1136 INDEX. Pago. Page. Navy Doparbncnb-Continued. New Bedford, Mass.—Coutiuued. appropriation for assistants, etc., Nautical appropriation for public building con- Alnianae office ._., 211, 702 tinued available ... 350 Naval Observatory . . . . . . 211, 702 land donated to, for public park .. 50 for clerks, etc., Bureau of Steam Eugi- New Hampahire Judicial D·iatrict, nearing ,.. 211, 702 terms of court, Littleton . - .., . . . . 7 Bureau of Construction and Repair- .211, 702 New Haven Coma., Bureau of Ordnance 211, 703 appropriation for breakwaters .. . 89 Bureau of Snmplien and Accounts - --212, 703 thr improvement of harbor -.-.. . - . . 89 Bureau of M 'cino and Surgery .--. 212, 703 fog signal established Southwest Ledge . . 454 Bureau of Yards and Docks . .---. 212, 703 New Jersey, for books and periodicals .--... . ...-.. 212, 703 appropriation for improvement of channel for contingent expenses ...-.-.-... 212, 703 between Staten Island and ..-..-.. . 90 for Navy -...-.._,,,,,.,.,.--,, 236, 715 New London Conn., for usval exhibit Wor]d’s Fair .--- 586 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 97 for printing and binding -...-..-.. 388, 611 New Merioan Printing Company, deficiency appropriation or Navy .- .31 22;; Ndeiipiency appropriation for advertising- . 299 $$6, " ow erica, for Joseph Fernandez ..-. -. ---- 8. 293 appropriation for support of Apache, etc., for owners of schooner "Kathleen" .--. 654 Indians in - 134 Navy- Yorda, for incidental expenses Indian services appropriation for maintenance ..-... --. .24.0, 719 in . ... . . -. 136, 629 Noah Bay Agency, for salaries, government in -- . ...-- 205, 696 appropriation for Indian agent at -.. 121, 612 for contingent expenses ... . . . .-.-. 205, 696 Neat Cattle, for legislative expenses -.-..-. 205, 696 appropriation for quarantine stations for .80, 740 · for surveyor-general; clerks -.-.-- .- . -217, 709 Nm! Cattle, Importation aj for contingent expenses --.. . .--..- 217, 709 Secretary of Agriculture to certify what deficiency appropriation for support, etc., countries are free from contagious of Indians .. --.. - ..-..-.-.. 312 N M kadiseases ..-. ... . -..--..---- 80, 740 f for Apache, ets., Indians in -.-..- . ---.. 632 c as ees to jurors an witnesses in .. . .---- appmgpgiou for investigation for iisu proclamation setting apart torest reservahory ..' ..-.--..-.-- 362 tion, Pecos River ...- . -----.--- 998 for gn;rv5ayDo£k boundary between, and right to take timber from public lands for M4 u 8 ota .. . .-. 370 mining, etc. urposes exten d to . odd-numbered sections Fort Randall reser- N,,,, 0,.;,,,,,,,, LawP $-;*3*; $:******1 *°» 0* °°h°°1·¤¤d°m· 555 eppropduzionéor salaries assistant treas- _ 693 ·--- - ----·-·--------····- o c .-...--- . -..- - ,.,.. rebntepito purchasers of lands of Otoe and 568 fm. 5;,-iis, ,1,;, mint at ______________ gg? 6% issourna dnansin -.------.-- . · · , s ____ ____ - N¢*3¤·¤l=¤ €*•¤·*¤·¥ Mlwoy Covzgou. _ xxié 1i:§til€»5t?if??.l?? g time extended for construction of bridge bridge ,,0,.0,, Mississippi Ri",. author, across Missouri River at Omaha, ized at ____________________ _ _ ______ 424 N I ’ · --·-•·-··· · ·-·--·-~-·-·· 234 Counogmlilufs made port of delivery un- 12 NQ!*PWQY1$$10D fol' survey of , _ , __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 115 Nm Bw", ·b:'· --•-• · · -··· · ·-··.. - . . . . . . . °;,!m?::;°{;m0r¤b1° diwhnge ___________ • _ 801 appromtgo; for inland waterway to 99 Nmnndiikiwr, Wi'. f I (I0 .3. . . ... 100 appropriation for survey of -.--.. 115 °f "“P“"'°'"°“ " ‘‘·········· · · ‘‘‘‘*‘ Ncponait River, Hm., New 1 ork,_ _ _ _ appropriation fm- gqpvgy of _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 113 aplvroprmtxou for dispatch ngunt .. . .220, 498 Nextucca. River, Oregon, pl 11¤W)'j§’¤l'i1 - - -..-.··-··· · ·--- 240 afpmpyiugiqn fe; mwoy of ____ ____ _______ 114 for salaries, assistant treasurefs ohice.209, 693 Net erlauda, for salaries, assay offico at .. . .. 20c, 696 Napprppdatlmngor minister .,..,, . ,_ _224, 497 £0l‘ ¤?lp¤¤9¤¤ .--..·-·- E- ----.. 205, @ enum irer . . or 1 no premises post·o co .. 7 appropriation for improvement of .,_,____ 99 for public building, reymirs .. . . 350 Neutrality Act, forpreventing obstructions, harbor . ..379, 601 appropriation for expenses ...,., ____ ____ 226, 499 deficiency appropriation for assay office -. 649 Nevada, building commission for new custom-house appropriation for incidental expenses rn- abolished .. . . . . 573 diem scrvicc in ---·-. - . 136,629 i New York Agency, for surveyor-general; clerks . . 217,709 1 appropriation for Indian agent at ... 122, 613 for contingent expenses. .. -- .. 217, 709 i New York Harbor, M Y., deiiciency appropriation for surveyor~gon· appropriation for improvement of harbor- 90 H8} ·--~—--- - -·----- - ------~--·.. - - 310 for unprovement of Buttermilk channel 90 foes to jurors and witnesses in ... 347 for entbrcing anchorage rules . . .,. 355 577 N<’*'¤d¢¤ -J96M'!/. for office expenses, preventing iujm-ion; Y apprgprigtign for Indian agen; at _ ____ _ _ 12], _ _____ _ ___ ______ _ _ _ _______ 3m' Nerada Volunteers, i for expenses steamer "Argus” . 379 601 dgfjcigucy appygpyiggjgn for ·¤·gvg]in§ gx- “Nilur-()(`[ ” _ _ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ ____ , ____ _ P011S9B-- ---- --.. .. ---- 311. 315, 18,669,672 New York Indiana, Nemlle, Joseph A., claim o£ referred to Court of Claims-- 426 deficiency appropriation for services . 290 New York Navy- Yard, New Bedford, Maas., _ sale of portion oi) authorized . 407 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 89 Newark, L . J., or survey ot harbor ...-. .. 113 immediate transportation privileges to . .. 5
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