahpoor, 485.

Cetti, stone of, 173.

Ceylon dagobar, 41; Thupa Ramayana, and Lanka Ramayana, 489, 490.

Chaityas, see Church Caves.

Champollion's discoveries, 1.

Chardin cited as to circles at Tabriz and Miana, 453.

Chariot wheels sculptured on dolmens, 304.

Charlemagne condemns stone worship, 25.

Charleton, Dr., 15; Inigo Jones's theory attacked by, 3.

Chartham Downs, find at, 13.

Chartres Carnutes, 5.

Chester, see Caerleon.

China, monuments of, not ancient, 1.

Chinese not progressive, 19.

Chisel, early use of, in Ireland, 217.

Chorœa Gigantum, see Giants' Dance.

Chouchas in North Africa, 398-9; position of bodies in, ib.

Christian era, rude-stone monuments subsequent to, 27; according to Danes, iron introduced about commencement of, 9.

Christianity, according to Welsh and Irish writers, their Druids prior to, 6; date of introduction into Denmark, 10; into India, 489; in what respect influenced by Buddhism. 499 et seq.

Christians in India, see Crosses.

Christy, Mr., his researches in Algeria, 395-6.

Church caves at first more important than Viharas. 501.

Cimboeth marks date in Irish history, 189; founds Armagh, ib.

Cimbri, their cognate races, 333.

Cimbrian Chersonese visited by Pytheas, 38.

Circassia, dolmens in, of shaped stone, 447; importance of, to migration or missionary theory, 447-8.

Circles, 154; Englewood Wood, or Rosehill tumulus, ib.; platform, ib.; bilithons, 155; find, ib.; Aspatria, 156; barrow, ib.; find, 156-7; circle of cists in Isle of Man, ib.; Mule Hill, ib.; view and plan of, 158; openings to circle, 159; Burn Moor, Cumberland, ib.; find there, ib.; square enclosure there, 160; plan, 160; Boscawen not Temples nor "Things," ib.; plan of, 161; at Moytura, 183; triple, ib.; sculptured, enclosing crosses, 304, 315; mysterious concentric circles, with lines traversing them, 304; the use of circles and Viking graves con-

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