FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 380. 1892. 35] For United States mint building at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:>s. For purchase of site and commencement of building under present N"' ""“°· limit, six hundred and twenty thousand five hundred dollars, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation made by the act ap- \'ol.25,p.507. proved October second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight for an additional story to and enlarging the building, including vault, alterations and other necessary work for the United States Mint at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; which unexpended balance is hereby reappropriated for the object herein named. For old custom—house at Saint Paul, Minnesota: That balances of Sr.P=·u1.Ms¤¤. _ the appropriations for additional land adjoining the old building made ”“l““"°“ "°"°"‘”‘ “‘· by the acts approved August fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, "··1-‘=·l.1>1»-223»511- and March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, amounting to sixty-four thousand nine hundred and forty-three dollars and eighty- seven cents, be, and the. same are hereby covered into the Treasury. For court-house and post-office at Savannah, Georgia; That the rev- Savannah, ou. enue received irom the sale of the abandoned site may be placed to the ,,,£F°°'*"“ '""’"‘ ""' credit of the appropriation for said building, but this provision shall not be construed to increase the limit of cost of said building as now fixed by law. For marine hospital at San Francisco, California: For laundry and S¤¤Fm¤•=i¤q·>,<:¤l. machinery, ten thousand dollars. M""'" "°’*’“"l‘ For court-house, post-office, and custom-house at Sioux City, Iowa: sum City, rtw. For continuation of building under present limit forty thousand dollars. For courthouse and post-office at Sioux Falls, South Dakota: For Sioux Falls. mk. completion of building under present limit, forty thousand dollars. For post-ollice and court-house at Troy, New York: For completion rmy,1v.r. of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. For post-office at Washirngton, District of Columbia: For continuation washington, n. e. of building under present limit, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Y°“‘"°“°‘°· For Treasury building at Washington, District of Columbia: For Mmn rn ivrmrepairs to Treasury, Butler, and Winder buildings, twelve thousand u"' ' dollars. For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and pres- `_£3>l¤i¤¤ ¤¤·¤ r¤·¤¤¤¤·· ervation of custom-houses, court-houses. postoffices, marine-hospitals, ' quarantine stations and other public buildings under control of Treasury Department, two hundred' and forty thousand dollars; of which amount the sum of thirty thousand dollars to be used for the marine hospitals and quarantine stations: Provided, That of the sum umm. hereby appropriated, not exceeding ten thousand dollars may be used ""’"'“"’“"°"“· in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury in the employment of superintendents and others at a rate of compensation not exceeding, 1, ,t t, _ for any one person, six dollars per day: nor shall there hereafter be """ ° P"' paid more than six dollars per day to any person employed outside of the District of Columbia, in any capacity whatever, whose compensation is paid from appropriations for public buildings in course of construction, but the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, authorize payment in cities of eighty thousand or more inhabitants of a sum not exceeding eight dollars per day for such purposes. LIGHT Hotszs, Bnaoons AND Foe Smruns. »0£;g2;i¤?_3;·Lzkn:r;»· Blldalo Breakwater Fog Signal, Lake Erie, New York: For estab- YB;*`**l° B*°*k"¤'•*¤‘ lishing a fog signal at Butialo Breakwater, north end Lake Erie, New " ` York, four thousand three hundred dollars. Calm Meares Light Station, Tillamook Bay, Oregon: For making a Pape Mem-s. or-eg. Wagon road from Cape Meares Light Station to the Tillamook River, R'"` at an expense not to exceed five thousand dollars: Provided, That it *’*°¤**·>· can be paid for from the appropriation for constructing a light-house at Cape Meares, Oregon, approved March third, eighteen hundred and v·»1.24.p.s1z. eighty-seven, which payment is hereby authorized.
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