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CONTENTS. CnAPTER PAOB I. Introductory. — Extent of EMriRE in Twelfth Cen- tury. — Its Condition and Form of Govern^ient, . . 1 II. Weakening of the Empire by Attacks of the Seljukian Turks 13 III. Weakening of the Empire by Attacks from the North. 52 IV. Weakening of the Empire from Dynastic Troubles . 65 V. AVeakening of the Empire by the Crusades . . . .117 VI. Weakening of the Empire by Attacks from the West, 137 1. From Normans of Sicily 137 2. Foreign Colonies and Capitulations 144 3. The Warings 153 4. The Italian Colonies 160 VII. The Condition of Constantinople in 1200 180 VIII. The Preparations for a Crusade 227 IX. Arrival in Venice 247 X. Departure to, Conquest of, and Stay in Zara. . . . 259 XI. The Plot 265 XII. From Zara to Corfu 296 XIII. From Corfu to Constantinople 303 XIV. Flight of the Emperor Alexis and Restoration of Isaac. — Revolution in the City 315

Note 1