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<< \new ChoirStaff <<
 \new Staff << \key b \minor \time 3/2
  \new Voice \relative f' { \stemUp
    fis2 b gis | aes2.^( b4) cis2 | d b1 | ais r2 | a gis fis | %eol1
    eis1 e'2 | d2.^( cis4) b2 | ais1 r2 | fis b gis | ais2.^( b4) cis2 %eol2
    d2 b1 | ais r2 | d cis b | a1 fis2 | g fis2.^( e4) | %eol3
    d1 r2 | a' gis fis | e1 e'2 | d2. cis4 b2 | ais1 fis'2 | %eol4
    e1 d2 | cis1 b2 | b1 ais2 | b1. \bar "||" }
  \new Voice \relative c' { \stemDown
    cis2 fis eis | fis1 fis2 | fis1 fis2 | fis1 s2 | cis e cis | %eol1
    cis1 cis2 | d fis1 | fis s2 | cis fis eis | fis1 fis2 | %eol2
    fis1 fis2 | fis1 s2 | fis a fis | fis2._( e4) d2 | e cis1 | %eol3
    b1 s2 | cis e cis | cis1 cis2 | d fis1 | fis d'2 | %eol4
    cis1 b2 | a1 fis2 | g fis2._( e4) | d1. } >>
 \new Staff << \clef bass \key b \minor
  \new Voice = "words" \relative a { \stemUp
    a2 d cis | cis1 ais2 | b d1 | cis r2 | fis, gis a | %eol1
    gis1 a2 | fis1 d'2 | cis1 r2 | a2 d cis | cis1 ais2 | %eol2
    b1 d2 | cis1 r2 | b2 e d | cis1 b2 | b^( ais) fis | %eol3
    fis1 r2 | fis gis a | gis1 a2 | fis fis d' | cis1 fis2 | %eol4
    a1 fis2 | fis1 d2 | e cis1 | b1. }
  \new Voice \relative f { \stemDown
    fis2 b, cis | fis1 fis2 | b,1 b2 | fis'1 s2 | fis e fis | %eol1
    cis1 a2 | b1 b2 | fis'1 s2 | fis b, cis | fis1 fis2 | %eol2
    b,1 b2 | fis'1 s2 | b a b | fis1 b2 | e, fis1 | %eol3
    b, s2 | fis' e fis | cis1 a2 | b1 b2 | fis'1 d2 | %eol4
    a'1 b2 | fis1 b2 | e, fis1 | b,1. } >>
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "words" {
 Where grip -- ing grief the hart would wound, and dol -- ful domps the mind op -- presse, There Mus -- ick with her sil -- ver sound is wont with spede to give re -- dresse; Of trou -- bled minds, for e -- ve -- ry sore, Swete Mus -- ick hath a salve in store. } >>

19. 'Green Sleeves,' see p. 74, and Wiv. 2/1, 60, etc. The tune is probably of Henry VIII.'s time.

{ \new Staff \key e \minor \time 6/8 \partial 8 \relative e' { \autoBeamOff
  e8 | g4 a8 b8.([ c16)] b8 | a4 fis8 d8.([ e16)] fis4*1/2 |
  g4 e8 e8.([ dis16)] e8 | fis4 dis8 b4 e8 | %eol1
  g4 a8 b8.([ c16)] b8 | a4 fis8 d8.([ e16)] fis8 |
  g8.[( fis16]) e8 dis8.[( cis16)] d4*1/2 | e4 e8 e4 \bar "||" r8 |%eol2
  d'4. d8.([ cis16)] b8 | a4 fis8 d8.([ e16 fis8]) |
  g4( e8) e8.([ dis16)] e8 | fis4 dis8 b4. | %eol3
  d'4. d8. cis16 b8 | a4 fis8 d8.([ e16)] fis8 |
  g8. fis16 e8 dis8.([ cis16)] dis8 | e4. e \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { A -- las, my love you do me wrong to cast me off dis -- court -- eous -- ly. And I have lov -- ed you so long, de -- light -- ing in your com -- pan -- y, Green -- sleeves was all my joy, Green -- sleeves was my de -- light, Green -- sleeves was my heart of gold, and who but my La -- dy Green -- sleeves. } }
languages 2
Note 1