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of origin, ib.; the spoilers, who, ib.; inference from runes, ib.; engraving of dragon, similar to Danish, 245, 246 et seq.; Wurm knot, 245; inscription, 246; age of, ib.; architecture of howe, 247; chamber and loculi, ib.; resemblance of mound to those on Boyne, 248; of what race and age, 249-256; unique monument must have belonged to most magnificent race, 258.

Magas mentioned by Asoka, 498.

Magh Mor, King of Spain, his connexion with Ireland, 187.

Magnus Henricksson, Danish Prince, 291.

Magnus Olaus, description by, of megalithic remains in Sweden, 15, 101.

Mahabharata, date of the, 455.

Mahommedans could not influence the nonprogressive tribes of India, 459.

Mahommedanism, aversion to, in India, 459.

Majorca and Minorca, see Mediterranean Islands, 434.

Mal Lumkuu, cross erected by, 272.

Malé, M., his example of demi-dolmen, 345.

Malmor, or Malmurn, 272.

Malta, tombs of, 410; giants' towers, 415;

Maltese monuments, see Mediterranean Islands.

Man, Isle of, circles in, 162; crosses in, 278.

Mané er H'roëk, find there, 339, 360,364; singular sculptured slab, 364.

Mané Lud, 360.

Mangles, Captain, see Irby.

"Many Stones," group, 529.

Maols, or Murderers, graves of four, at Ballina, 233, 336; certain date of, 233.

Marden, 63; circle, plan, 85.

Marienburg, dolmen at, 30.

Marlborough, etymology of word, 84.

Marmora, Count de la, his work on Sardinia, 428 et seq.

Marsa Sirocco, remains at, 425.

Masses, immense, moved by rude peoples, 465.

Masteeculls, what, 483.

Mauritanian kings, tombs of, 424.

Maximus, overthrow of Roman power by, 373; his battle, 374.

Mayborough (see Penrith and Cumrew); circle at, compared to Little Salkeld, 127.

Meave Misgan, Queen, see Misgan.

Mecklenburg, dolmens in, 301.

Mediterranean islands, non-historic monuments of, shaped stones, 415, 436; Malta, giants' towers, circles, 416; Gozo, 417; Hagiar Khem, 419, 423; Mnaidra, 418-22; roofing of Maltese monuments, 422; these compared to Kubber Roumeia and Madracen, 424; Gozo scrolls and spirals compared to those of Mycenææ and Greece, ib.; pit-markings, ib.; altars and stone tables, 225; monuments not temples but sepulchres, 425-6; Phœnicians in Malta, 425; the monuments, of what race and age, 426, 437; prior to dolmens, 437; Sardinic Nurhags, 427; storeys of Nurhags and groups, plan of, ib.; Santa Barbara, 428, 431; silence of history as to them, 429; Dedalean buildings according to Diodorus, ib.; La Giara, 430; what Nurhags were, 431; derivation of, 432; view of author as to purpose of Nurhags, 433; Balearic islands, Talaiots at Trepuco, Minorca bilithon, 435; Alajor, ib.; stone tables, 435-6; rude-stone circles, 432.

Megalithic monuments at Moytura, 180 et seq.; every kind of, except avenues, 180-1; monument in Deer Park, Sligo, 234; its anomalous nature, 235; Celts had nothing to do with, according to Bertrand, 254; gap of, between France and Scandinavia, 323; none in valleys of Rhine or Scheldt, ib.; distribution of, 334; map, 324; table, 376; demi- dolmens, rocking stones, 345 et seq.; Carnac, 350; Tiaret, 397.

Megalithic remains, how to study, 19; rarely in this country contain flint, bronze, or iron, 19; style uniform, 36; age of, 37; resemblance to Buddhist structure, 42 (see Kistvaens); mark battle- fields, family sepulchres, or graves of distinguished men, 15; great light as to, derivable from Irish remains, 175.

Melkart and Astarte, temple in Malta dedicated to, 425.

'Memorials of Service,' work of Major Charteris-Macpherson, 460.

Menhirs, 29; derivation of word, 57; where, ib.; purpose, ib.; single stones in Scripture, Greece, Etruria, ib.; rarely inscribed, ib.; in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, 59; France, ib.; at Lochrist, ib.; Denmark, 60 (see Monoliths); purpose of menhir in Khassia, 463; Western not after Tartar models, 452.

Menon, laws of, date of, 455.

Meriadec Conan, British Prince in France, 374; wars of, ib.

Merivale, bridge at, 55-6; parallel lines of stones at, 54; their purpose, ib.; avenue, circles, and cromlech at, 55-6.

Merlin, his bury, 84; his connexion with Stonehenge, 107; fable about, 133; explained, 412.

Mettray, allée couverte at, 341.

Mexican temples, 514; race non-progressive beyond a certain point, 19.

Mexico, carved stone monuments in, 517.

Miamisburgh, sepulchral mound at, 514.

Miana, circle at, 453.

Microlithic remains, 40, 41, 47.

Miegle, alleged burial-place of Guinevere, 134.

Note 1