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Ellala, his defeat by King Dutthagamimi commemorated by Dagoba, 80.

Elliot, Sir Walter, cited on Indian interments, 479.

Elliptical dolmens, see Dolmens.

Ellis, Mr., his opinion that Stonehenge was an Observatory, 7.

Elopement of Diarmid with Graine, 225.

Ellora and Elphanta, dates of, 404.

Emmen, 320. See Hunebed.

Emmrys, work of, in Welsh Triads, what, 173.

Enclosures, dolmens with, 307 et seq., 354; in America, for defence, 511; sacred and miscellaneous, 311.

End Low mound, 139. See Derbyshire.

England, circle-building race in, 274; dolmen-building race, ib.; old race in, improved by Celts and Romans, 461.

Englemanns Becke, dolmen near, 301.

English idolatry, letter of Gregory the Great concerning, 21.

Eochy, King, tradition as to his bath, 179; his death, ib.

Eochy the Daghda, 192 note.

Erdeven, 350.

Eric Blodoxe, 250; sons of, 291.

Eric the Holy, 291.

Eskil, 279.

Esquimaux, Cave men similar to, in what respects, 17.

Es Salt, dolmens near, 441.

Essenes, their connexion with Buddhism, 500.

Estremadura, dolmens in, 378.

Etan, poetess, 197; where buried, 212.

Ethelbert, cedes temple at Canterbury to Augustine, 22.

Ethnography, see Races.

Etrurians, tomb-building race, 31, 393; dead reverencing, 393; tomb of Commella, 33 ; of Regulini Galeassi, 34; contents of, 34; belong to age of bronze, 34; imitated at Rome, 40.

Europe, Northern, limited knowledge of, before Roman epoch 38.

Eusufzaie circles, 453.

Fa Hian, his visit to Sanchi, 492.

Faidherbe, General, his remarks on tombs in Roknia, 396.

Family sepulchres marked by megalithic monuments, 15.

Faussetr, Mr. Godfrey, his happy refer- ence to Beowulf, 120.

Féraud, M., his researches in Algeria, 395; his opinion as to building-race, 403; respecting find at Djideli, 404.

Ferguson, Mr., drawings by, of sepulchres at Dol ar Marchant, 362.

Fiddes Hill circle, 263-5.

Fin, his conflict with Hengist, 120.

Finds: altar stone, 104; armour, 79, 104; amber beads, 218; amulet of iron, 14; arrow-head, flint, 11, 12; ditto, iron, 104-6, 337; awl, 13; axe-stone, 165; ball syenite, 217; batter dishes, 104; battle-axe, 156; basaltic celt, 11; and hammer head, 12; beads of glass, 13, 218, 359; and of amber, 218; bird of bone, 527; bluetone, chippings of, 103; bones, 74, 526; burnt, 13, 142, 159, 210, 526; charred, 217; calcined, 11; human bones, 155, 179, 182, 109, 216, 219, 446; bones of animals, 143-5, 182, 216; bones of mammalia, 210; of horse, 404, 446; dogs, 527; rats, 13; stags, 104; oxen, ib.; of men, ib.; bones incinerated, 264; bone bodkin, 210; comb, 527; box of bronze, 13; brass, 165; brass or copper pin, 12; spear-head, 103; bracelet, gold, 447, 527; bridle bit, 12, 80, 81, 148, 157, 404; bronze, 11, 13, 120, 141, 145, 184, 216, 318, 339, 358, 526; buckle, 43; and heads, 297; of gold, 156; burial urn, 527; cap ornamented with gold, 446; carvings, rude, 366; celt, basaltic, 11; stone, 11, 142; of bronze, 127; of jade, 358; chamber, rude, 159; charcoal, 103, 265, 469, 526; chief, and wife and children, remains of, 446; chippings of stones, 103; circular instrument, 13; circumcision, instruments of, 440; cists, 12, 140-1, 155-6; coal, Kimmeridge, 13; coins (see Roman Coins); coins, German, 318; Anglo-Saxon, ib.; Byzantine, ib.; Arabic or Kufic, ib.; coins, Roman, 74; brass coins, 11; Claudius, Gothicus, 12, 33, 143; Constantine, 11, 12, 143, 165; family of, 11; Constans, 11; Constantine II., 11, 339; Constantinopolis, 11; Constantine Junior, 12, 143; Gratian, 11; Hadrian, 84; from Tiberius to Trojan, 339; Theodosius, 200; Urbs Roma, 11; Valens, 11; Valentinian, 11, 12, 36, 143, 144, 209; combs, engravings on, 218; compass, leg of, 218; comb, 527; copper, 120; cromlechs, 143; cylinder partially pierced, 359; dagger, bronze, 145; brass or bronze, 12, 13, 14; dart or javelin point, 142; dog's bones, 527; drinking cup (fragments, 12, 145, 207; earthenware, 525; electrum plate, part of quiver ornamented with figures of animals and Greek inscription, 446-7; enamels, 145; engraved dagger and Wurm knot, 245; fibula, 11, 13, 142, 210, 207; fibula, gold, 156; flat basin, large, 217; flint, 11, 12, 14, 146, 165, 182, 218; fragments of, 286; flakes, and instruments of, 447; flowers, silver, 156, 339; Faustina, medal of, 405; garnets, 11; giant, remains of, 130, 156; glass, 13, 339; glass beads, ib.; glass, molten drop of, 218; gold-enamelled necklace and bracelets, 440; gold cross, 11;

Note 2