Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/122

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 158. 1892. Q5 Improving harbor at Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Completing improve- nuwmm, wu. ment, fourteen thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Port Washington, Wisconsin: Completing im W1fs°"* W”’“”5"*°¤· provement, six thousand ilve hundred dollars. ` Improving harbor at Racine, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, R¤°i¤¤·W*¤· twenty-tive thousand dollars Improving harbor at Superior Bay and Saint Louis Bay, Wisconsin: Lf,}}§°,Q`Q'·; “{},‘§s S“"* Continuing improvement, seventy thousand dollars, a portion of which` may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be used in dredging in Superior Bay along the dock line between the Quebec Channel and the main channel opposite the base of Connors Point. Improving harbor at Sheboygan, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- Sh¤1>¤ygun.Wis. ment, twenty-Eve thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, A¤hI¤—¤d· Wi¤· forty-five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- T”° R*"°*¤·W*¤- ment, three thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor of refuge at Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wisconsin: W§§f"“°°“ my °“'“*· For maintenance of channel and piers, five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Oconto, Wisconsin: To maintain works, three omit, wa. thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Duluth, Minnesota, including repairs to the D¤1¤¤¤·Mi¤¤- canal, piers, the channel on the north shore of Saint Louis Bay, and the Saint Louis River, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, of which forty-flve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, in the channel of Saint Louis River above Grassy Point. And the Secretary of War is hereby directed to cause an investigation to be made Inventiigntiou or u- into the question of ownership of the ground on which is located the 'jI,f,,*jf$_°°°"P*°'"’¥ canal, canal entrances, and piers in this harbor, with the view of deter- . mining whether the grant and conveyance made by the city of Duluth, dated January ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, to the United States, and accepted by the United States in the river and harbor act V<>l·¤’5»1>·407· of August eleventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, covers the same in full, and make report thereof to Congress, and should it appear that a portion of the ground on which is located said canal, canal entrances, and piers has not yet been vested in the United States, to make such recommendations as may be necessary to the end that all the ground pertaining to said canal, canal entrances, and piers may become the property of the United States. Improving harbor at Grand Marais, Minnesota: Continuing improve- G*¤¤dM¤¤~*¤·Mi¤¤ ment, ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota: Continuing improve- A-$“*°B°Y· Mmment, thirty thousand dollars. Improving harbor and bay at Humboldt, California: Continuing im- H·¤¤}¤>i•i¢·¤¤¤- provement, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That P""’""· contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such mate- °°”'*”°**- rials and work as may be necessary to complete the present project of improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be _ _ made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one million five hundred L“'“"· and sixty-five thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving harbor at Oakland, California: Continuing improvement, °•“¤¤**·C*L one hundred and nfty thousand dollars. _ _ Improving harbor at Wilrnington, California: Completing improve- w‘“‘““g*°"· °‘L - ment, fifty-one thousand dollars. Improving harbor at San Diego, California: Continuing improvement, S“'*D*°g°· Cdfifty thousand dollars. _ _ Improving harbor at San Luis Obispo, California: Continuing im- S““I·““°"“P°·°“‘· provement, thirty thousand dollars. Ex..,...,,,t..,., fo, The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to appoint <1{¢;•>_pw¤*¤g;jx$y*;°§,§_j_¤ 3 board of live engineer officers of the United States Army, whose duty iu, gngrmmman. `

Note 1
Project 1