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Stephen Collins Foster. Stephen Collins Foster.


1. Way down up - on the Swa - nee rib - ber, Far, far a - way,

All up and down de whole cre a - tion, Sad - ly I roam,

2. All round de lit - tie farm I wan-dered When I was young,

When I was play- ing with my brudder, Hap - py was I,

3. One lit - tie hut a - mong de bush-es, One dat I love,

When shall I hear de bees a - hum-ming All round de comb!

Dere's wha' my heart is turn-ing eb - er, Dere's wha' de old folks stay.

Still long-ing for de old plan-ta - tion. And for de old folks at home.

Den man-y hap- py days I squan-der'd Man-y de songs I sung

Oh! take me to my kind old mud-der, Dere let me live and die.

Still sad - ly to my mem-'ry rush-es, No mat-ter where I rove.

When shall I hear de ban- jo tum -ming Down in my good old home?


All de world am sad and drea - ry, Eb - 'ry where I roam

Oh ! dar-kies, how my heart grows wea-ry, Far from de old folks at home.

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