Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/587

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 203. 1893. 56] Washington, they will sign a contract as the Secretary of the Interior may determine. This is agreed to on condition that the United States shall pay their expenses and subsist them to Washington and return. “ Done at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, this 29th day of August A. D. 1891. · DAv1n H JEROME,Sig¤¤¢¤r¤¤· WARREN G. SAYRE, ALFRED M. WILSON, U. S. Commissioners. Oorc QUA No CASEY (his x mark) KrsH o CAM MEE (his x mark) JOHN T. HILL. Atwst: CHAs. S KING. “ We, the undersigned, head men of the Kickapoo tribe of Indians cmmcmnn. in the Indian Territory, have had interpreted and fully explained to us the foregoing agreement, and we hereby, as representatives of said tribe, agree to the same and further certify that the power of attorney referred to was executed by the persons whose names are signed thereto and that they each understoodits contents and meaning.

  • ‘ Witness our hands at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, this

29th, day of August, A. D. 1891. WASH E HONE, his mark. WA PA- Ko THE WAH, his mark. Nor: NA QUA PE WAJ1, his mark. QUA KEN NA HAH, his mark. K1sH AH TUN HUH, his mark. J OSEPH WH11>1-LE, his mark. In presence of- “ CHAS. S Knve. . “ DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR. Washington D. C.

  • ‘The Kickapoo tribe of Indians having agreed upon terms of sale of Announcement of

their reservation with the commissioners for the United States, except ff];"‘;;;‘;§,ff5€"},‘j.“*,‘,i>g the commissioners insist on the Indians taking lands in allotment, Interior. while the Indians insist on taking an equal amount of land as a diminished reservation, the title to be held in common, and having further agreed to abide by the decision of the Secretary of the Interior in the premises, and that said lands shall be taken in common or in allot ment as he shall direct, and that a contract shall be signed as he may determine: “(All of which more fully appears by an agreement dated August An»t·.p. ss1.· 29th. 1891, and a power of attorney dated August 16th. 1891, hereunto Anz¢,p.sss. annexed.) And said question having been submitted to the Secretary by the commissioners in person and by said Indians, appearing by their delegates, Ock·qua—noc-a-soy, Kish—0—com·me, and John T Hill, and having been duly considered, "Now, I. John W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior, and as said psd3i0n_ Secretary, do hereby decide that the Kickapoo Indians take their lands Lam], t,, 1,,,,,,;.,,,,,, in allotment and not to be held in common, and I so direct. ¤U°*¤¤¤*· _ "Let the contract, so far as the question submitted is involved, be signed in accordance with this decision. _"D0¤e this ninth day of September, A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety one. ¤*JoHN W. NonLE. S,g,,,,,,,,,,_

    • Secretary of the Interior,

“Wape Mee Shay Waw, \Vashe He Hoon, Waw Patte Co Se VVay, Wah Matte Qua P Yoka, Pa Mee Thout, No Kee Thow, Ta Kak Thee, Mee Re Aj Quaw, The Ourouh Baugh, vox. XXVII—36

Note 1