Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/513

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 168, 169. 1893. 487 SIGNAL SERVICE. Signal service. For expenses of the Signal Service of the Army, as follows: Pur- 1¤¤p¤¤¤¤¤· chase, equipment, and repair of Held electr·ic telegraphs, signal equipments, and stores; binocular glasses, telescopes, heliostats, and other necessary instruments, including absolutely necessary meteorological instruments for use on _target ranges; telephone apparatus (excluding exchange service) and maintenance of the same; maintenance and mmm, ,,,,%,,,1,,, repair of military telegraph lines, including salaries of civilian em- linesployees, supplies and general repairs, and other expenses cdnnected with the duty of collecting aud transmitting information for the Army by telegraph or otherwise twenty-two thousand dollars. For construction, maintenance, and repair of a military telegraph rsisgl-apr, rm line from Fort Ringgold, Texas, to Fort McIntosh, Texas, seventeen ‘1"° Fm “°‘ thousand dollars. GONTINGENT EXPENSES. U°¤**¤g*>¤* °¤P¤¤¤*=¤· For contingent expenses of the office of the Commanding General, in a,E“],'§,‘Q;‘j“‘“”g G°“"" his discretion, one thousand seven hundred and nity dollars. For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several military _ Headquartersofruildepments, including the staif corps serving thereat, being for the """ ‘“"“'"“““'“‘ purchase of the necessary articles of ofllce, toilet and desk iirrniture, binding, maps, books of reference and police utensils, three thou and dollars, to be allotted by the Secretary of War. Approved, February 27, 1893. CHAP. 169.-An act to authorize the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad February 27, 1893. Company to construct and operate arailroad, telegraph, and telephone line through ww; the Indian Territory, and for other purposes. Be it enacted In; the Senate and House of Itepresentatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Kansas City, Pittsburg K¤¤¤¤s City. Pimand Gulf Railroad Company, a corporation created under and by virtue REL? €,¥,?,,E§,`{,i,$ Iglt of the laws of the State of Missouri, be, and the same is hereby, in- gg;·¤¢{g;;;¤iLr·;g;}_1ii¤:· vested and empowered with the right of locating, constructing, operat- and remziuy. l ing, using, and maintaining a railroad, telegraph, and telephone line through the Indian Territory, beginning at a point on the south line or Location. Cherokee County, near the town of Galena, in the State of Kansas, and r·unning thence in a southerly direction through the Indian Territory or through the State of Arkansas and the Indian Territory, by the most feasible and practicable route, to a point on the Red River, near the town of Clarksville, in the State of Texas, with the right to construct, use, and maintain such tracks, turnouts, sidings, and extensions as said company may deem its interest to construct along and upon the right of way and depot grounds herein provided tbr. Sec. 2. That said corporation is authorized to take for all uses of a mgmnr way. railroad, telegraph, and telephone line, and for no other purposes, a right of way one hundred feet in width through said Indian Territory, W*·¤¤· and to take and use a strip of land two hundred and fifty ieet in width, with a length of three thousand ieet in addition to right of way, for _ stations for every ten miles of the road, with the right to use addi- s““‘°“’*°*°· tional grounds where there are heavy cuts or fills as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of the roudbed, not exceeding one hundred feet in width on each side of said right of way, or as much _ thereof as may be included in said cut or till: Provided, That no more P""?""" than said addition of land shall be taken for any one station: And “"“'· provided further, That no parts of the lands herein authorized to be L=¤¤•1¤·>¢¤>l><>¤<>1¤~ taken shall be leased or sold by the company, and they shall not be m` used except in such manner and for such purpose only as shall be necessary for the construction and convenient operation of said railroad,

Note 1